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Client download

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  • Client download

    Hello all, going to buy the game tomorrow and start playing! yay? hehe

    What I want to ask is, is their a download location to download the client? After I register my account/code etc, is there a place to download the client instead of installing it from dvd?

    The reason I ask is because I want to buy the Vana'diel collection but its dvd and I dont have a dvd-rom.

    Hopefully someone replies to me by tomorrow because I don't want to go buy the game if I can't download the client.

  • #2
    Re: Client download

    There is a downloadable client of FFXI, but you have to have a key to get it. How do you get a key? You have to buy a Logitech product to even get it. I warn ya, the game is a whopping 4 GB download (I think, need to conform this).

    Then you can always get a DVD-ROM drive; fortunately those aren't too expensive either (Got a sweet one for $30 after a $40 rebate). It hasn't failed me yet.
    Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

    Get creative and pretend these happened.
    Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



    • #3
      Re: Client download

      no, there is only a download client for the stand-alone FFXI game. you will not have any of the expansions.

      if you are going to spend $20 on the game, might as well spend another $20 for the DVD ROM.

      Thanks Yyg!

