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How much HDD space does this game take?

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  • How much HDD space does this game take?

    my PS2's HDD is full right now so much space is needed to reinstall the game + chains of promathia?

    i might resubscribe since i just found out they quit deleting after 3 months, but instead 12 months

  • #2
    Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

    It takes up almost 7gigs on PC.


    • #3
      Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

      I just had an idea
      I know run of the mill store baught harddrives will work with PS2, but are they compatible with FFXI?
      is there any reason why it wouldn't be since the PS2 HDD is just a normal harddrive?


      • #4
        Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

        I am almost positive you cannot. I'm not totally sure, but I would think that Sony would not allow any hard drives without a certian serial number, or something along those lines. I know that you can use a harddrive of any size & use them for game copies, like HDadvance, but if it isn't an offical HD, you won't be able to view the HD in the PS2's browser. (Which would mean you can play FF on it)

        You'd need to have the HD format disc, if it were to work at all.


        • #5
          Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

          If it's the same size, # of cylinders, etc. in the connection type (IDE) should be fine. If you can get a good one, with cache on it, it will be faster and less prone to freezing, which is a problem with many of Sony's manufactured hard drives.


          • #6
            Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

            Originally posted by Aeni
            If it's the same size, # of cylinders, etc. in the connection type (IDE) should be fine. If you can get a good one, with cache on it, it will be faster and less prone to freezing, which is a problem with many of Sony's manufactured hard drives.
            Not true. Sony locks out hard drives other than theirs via firmware. The official Sony HDDs are simply just Maxtor DIamondMax or Fireball 3 drives, but Sony has additional firmware put on them that all official software except Linux scans for. Official software will scan for that firmware and not find it on other hard drives, and will behave as if no HDD is present. The first thing I tried when I imported my HDD (for $285 US in 2002) and found out what specific brand and model it was, was to buy one from the store and try it. Nothing could make it be detected by any of my software with HDD support, until I got a Linux Kit in 2004 and tried it with that.

            As for how much space the PS2 version of FFXI uses... The original Japanese install used 5 GB for FFXI. Either the patches just before Zilart came out, or the installation of Zilart itself (my HDD was broken right around the time Zilart came out, for about 3 months, and I got it working just after I got it, so I don't know which) increased FFXI's partition to using 8 GB (each game seems to be on its own partition), and Promathia didn't increase it. I think there's still empty space in the partition so that the game has room to grow, but I imagine Aht Urgan will increase the partition size again. PlayOnline Viewer uses 1 GB. Tetra Master uses 256 MB. JongHowLo uses 512 MB.
   (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
            My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


            • #7
              Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

              what the heck is jonghowlo?


              • #8
                Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

                It's the MahJong game that came with my Japanese PlayOnline install, just liek Tetra Master. You can see the chat room for it in the chat section of PlayOnline Viewer, though the Front Mission Online and Fantasy Earth chat rooms seem to be hidden from NA and EU players... I think the NA version also has greeting cards available for the game, so I don't know why it wasn't available in the US version.
       (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


                • #9
                  Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

                  For those asking about PS2 harddrives it might be worth visiting this link

                  It is a Hardrive compatability drive table and has 35 pages of hardrives and how they react with the PS2. there is also discussion on things to attach an external hardrive to the PS2 slimline.

                  Here is a link to to an installation and formatting guide for harddrives for the PS2. Link

                  hope this helps


                  • #10
                    Re: How much HDD space does this game take?

                    Originally posted by Jarre
                    For those asking about PS2 harddrives it might be worth visiting this link

                    It is a Hardrive compatability drive table and has 35 pages of hardrives and how they react with the PS2. there is also discussion on things to attach an external hardrive to the PS2 slimline.

                    Here is a link to to an installation and formatting guide for harddrives for the PS2. Link

                    hope this helps
                    the linked list as well as the installation guide r for things like HDL, HDA, or Toxic OS for DMS. they r NOT for the official hdd units, on which ffxi or any other ps2 network games can only work.

                    edit: i'm not sure if it's ok to even mention names like HDL here, so if any mods find it not appropriate, just delete them off.
                    Last edited by bside; 01-04-2006, 12:03 AM.

