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time to move on? ;_;

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  • time to move on? ;_;

    ... yeah. i'm now a 15THF, and for the past few levels, i had been farming in Giddius. i hear quite a bit that "the dunes" is the next hip place to level in, but i haven't really picked up when would be the point in my character's life to move on away from Windurst to the "next stage." i'm now trying to procure the funds to get the best armor appropriate for my character, so when i get that done, can i still do well solo-ing in Giddius and/or Tauhrongi, or is it time for me to party down in dunes?

    what the hell are the dunes, anyways?

  • #2
    Re: time to move on? ;_;

    From windurst, best way is to go to Buburimu, to Mhaura and take the Ferry there. Talk to the NPC at the pier, it will tell you which destination the ferry is going. You need the one going to Selbina.

    Selbina is located in the middle of Valkurm Dunes. From VK Dunes, there's La Thaine to the north and Konschtat to the south. These 2 zones are equivalant to Tarongi. La Thaine is easier to reach by the way, and is very close to Sandoria.

    You can look up the map here
    Look for Zukheim region, to the left side of the world map.

    By the way, what are the equipment you're aiming for?
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: time to move on? ;_;

      The dunes are where almost everyone goes to level even though everyone hates it and there are a lot of other options at that level for people to exp in.

      For you to get there you'd go from Sarutabaruta to Tahrongi Canyon and then through Buburimu Penninsula to Mhaura, where you'd take a ferry to Selbina which is in Valkurm Dunes.

      Honestly though if you just want to solo you can fight mobs in Tahrongi until 20 at least. It can be pretty slow going, but you get to keep all of your drops.


      • #4
        Re: time to move on? ;_;

        Dunes... :shudder: i don't like it BUT its the best next step being as there you have a good chance of getting Damsel Worm (i think i forgot if it was worm or Larve) and Crab Apron (that im sure of) The exp is good ... but make sure you check the mobs ... try and stay to just ITs ... if you feel saucy IT+ ... if you are in an outstanding PT (some people have subjobs already meaning vets ) Definitly go for the IT++s upon their discresion that is ... that gets you best exp and outta dunes fastest then on your merry way to Khazam erm ... Quifm island ... Then Khazam... and of course i did'nt mention earlier those items in case you did'nt know are for the subjob quest in selbina Happy hunting and Good Luck ^_^

        Which FF Character Are You?

        /check Onikuma

        No /check for my other char yet :-(


        • #5
          Re: time to move on? ;_;

          There is, of course, also a subjob quest in Mhaura, but very few people do it.


          • #6
            Re: time to move on? ;_;

            Really ? LoL news to me whats the quest there same thing different place? or is it somethin cool ?

            Which FF Character Are You?

            /check Onikuma

            No /check for my other char yet :-(


            • #7
              Re: time to move on? ;_;

              quest in mhaura is a lot easier than selbina in terms of drop rate. You need 3 items, 1 from rabbits, 1 from dhalmel and 1 from the bogy-looking ghost. Compare to selbina's magick skull, the ghost in buburimy are very easy to find and they drop almost 100%. The ghosts are higher level than ghoul tho, but if you have some higher level helper, this can be 100 times faster than hunting ghouls.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: time to move on? ;_;

                SWEET Thanks alot for the info Jei!!! I have a taru mage over there that i need to get subjobbing with soon ! You made my day ^_^ LoL i just read your sig thats awesome ...

                Which FF Character Are You?

                /check Onikuma

                No /check for my other char yet :-(


                • #9
                  Re: time to move on? ;_;

                  I'm sure you're all familiar with Valkurm. For those of you who are not, let me describe it for you.

                  Imagine a beautiful, tropical beach complete with palm trees and exotic wild life. Nestled in this gorgeous oasis is a quaint fishing village that acts as a port for a rustic ferry.

                  Now, imagine a beach rampant with stupidity. Truly, the air is thick with the mindless, senseless, often grammarless cries of the uneducated. Next to the beach you will find a pile of corpses. Under the plam trees, corpses. Next to the quaint fishing villages, corpses.

                  Did I mention the corpses?
                  quoted from Goblinsmithy ^^
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #10
                    Re: time to move on? ;_;

                    You do not *have* to go to the Dunes; unfortunately, it seems like few others in the game realize that there are other options. For both leveling and subjobs. I remember when I could xp in Shakhrami and Buburimu and Korroloka... not so much nowadays. And apparently every group needs a powerleveler, because you can't be expected to actually build a good, functional group.

                    /rant. If you have friends of the same level or people in an LS of the same level, you could try to take advantage of these lesser-known areas. If not, and you don't feel like seeking for hours, head to Valkurm.


                    • #11
                      Re: time to move on? ;_;

                      thanks for all the replies!

                      it's a bit of a relief that the valkurm dunes isn't the only place to go, but what would be the alternatives? i've been pretty much solo-ing all this time, and i'm anxious for a group at last. but i've heard so many horror stories about the dunes ... i suppose i should try a hand on crafting my own parties.

                      unfortunately, though, i have not yet found myself a stable linkshell and regular people for my friendlist. ;o; i guess the LFP sign would be a permanent item of attire for me for a long while.


                      • #12
                        Re: time to move on? ;_;

                        Best way to summarise the Dunes...


                        • #13
                          Re: time to move on? ;_;

                          I love dunes^^ I've only had 1 or 2 bad parties. Once a guy came with a PL and because of that he thought he could pretend he was leader, little did he know I had a person coming to replace him *evil laugh*.

                          I do see a lot of people running from goblins and bogys, luckily I've only had that happen 1 or 2 times to me and my party came running to help.


                          • #14
                            Re: time to move on? ;_;

                            if you can get some mages and smns together, or some rangers, go to the maze of shakrami and hunt worms... you can take them to lvl 16 no empress band for 150 each. after that its time to head to bubu and do bunnys and mandys till 18. then you can play with the birds and dahmels till lvl 20... but that does mean getting a pt there...

                            and xp in the dunes slows at lvl 18 on pugils... i don't remember it slowing that much in bubu...
                            it wasn't me... no wait... it was.


                            • #15
                              Re: time to move on? ;_;

                              I prefer the penisula any day over the dunes, folk dont like to travel there and getting a party of folk that you dont know out there sucks >.>
                              Blm 75 - One and only love! Lets nuke!
                              Originally Posted by Kirsteena
                              Oh crap, lock down your beer.....
                              Originally Posted by Sethe
                              With Kutu around no alcohol is safe. Hide ya beer!
                     - Endgame EU ls, bahamut server

