wat is the best way and cheapest way to make money at a really low level ... 18 combat is highest and 3 alch is highest craft others are like 0 ... like all of them
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65RDM/32BLM/19WHM/20NIN40BLU/24THF/20NIN40DRK/20WARSpider Torque <mine>HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>Phantom Earrings <mine><Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>
Remora Server - RavdZM-8PM-4-3Rank 6
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Re: money
.... srry i didnt even kno there was a search thing it took me a sec of looking all over but i found it lol its just cause im blonde it took so long ... and that im a guy with blonde hair to top it off65RDM/32BLM/19WHM/20NIN40BLU/24THF/20NIN40DRK/20WARSpider Torque <mine>HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>Phantom Earrings <mine><Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>
Remora Server - RavdZM-8PM-4-3Rank 6
58 Cooking
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Re: money
Farm bees and crawlers in Tahrongi, Bees and Yagudo in Giddeus, or Bees, Saplings, and Lizards in Konschtat. Bees drop Beehive Chips, Crawlers drop Silk Thread, Yagudo drop Yagudo Necklace, Saplings drop Grain Seeds, and Lizards drop Lizard Skin. All of them sell well on the AH, but necklaces don't stack and only sell well in Windurst. Wild Onions are good too. They're dropped by Goblin Thugs in any number of places.
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Re: money
Tahrongi??? Giddeus???? Konschtat ... that one i kno ... i think highlands? and what iv been doing is buying the beehive chips whenever ah has them like the singles and then alching them into wax but it takes a while to get them and my other thing im thinking about doing is buying them and stacking them cheap ... like 12k for all then selling them for 30-40k but theres never enough chips and i dont have enough starting money lol65RDM/32BLM/19WHM/20NIN40BLU/24THF/20NIN40DRK/20WARSpider Torque <mine>HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>Phantom Earrings <mine><Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>
Remora Server - RavdZM-8PM-4-3Rank 6
58 Cooking
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There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: money
tyvm65RDM/32BLM/19WHM/20NIN40BLU/24THF/20NIN40DRK/20WARSpider Torque <mine>HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>Phantom Earrings <mine><Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>
Remora Server - RavdZM-8PM-4-3Rank 6
58 Cooking
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Re: money
If you're from Windurst, Yagudo can be very awesome for making easy money at lower levels. Take a stack or two of Wind Crystals to Giddeus, and whip up on as many Yagudo as you can. As your bag fills up with Yagudo Necklaces, use a Wind Crystal to carve each one into 3 grass threads. Not only will this make for more space-saving in your bag as you collect the necklaces, you can sell the Grass Thread for pretty good money, and also level up your Clothcraft. (Yagudo Necklace + Wind Crystal = Grass Threadx3 is a level one Clothcraft skill)PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
Rockman - Fairy
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Re: money
I think he's from Bastok, since he only recognized Konschtat from my list. You can make some good money fishing moat carp, too, if you don't want to go out and fight anything at the moment. Go to Region Info > Conquest in the main menu and see if Bastok has a 1 or a 2 by it in the top right corner. If it does, you can pick up Little Worms at Boytz's Knickknacks behind the Bastok Mines auction house. Pick up a Carbon Rod at the auction house, or a Halcyon if you have the money, and cast your line pretty much anywhere in Bastok or the mines where there's water. When the fish bites you fight it down by holding the opposite direction that the rod is pointing and then hitting enter when the bar is empty. On my server moat carp sell for 12-15k a stack.
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Re: money
yeah im not from bastok either lol im from sandoria lol the center of nowhere i just new the highlands cause iv meet up with my cuz a few times there65RDM/32BLM/19WHM/20NIN40BLU/24THF/20NIN40DRK/20WARSpider Torque <mine>HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>Phantom Earrings <mine><Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>
Remora Server - RavdZM-8PM-4-3Rank 6
58 Cooking
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Re: money
another idea is to switch to a level 1 job, get signet from the gate guard, and go level it. sell the crystals you find. concentrate on killing easy prey when you do it this way, so that it will take you longer to level and so it will give you more items.
if you level up in ghelsba outpost (you can go there as early as level 4) most mobs there drop fire crystals, which sell very, very well.
ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
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Re: money
alrright ty65RDM/32BLM/19WHM/20NIN40BLU/24THF/20NIN40DRK/20WARSpider Torque <mine>HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>Phantom Earrings <mine><Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>
Remora Server - RavdZM-8PM-4-3Rank 6
58 Cooking
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Re: money
As a low level from Sandy, I spent much time turning in rabbit hides and bat wings to the quest NPCs, which gave minimal gil, really, but also raised my fame so I didn't have to worry about it later.
Sellling crystals on the AH is a really easy way to make money, if you're not going to use them to craft right away. Also, if you kill Carrion Worms, which aren't too far out the gate of Sandy, zinc ores drop from them and they sell well because of the Norg fame thing. (I've seen them in bazaars for almost 5k at times, though they usually average about 3k.)
Ghelsba is also a good place to go, I've seen the Orcs there drop some low level gear and weapons there, which can be sold for a few "k" on the AH.
Basically, just kill stuff and don't drop anything. 2 or 3k at a time may not seem like much, but it all adds up. Even at level 50 I'm still selling stuff for peanuts and watching it just add up. That's what farming is all about, really.sigpic
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Re: money
lol so far the best way iv found is to have some random guy save ur life give u 100k then go start a up a casino lose 40k then stick with this one rich chick and get up 90k from the 100k lol and i still do it with her lol we do like 20-40k bets each time lol65RDM/32BLM/19WHM/20NIN40BLU/24THF/20NIN40DRK/20WARSpider Torque <mine>HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>Phantom Earrings <mine><Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>
Remora Server - RavdZM-8PM-4-3Rank 6
58 Cooking
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