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How big is the first update..?

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  • How big is the first update..?

    I'm just downloading my first FFXI update and it's 14095 big is that in gigabytes? I seriously can't exceed my bandwidth limit.

  • #2
    Re: How big is the first update..?

    7.39 GB. (7,942,098,944 bytes). Always like that for the first update. If you've never updated before you probably missed a good 50+ updates, many of those being the bi-monthly (or tri-monthly) huge ass Version Updates which suck to download but are so very worth it! =D

    Edit: Okay I have a few extra things in my FF folder so it probably isn't quite 7.39 GB. I'd say at least 7 GB with the TOAU, CoP, and Zilart expansions not including the programs I have in my folder but. . . If you only have the basic game (Which should include Zilart), I believe it will be 3-5 GB. It's big nonetheless.
    ~~Fayttt of Diabolos
    PM8-4: (Aka Finished): Dawn, ZM17 (Aka Finished): Awakening, Windurst 8-1: Vain


    • #3
      Re: How big is the first update..?

      Originally posted by Fayttt
      Always like that for the first update. If you've never updated before you probably missed a good 50+ updates
      Irrelevant as the updates are cumulative. If a file has changed multiple times you only get the latest one.

      It's an update not a complete reinstall, and it's not 7GB. A few hundred MB at most. Most of it is information that is not very large, only a few files would be textures or audio.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #4
        Re: How big is the first update..?

        It's not 7gb..
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: How big is the first update..?

          Really? So, around 500 megabytes, you think?


          • #6
            Re: How big is the first update..?

            I doubt anyone can say how big it is.

            But i know i would not have downloaded 7gb in an afternoon, which is how long it took me to update the game from scratch a month ago
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • #7
              Re: How big is the first update..?

              Yeah, I second that.
              Downloading from POL is supposedly slow, and my friend started FFXI for PS2 recently, he had to update it all the way from NA PS2 launch, yet it only took about 3-4 hours.

              That, and the space FFXI took up on the PS2 HDD didn't even increase noticeably after that... (maybe +x00mb, but I would definetely keep it under 1GB)


              • #8
                Re: How big is the first update..?

                Ya I reallized it's not 7 GB I just called out the size of my FF folder thinking that was all from the update forgetting I did install some of that too. I was tired.
                ~~Fayttt of Diabolos
                PM8-4: (Aka Finished): Dawn, ZM17 (Aka Finished): Awakening, Windurst 8-1: Vain

