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Pc disconnect problems

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  • Pc disconnect problems

    Has anyone ever heard of soemting like this happening:

    FFXI disconnects every hour or so while in game, yet says it has lost the connection. While downloads running that would have stopped haven’t (so i started a download that would take hours and hours and mess up if i lost a connection, then started FFXI), so I think its something to do with FFXI or my network settings.

    Anyone have any idea what so ever?

  • #2
    Re: Pc disconnect problems

    well that happened to me a couple times when trying to download it y second time .. it happened twice then worked the third time so try again xD

    Which FF Character Are You?


    • #3
      Re: Pc disconnect problems

      It might be because you use Dial-up. I have seen various situations where Dial-up lags for 30 seconds every 5 minutes, d/c's after so long etc etc... If you do use DSL, only thing I can say is, make sure your firewall isn't interferring (Also check Windows XP firewall), don't have any other bandwith programs running and, you also could go to the first POL Viewer screen, the login screen, click on Network Settings and make sure Connection Check is disabled. Also set up your proxy here, if you use one.

      Double Post Edited:
      Besides.. if you tested downloading for over an hour, you made sure it aren't downloads that "auto-resume"? For example, BitTorrents, P2P's.. (Kazaa/Napster etc). ? Cause if then your connection d/c's, they will just continue from were the d/c started after connection is back.
      Last edited by Kittyneko; 12-16-2005, 08:26 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • #4
        Re: Pc disconnect problems

        downloads wernt auto resume, it was a normal download, hell ive been streaming music constantly while playing and that dosent drop out, I'm on T1 Broadband

        the thing that gets me is it worked fine before i started again, everything is the same but the router, and aparently it only DC's when on FFXI

        I reallly dont want to have to reinstall FFXI over this, then again I am out all of tomorrow . . .

        Oh and to note, its allways 1 hour AFTER starting, ive never had like 10 min after startng allways a good hour or so.

