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No prepaid cards!?

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  • #16
    Re: No prepaid cards!?

    Ya, my bank charges me the 50, The thing is, I didn't really want to send that much money to Epassporte the first time, just in case something happens. And by the way, I've applied for a credit card, n they keep denying me because Im under 18, and noone in my family will cosign. But I've heard nothing but good things about epassporte, so i figure I'll just send 100, and than i'll be good for like 8 months, and than i'll be 18, and they'll have no reason 2 deny me.

    Double Post Edited:
    Oh, by the way InuTrunks, I know how to use a credit card, its not free money, I dont even want one, i dont need it for anything other than FFXI, so I would only be chargeing the 15 a month on it. Nothing more.
    Last edited by Goodspeed; 11-10-2005, 11:16 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


    • #17
      Re: No prepaid cards!?

      Originally posted by bside
      there's West Edmonton mall visa gift card, which is the only prepaid visa card issued in Canada according to the visa's website. as for the mastercard, it doesn't seem there's any issued in Canada atm.
      Does this actually work outside of West Edmonton Mall? i.e. Online, outside Edmonton, etc.


      • #18
        Re: No prepaid cards!?

        Originally posted by BlackMageVivi
        Does this actually work outside of West Edmonton Mall? i.e. Online, outside Edmonton, etc.
        yes it does. it's basically a prepaid visa card that West Edmonton Mall happens to be selling. it works wherever visa is accepted, anywhere in the world incl. online.


        • #19
          Re: No prepaid cards!?

          Well if they send it through the mail, im set, but if you actually have to apply in person, im screwed.


          • #20
            Re: No prepaid cards!?

            heres an interesting article. It says there going to allow debit cards(none visa debit cards) but by the way there talking, it sounds like it will only be available in the european countries.

            Last edited by Goodspeed; 11-13-2005, 10:15 PM.


            • #21
              Re: No prepaid cards!?

              You can also get a VISA/MC at a bank that makes them for their Debit Cards


              • #22
                Re: No prepaid cards!?

                What are gift cards exactly? Precharged credit cards? and are they available in europe?

                War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


                • #23
                  Re: No prepaid cards!?

                  Originally posted by Zekisu
                  You can also get a VISA/MC at a bank that makes them for their Debit Cards
                  no offense, but unfortunately, things r different outside of US, and in many countries like Canada visa/mc debit cards do NOT come as standard.

                  and that's why ppl start threads like this.

                  Originally posted by Sweetkitty
                  What are gift cards exactly? Precharged credit cards? and are they available in europe?
                  what we r talking about here is a prepaid visa/mastercard.

                  while "precharged credit cards" might prove to be the best explanation, we try not to use the term "credit" due to the difference of where the funds r coming from.

                  as in credit cards, purchases r approved based on ur credit, meaning u r borrowing money from whoever the issuer of the card. debit cards on the other hand take the money off of ur bank acct when the transaction is completed, and for gift (or prepaid) cards of this kind, money is withdrawn from what's left w/ the card acct. to some extent debit and prepaid cards r similar, as they take money from what's actually there, but credit cards r totally different; u borrow money, and pay them back later.

                  however, they all share one same thing; they use either visa or mastercard network. (or in some cases, american express.) it's a matter of difference how the money is provided; credit by the card issuer, debit from ur acct, or whatever the amount left on the prepaid card. so, ultimately, all 3 kinds can be used wherever visa or mastercard is accepted, anywhere in the world.

                  for europe, epassporte service, whose link is provided above, falls into a prepaid visa card category w/ the re-loading capability. (some prepaid cards don't allow reloading of the funds.) they, however, do not provide the plastic card, so it's basically for online use only. (they do provide a plastic visa electron card for a fee, but not all visa merchants in the world r capable of handling electron cards, thus providing a limited usability as compared to standard visa cards.)


                  • #24
                    Re: No prepaid cards!?

                    Hi, im not sure if your still interested in this but in canada there is now a new prepaid credit card avalible, the website is

                    Btw ive had the EXACT same problem and just heard about it on the radio, so i get to play ffxi now :D

                    EDIT: now that ive gotten over my ethusiasm and looked over the "fine print" it cost $30 to get the card and $5 every month ($60/year) and the card expires in one year, so it will cost you $90 a year plus ffxi charges (about $180/year) it will cost you $270/year if you only use the card for ffxi.
                    Last edited by pearlsea; 11-17-2005, 11:13 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: No prepaid cards!?

                      Ya thanks anyways, well i turn 18 in a month, and than another 2 months waiting for the card in the mail, so i'll just play city of heroes, for the 3 months. And than i'll switch to FFXI, thanks anyways.

