Re: How to politely decline a party invite?
It may be ignorant at your level to pick and choose pts but at my level I don't see how someone couldn't. There are SO MANY things I could be doing with my time that there is a set number of limit/experience points per hour I must meet or I will not party. I know its elitist and perhaps not fair to those jobs that can't obtain that figure but it is my choice. There are plenty of tanks on my server more than willing to toil away for 4-5k per hour. Because of this I don't feel obligated in the least to tank a traditional party on NIN unless its for LS members.
Originally posted by Gawaine
It may be ignorant at your level to pick and choose pts but at my level I don't see how someone couldn't. There are SO MANY things I could be doing with my time that there is a set number of limit/experience points per hour I must meet or I will not party. I know its elitist and perhaps not fair to those jobs that can't obtain that figure but it is my choice. There are plenty of tanks on my server more than willing to toil away for 4-5k per hour. Because of this I don't feel obligated in the least to tank a traditional party on NIN unless its for LS members.