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Using the same game twice?

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  • Using the same game twice?

    can i put ffxi on one computer then turn around and put it on a second computer with out paying more? the reason why i ask is my parents are divorced.and they have different computers and i dont want to end up paying more than i have to thanks

    -DEATH?? What is this word you speak of? I can not die I AM IMMORTAL

    -yeah yeah i at least heard 1000 of u say the same thing and they all felt tip of my blade

  • #2
    Re: Using the same game twice?

    yes you can.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Using the same game twice?

      Just what neighbortaru said, you just log in on one PC with the POL ID you have. It will not let you log in 2 computers at the same time though, if you attempted this it will login the one you just put the password in but kick the other person who was in it with that POL ID off.

      You can have multiple computers with it installed just which ever you are playing on will be the ONLY one to use that POL ID. This also works with PS2 you can play the PC account you have on your PS2 as well.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        someone has hacked my password what shood i do

        someone has hacked my password what shood i do (sorry im not good at english)
        (hackd) (shud)


        • #5
          Re: Using the same game twice?

          call square enix support

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #6
            Re: someone has hacked my password what shood i do

            Originally posted by Dezz
            someone has hacked my password what shood i do (sorry im not good at english)
            (hackd) (shud)
            Stop bumping old threads on completely unrelated issues?

