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How to politely decline a party invite?

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  • #16
    Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

    Originally posted by Gawaine
    Ya that is ignorant to pick n choose the pts you want but if your a high demand job you gonna have to learn to deal with lots of invites. Sometimes I just completely ignore them its funny to see what they start spamming at you. ><

    It may be ignorant at your level to pick and choose pts but at my level I don't see how someone couldn't. There are SO MANY things I could be doing with my time that there is a set number of limit/experience points per hour I must meet or I will not party. I know its elitist and perhaps not fair to those jobs that can't obtain that figure but it is my choice. There are plenty of tanks on my server more than willing to toil away for 4-5k per hour. Because of this I don't feel obligated in the least to tank a traditional party on NIN unless its for LS members.
    Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5 - Bahamut Endgame LS


    • #17
      Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

      Originally posted by capitalistnihilist
      It may be ignorant at your level to pick and choose pts but at my level I don't see how someone couldn't.

      Ya that is true but this is supposed to be a team game trying to interact and have fun with others while helping them out not just about how much exp per hour YOU can get. At the end of the day whats the big deal of one or two k less exp per hour if you had more fun doing it and made some good friends in the process.

      Which FF Character Are You?


      • #18
        Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

        Originally posted by capitalistnihilist
        It may be ignorant at your level to pick and choose pts but at my level I don't see how someone couldn't. QUOTE]

        Ya that is true but this is supposed to be a team game trying to interact and have fun with others while helping them out not just about how much exp per hour YOU can get. At the end of the day whats the big deal of one or two k less exp per hour if you had more fun doing it and made some good friends in the process.

        I'm not talking one or two k less an hour here man, i'm talking 5-7k less an hour depending on how good of a tp spam pt i can get together. Also, being the only voke against decorative weapons in a party that can barely get chain #5 is far from "fun."
        Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5 - Bahamut Endgame LS


        • #19
          Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

          Well I am just glad not everyone in this game is out just to get the best exp ever and get 75 faster as possible. If everyone thought like that this game would be no fun for anyone you cant always make the best parties due to the availability of people and its cool when people take a hit in exp to be cool and help at party out.

          Which FF Character Are You?


          • #20
            Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

            Originally posted by Gawaine
            Well I am just glad not everyone in this game is out just to get the best exp ever and get 75 faster as possible.

            /sigh QFT.

            I have too much shit I want to do in this game and not enough time (full time job and a wife). If I choose to maximize my gains while I am playing what business is it of anyone else's?

            You say you are glad not everyone is out to get best exp? Just wait til you end up with 5 of these complacent bastards in a party and you are scraping by with 2k an hour. I'll bet you might just change your tone then......
            Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
   - Bahamut Endgame LS


            • #21
              Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

              No need to get nasty guy all Im saying is that this is a game dude have some fun its not a full time job like some people make it out to be. Its not about how much you get done its about having fun doing it.

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #22
                Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                I'm not trying to be nasty. Some people just have different priorities is all. For some people (me) getting max reward for my effort is "fun!"
                Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
       - Bahamut Endgame LS


                • #23
                  Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                  I hear ya thats cool and all it just seems you get lost in the grind tho thats how I was too but I got burned out and stepped back from leveling and I am having more fun by helping new players and messing around then I did while grinding out levels every night.

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • #24
                    Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                    Getting 7-8k an hour is fun to me.

                    The aspect of paying to play, and the time it takes to do most things in this game are going to create a lot of people who want to have the most efficient party setup, and when you are a job that is highly wanted you have that freedom.


                    • #25
                      Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                      Just level an unpopular job and you'll never need to worry about it. But seriously I'll usuall tell them how long I'm going to be on, since I'll have my flag up if it's a long period, or what I'm doing instead of pt'ing. Farming, rank missions or quests, and I usually get a "thank you for responding" type message. There is one guy however who just keeps sending me a tell asking for me to join, over and over and over and over... but I've recently seen him levelling BST, guess he couldn't get anyone else

                      so my formula - no thanks + reason (time or whatever)


                      • #26
                        Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                        Thank you all for your replies. ^^

                        And just for the record, I was asking this question not because I want to pick and choose after I have my flag up, but because even as a level 13 mnk with no sub, I start getting invites as soon as I go anywhere near the dunes, whether my flag is up or not. I don't want to risk offending people by saying the wrong thing or not responding, because they may be people I need to pt with later on. Always thinking ahead, I am. lol


                        • #27
                          Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                          Originally posted by Theodora
                          Thank you all for your replies. ^^

                          And just for the record, I was asking this question not because I want to pick and choose after I have my flag up, but because even as a level 13 mnk with no sub, I start getting invites as soon as I go anywhere near the dunes, whether my flag is up or not. I don't want to risk offending people by saying the wrong thing or not responding, because they may be people I need to pt with later on. Always thinking ahead, I am. lol
                          If at any time you do not wish to receive party invites, use "/anon". Hide your job and level so you don't appear on the searches. When tooling around Vanadiel as a WHM, BRD, or RDM, I use /anon to hide my job to avoid party invites. If I don't receive the invite in the first place, I'm not in an awkward or lengthy explanation of what I'm doing. With /anon turned off, then I end up receiving party invites even when I don't have my party flag turned on.

                          Avoiding the situation usually works.


                          • #28
                            Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                            Do people really get upset if you turn down their invites? I've never had anyone say anything back to me if I refuse an invite. 99% of the time it's when my flag isn't up anyway so that should be indication enough that I'm not keen.


                            • #29
                              Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                              As Ninja, If my flag is up, i dont .

                              If it's not up i'll ask if theres' a dragoon in the party and if yes then i'll play. It's stilly but asura's endgame dragoon community is quite close, i dont think there's a long time 75 dragoon that i dont know. This way i know i'll be partying with a friend..


                              • #30
                                Re: How to politely decline a party invite?

                                If you dont have your flag up, nobody should get offended if you decline their invitation, your not showing any signs of wanting a party, so simply a {No thanks.} should be polite enough. But having your flag up and a search comment relating to the need of experience points and still declining an invite better be followed by an explanation, cause thats just ignorant IMO.

                                also, artaxerxes, IIRC i see you occasionally in Odin as a DRK a lil higher then me. Is that you or is it an imposter!?
                                Change the swords to words and lift continents.

