Are the frequency of monster drops affected by how close your level is to the monster's level?
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Monster Drops
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Re: Monster Drops
I've always been told, and operated under the impression that CHR and Moon Phase was what effected mob drops "the most."
However, I have noticed a number of times, if I was awarded EXP while killing a NM, I got the drop. But I must say, that I've only come across that circumstance like 3 times.
But the closer the Moon Phase is to Full moon, the better the drops. Again, this is what I've always been told, and since I've been told that, I seem to notice better dropps during that 4-6 hour span.Odude
PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4
Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1
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Re: Monster Drops
Officially SE say no, only treasure hunter has any effect on drop rates.
Unofficially, from what I've seen drop rates are higher the closer a mob is to your level. For example I used to be able to farm silk thread in Saratabaruta and still can with low level jobs but with high jobs the drop rate is too low, I need to farm in Crawlers nest for a decent rate now. I've noticed the pattern move through crawlers of different levels, Saratabaruta -> Tahrongi -> Parshhow -> Rollanberry -> Workers -> Soldiers etc.
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Re: Monster Drops
i found crawler drops about the same silk at all levels : / saruta is even faster than the nest because i can kill many with rng/thf or thf/rng. only problem is they are pretty far apart and many ppl also farm there. shakrami however is horrible for silk...There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Monster Drops
level never mattered to me. I think people get a placebo effect, since if you get xp you get cystals roll, which "feels" better.
More people though helps. max of 6 I guess for a pt.
The common theory around drops is that Treasure hunter trait give you an extra roll. So if you have 6 people you have 6 rolls, if you have 6 thfs you have 12 rolls, if you have 6 high level thieves you have a lot of rolls.
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Re: Monster Drops
i am quite certain that having more thieves on pt helps with drops
i had a thief friend 75 stand in saruta while he afk'ed for hours, and i was a thf 21 myself, i was getting crazy drops, i remember being really excited about it so i suppose it was great, whats better another friend was like 'hmm i need some silk... you want some company?' and so we ended up being 3 thieves with 2 TH2 and a TH1, quite possibly the best drops ever, for a while, i then noticed a decrease in drops after about an hour, but then i was already passing lots cus of no further space in inv, which is... in a word, hot.
ask a thf friend to leave his character on saruta while he sleeps or takes a shower, and go have fun ^^
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oh and by the way: silk is 37k a stack on ragnarok, poor weavers, rich me.signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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Re: Monster Drops
more people only means more crystals. not with the items imo. 1 crystal per member with signet.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Monster Drops
obviously some of use have never soloed farmed eyes for an O-hat. those to me at 70 gave me 25-50 exp per kill. an even with T.H1 i didnt see a drop. as i bst i never saw godly drops from the crawlers in burb penn. ive experienced to much to believe that to be true.
drop rates an things that effect them are all hidden variables. the best idea i can come up with is to imagine it as a set amount of squares. within these squares you have, crystals, seals, items, an empty spaces. its my understanding that T.H 1 or 2 or 3 will eliminate a set amount of empty spaces. thus improving the random chances to get an item.
sorry to burst your bubbles but having more T.H's in the group does not improve the drop rate. the strongest t.h takes presidence over the others. so t.h2 will null an void the rest of the t.h's.Last edited by little ninja; 07-20-2005, 02:17 AM.
Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.
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Re: Monster Drops
It might have some kinda bearing seens as a 56-58Thf TH2 can be 0/13 on a mob like LL while a few lv20-25 Blm/whm or War/mnks walk by and get random claims and get drop, but then that might just be down the extreme luck. On the opposite hand I talk to a lv75thf alot who also used to camp this bad boy alot, he had got drop like 61times outa god knows how many, but im sure it was more than 1/13, so there are probably alot of things that effect it but the end of the day someones just going to walk along without TH1/2 and get it,so go figure.75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
Woodworking 91.9+2
ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27
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Re: Monster Drops
Well I've pumped CHR up to like 35 and my drop rate is quite good with or without TH. As a side effect to I also pumped Darkness to about 40s, I've had very good experiences with drop rates in low level areas. Shakrami has actually been great for silks for me, but not if you are fighting the catapillars the other type is better.
With the huge boost I usually got about 1 silk every 1-2 crawlers killed.
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Other then my stats I haven't seen moon phase change anything. Though I have had it seem like certain days did something, for example Goobbues I had better drops on earthsday and horrible drops on watersday. Crawlers I've had lightsday seem better and earthsday seem horrible.
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Re: Monster Drops
I noticed that when a PT has me to replace a RNG/NIN (DRK/THF) on the first 3 kills, general responses are:
"Wow, check out the phat loot!"
TH makes a difference.My StatsMy Profile
Sky, Moon and Tavnazian access acquired.
Weapon Skills ...
Gaxe: 154 Steel Cyclone [_]
Axe: 181 Decimation [_]
Sword: 211 Savage Blade [_]
Gsword: 249 Ground Strike [_]
Scythe: 252 Spiral Hell [X]
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Re: Monster Drops
Originally posted by little ninjaobviously some of use have never soloed farmed eyes for an O-hat. those to me at 70 gave me 25-50 exp per kill. an even with T.H1 i didnt see a drop. as i bst i never saw godly drops from the crawlers in burb penn. ive experienced to much to believe that to be true.
drop rates an things that effect them are all hidden variables. the best idea i can come up with is to imagine it as a set amount of squares. within these squares you have, crystals, seals, items, an empty spaces. its my understanding that T.H 1 or 2 or 3 will eliminate a set amount of empty spaces. thus improving the random chances to get an item.
sorry to burst your bubbles but having more T.H's in the group does not improve the drop rate. the strongest t.h takes presidence over the others. so t.h2 will null an void the rest of the t.h's.
By adverages, I know that drops were significantly better with 2 thfs farming, as oppose to 1.
While this can be attributed to having more people, More treasure hunters can't hurt imo.
Thanks to ffxi parser it makes things a lot easier to test these things. After all any computer programer knows that there is nothing truly random in computers, only "random-like"
Most thfs say that the thf actually has to hit the enemy to benifit from treasure hunter not sure if just having an afk thf4 around helps.
Another taboo is to never use WS or SC to kill a monster. Maybe true, maybe false, but you might get slapped by thfs if you tried to do that on important drops.Last edited by kuu; 07-21-2005, 07:18 PM.
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