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Another piece of RSE- the Sachet...

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  • Another piece of RSE- the Sachet...


    I have had my full set of RSE- Race Specific Equipment, for a good while now.

    I have recently become aware of another racial specific piece of equipment, the Sachet. I am not sure how long this item has been available, but i was recently in a party and a Hume was wearing one and talking about it.

    If you have not heard of these Sachets before you can find the stats for them

    What i am curious to know is, how does one go about obtaining these items.

    The vague information i have been given thus far involves fighting an NM on your races 'RSE week' but i do not know any of the specifics.

    If anyone has more specific instructions on how to aquire these items, it would be most appreciated.

    thanks in advance

  • #2
    Re: Another piece of RSE- the Sachet...

    You have to have a friend check RSE week if you've already finished. Go to that area (Shakrami, Gusgen, Ordelle) and find a ??? Depending on where you are you will spawn a different NM.

    They all look quite good and you just have to go the area that corresponds to your RSE quest. Look at an ??? spot and a lvl 40 mob pops named Aroma ______. Kill it and you might get the sachet.

    I ripped this of the KI boards, Credit goes to Ichthyos:

    Before I start, all the credit for this info goes out to my friends on Titan, Shimmy (for stumbling upon the Sachets that everyone's been looking for) and Avinor (for finding some more ???'s and verifying the information).

    In the recent summer patch, they introduced race-specific Lv30 throwing ammo with stat bonuses:

    Taru: INT+2
    Elvaan: STR+2
    Galka : VIT+2
    Hume: STR+1 INT+1
    Mithra: DEX+1 AGI+1

    To get them, you go look in the RSE zones for ???'s that pop in various places. Touch them to spawn the corresponding mobs listed below. I believe it has to be your race/gender combination RSE week in the zone for you to successfully spawn the NM, but this isn't confirmed. For best results, try it during your RSE week.

    Maze of Shakhrami - Aroma Crawler
    Gusgen Mines - Aroma Fly
    Ordelle's Caves - Aroma Leech

    The sachet doesn't drop 100% of the time. Shimmy is 1/1 and Avi is 1/3.

    Shim found his Aroma Leech ??? in the PLD Flag quest room. Avi can post with info about where he found his Aroma Crawler ???'s.

    Here are known locations for these ???'s with credit to those who found them:

    Maze of Shakhrami: "There are tracks left here by some foul creature."
    F-5 on the first map, near Attohwa Chasm zone (Avinor, Titan; Kaisha, Asura)
    J-6 on the first map, at the bottom of the dropoff (Avinor, Titan)
    H-4 on the second map, near northern Fossil Rock (Llama, Titan)

    Gusgen Mines:
    I-8 on the second map (the one with the Strange Apparatus) (Mertron, Fairy)
    H-8/H-9 on the map with Teleport-Holla Quest and MNK AF1 (smokeyser, KI)

    Ordelle's Caves:
    F-4 near the first rank missions (Kamakaze, Bismarck)
    G-8 near the Stalactite Dew for PLD Flag Quest (Shimmy, Titan; Sothis, Lakshmi)

    The whole post is here:

    Warrior TP Warrior WS

