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Merit Points Question

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  • Merit Points Question


    I was wondering if it's possible to aquire merit points on one job and put them into another job category.

    On the POL Feb 24, 3005 version update they said. . .

    There are two conditions for using Merit Points on these abilities: the job to which the ability pertains must be set as the main job, and the main job level must be 75.
    So could I use my 75 RDM to gain merit points and then put those merit points into my THF so that they apply when I switch over to THF?

  • #2
    Re: Merit Points Question

    Yes, merit points are pooled and not exclusive to the job in which you earned them.
    However, you can only manipulate Merits for jobs which are 75.

    Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


    • #3
      Re: Merit Points Question

      Originally posted by DJplaeskool
      Yes, merit points are pooled and not exclusive to the job in which you earned them.
      However, you can only manipulate Merits for jobs which are 75.
      Just to expand on this slightly, the merits that are meant for only one job will only apply to that one job. For example, if I put merits into raising Double Attack 5% I wouldn't have that on my Ninja. Also, merits cap at earlier levels but you do get them. Though I haven't done any conclusive testing it seems that each stage "unlocks" every tenth level.
      【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


      • #4
        Re: Merit Points Question

        Yes, all limit points are pooled, and once you acquire merit points (every 10000 LPs = 1 Merit), you can choose to spend those merits anywhere you like, as long as you have access to that job's bonuses. However, as noted, while you can always choose to spend merit points in general categories like Combat Skills, you can only spend points in job-specific categories if the job you want to spend points on is at level 75 and currently set as your main job (i.e. my WHM is 75, my BRD is 75, and my RDM is 49. I can earn 10000 LPs for 1 Merit on my White Mage job, and spend the merit on my Bard job if I set my main job to Bard, but I can't buy Red Mage merits because that job isn't level 75).

        Also note that you don't get the merit effect with a job set as subjob. I've got 5 levels of cure cast time reduction (-20% casting time), and I don't see any benefit from it when I'm /WHM. I only get the benefit when WHM is my main job.



        • #5
          Re: Merit Points Question

          I see, thanks for the insight ^^


          • #6
            Re: Merit Points Question

            "For more detailed information on Moogle Merit Management, select "Game Guide" from the FINAL FANTASY XI top page and read the “Merit Points” section located in the manual under "Game Basics." "


            Title: Sergeant Major
            SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
            Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
            Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
            Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


            • #7
              Re: Merit Points Question

              Something to note. According to the online game manual:

              "The effect of attributes (str, dex, vit, agi, int, mnd, and chr) raised using merit points varies with the level of a player's current main job. The higher the level, the more influence the changes will have on a player's overall performance."

              So this answers your original question:

              Originally posted by Zempten
              So could I use my 75 RDM to gain merit points and then put those merit points into my THF so that they apply when I switch over to THF?
              But other than attributes (didn't mention mp/hp), only jobs lvl 75 are affected.

              Title: Sergeant Major
              SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
              Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
              Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
              Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


              • #8
                Re: Merit Points Question

                Thanks, I was wondering about that too ^^


                • #9
                  Re: Merit Points Question

                  Actually all non-job-specific merits carry over across all jobs.

                  HP/MP is pro-rated by some voodoo formula to your current job level, as noted above.

                  Attribute bonuses, from what I've been told, seem to hold true regardless of level.

                  Magic and Combat skills always have full effect, even on jobs that don't possess those skills. I have 3 levels of Enfeebling Magic merits (+6 skill), and I get those even when I'm on non-mage jobs, as well as on my level 50 RDM and 56 BLM, undiminished.

                  The Other category also appears to always be in effect. My -2 enmity merits function regardless of what job I'm on.



                  • #10
                    Re: Merit Points Question

                    Originally posted by Icemage
                    The Other category also appears to always be in effect. My -2 enmity merits function regardless of what job I'm on.
                    a blm in my old ls got full -enmity upgrades and went back to leveling pld without knowing that, well, poor tarutaru, lesson learned for the entire ls thats sure.

                    Keyura [Remora] ★ WHM52/BLM26 ★ BRD75/WHM37 ★ BLM62/WHM31 ★ SMN33/WHM16 ★ RNG15/WAR7 ★ BST19/WHM9 ★ (Active in Red)
                    Greenkingdom LS to chat, Akui LS for sky, and Higeki LS for dynamis.
                    Saroku [Unicorn] ★ WHM5 ★ (Active in Red)

                    Pingpong used his Masamune, but Keyura dodged! Pingpong's anger grows by 13.


                    • #11
                      Re: Merit Points Question

                      Thanks for all the explainations everyone, I was looking for this information and I kept getting useless posts until I finally used the search post topic button *sheesh* So many damn old threads need to go the way of the dinosaur and this one was exceptionally helpful.
                      Hacked on 9/9/09
                      FFXIAH - Omniblast

