Heh, I just decided to FINALLY buy the game and ordered it (can't get it in shops here
Anywho. I got a few new player questions, (surprise!) Don't be scared by the amount, if you only feel like answering 1 question that's fine too :D
1. How is the community? I played WoW for a while but absolutely hated it because the people had no interest in each other what so ever, I found it very hard to make friends. Is it different per server? What servers would be considered 'kinder' and where are the assholes?
2. Are there many new players? I reckon I will need players of my own lvl to party/lvl with, are there certain servers where everyone is high-end and others that probably are new so with new players? It's no fun to start in a region where there's no one else, just because everyone has a much higher lvl already.
3. Do you have to pick specific skills? In the game I played longest (Ashen Empires), one character can lvl up every single skill in the game - although the success rate depends on your attributes (str/dex/int/con) so it would be very hard to lvl some. I loved that system very much. But in WoW, if you pick tailoring you will never be able to do blacksmithing. How does this work in FF XI?
4. Are there (unofficial) language based servers? Even though english isn't my first language, it always annoys the hell outta me when people speak non-english.
5. What is this 'world pass' thing?
6. Is it possible to have more then one character, and would there be any reason to have that? (one mage and one warrior, just because you like both, for example, or would it be impossible to invest enough time in that) And how long would it take to max a char on average? Does it differ per class (erm, job.)?
7. Is this one of those games where the fun only begins when you're past a certain lvl? I'm a very slow lvler so I can't be bothered to invest 2 months of powerlvling to only have fun after that.
8. (Wow, this questions just start popping up as I type them).(Darn, that distracted me and I forgot the question >.<)
9. (Oh yes I remember.) Are there server wide chat channels? Do you have to specifically join them? Or do you only speak to people near you?
10. And last but not least, any starting tips? =D
Well, I ordered it but don't have it yet, so sorry if some of these questions are automatically answered by starting up the game. Thanks in advance =D

Anywho. I got a few new player questions, (surprise!) Don't be scared by the amount, if you only feel like answering 1 question that's fine too :D
1. How is the community? I played WoW for a while but absolutely hated it because the people had no interest in each other what so ever, I found it very hard to make friends. Is it different per server? What servers would be considered 'kinder' and where are the assholes?
2. Are there many new players? I reckon I will need players of my own lvl to party/lvl with, are there certain servers where everyone is high-end and others that probably are new so with new players? It's no fun to start in a region where there's no one else, just because everyone has a much higher lvl already.
3. Do you have to pick specific skills? In the game I played longest (Ashen Empires), one character can lvl up every single skill in the game - although the success rate depends on your attributes (str/dex/int/con) so it would be very hard to lvl some. I loved that system very much. But in WoW, if you pick tailoring you will never be able to do blacksmithing. How does this work in FF XI?
4. Are there (unofficial) language based servers? Even though english isn't my first language, it always annoys the hell outta me when people speak non-english.
5. What is this 'world pass' thing?
6. Is it possible to have more then one character, and would there be any reason to have that? (one mage and one warrior, just because you like both, for example, or would it be impossible to invest enough time in that) And how long would it take to max a char on average? Does it differ per class (erm, job.)?
7. Is this one of those games where the fun only begins when you're past a certain lvl? I'm a very slow lvler so I can't be bothered to invest 2 months of powerlvling to only have fun after that.
8. (Wow, this questions just start popping up as I type them).(Darn, that distracted me and I forgot the question >.<)
9. (Oh yes I remember.) Are there server wide chat channels? Do you have to specifically join them? Or do you only speak to people near you?
10. And last but not least, any starting tips? =D
Well, I ordered it but don't have it yet, so sorry if some of these questions are automatically answered by starting up the game. Thanks in advance =D