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Why dont people understand xp/hr?

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  • Why dont people understand xp/hr?

    I've been in several parties lately and there is something that I have seen over and over.

    People seem to always want to fight the toughest ITs possible, even when it comes to fighting 1 or 2 and then having to fully rest.

    I have suggested that we go chain VTs for better experience over time but they insist on getting more XP per kill even with so much downtime.

    What is so hard to understand about this? It is better to get 150xp per kill chaing multiples resting every 10th then fighting IT++ getting 200 xp per kill and resting ever other one.

    People anger me sometimes.

  • #2
    Because it -is- in fact possible to chain IT++ mobs without having much downtime, it all depends on your PT set-up IMO, I would say it's worth a shot and see how your party handles the EXP, if it sucks, then I would say go back to VT's or lower IT's.


    • #3
      Originally posted by rpgcrazy
      Because it -is- in fact possible to chain IT++ mobs without having much downtime, it all depends on your PT set-up IMO, I would say it's worth a shot and see how your party handles the EXP, if it sucks, then I would say go back to VT's or lower IT's.
      His point is though that players still insist on fighting IT++ and killing only 1-2 every 5-10 min. instead of fighting VTs and kill 6+ every 5-10 min.

      IT++ (2 killed 250 Exp, 312 Exp) = 562 every 5 min.

      VTs (6 killed 120 Exp, 150 Exp, 180 Exp, 210 Exp, 240 Exp, 270 Ex[) = 1,170 every 5 min.

      IT++ EXP/HR = 6,744
      VT EXP/HR = 14,040

      That was being insainly generous though on both parts. Of course if you find any difficult monsters that you can chain to 6 or more like VTs.

      IT++ (250, 312, 375, 437, 500, 562) = 2,436
      EXP/HR = 29,232

      Again being insainly generous to a point of impossible. The choice of play though depends a lot on what's available in the area and the quantity. If you can't get any good area with tons of VTs to just go through like water then you'll probably EXP faster on the slower method with more ITs. Really won't know until you've tried each area, find the area were you can keep fighting near continous and rarely if ever stop.

      This is why I love it when a party has 2 WHMs, when they switch off between eachother it's nearly impossible to run out of MP to heal with many of the regular monsters players choose to EXP on. Though a party with /NIN can cause the same effect just it's insaine amounts of shihei being used.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        I think if you get a good group they can chain on anything. I have been in parties that chains IT++ for 300+ exp. But a bad group sometimes could barely chain VT. So just think of it as variety and try to enjoy them
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          It's called "big number syndrome" and no matter how much math and other solid proofs you present to people that suffer from this you will be hard pressed to change their opinion on the matter.
          Jaraude • Midgardsormr • KoolAid Linkshell


          • #6
            Some people just like to see big numbers.

            Get a good party and you can kill IT's fast enough anyway. I think my record was with a really nice party in Dragon's Arrey, the BLM timed us at 19 seconds to kill an IT mob. They we're all that fast though, most were about 45-60 seconds but when WS's were ready for the start of a fight we could do them much faster. Shame we couldn't stay together for long.


            • #7
              I think people need to find better balance.

              I've been in parties where they were all, basically, chicken shits. They wouldn't even try anything that was higher than VT, and the meanwhile we were killing all the time, the EXP wasn't that great. (Level range can really be a problem in parties like this.)

              I've also had parties that were too cocky, and fought anything moving. We'd kill everything, but I've run into fights where it's taken 5 minutes to kill it. (Yeah, I've used Steal twice on the SAME mob. /sigh) But I've also had parties where we fought IT-IT++ and chained 5-6, break, and start right over. Flying through EXP. The only problem with that, is that as an Elvaan DRK I'd level, we'd keep flying through EXP and my Scythe wouldn't cap before we all leveled again. So forget leveling two long delay weapons!
              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
              RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

              Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
              SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


              • #8
                Re: Why dont people understand xp/hr?

                i have found pt with a good ldr and pt can make the most exp cuz i have been wit a pt we were killing mobs for 55-80 exp per kill but we were killing on average 2-4 mobs per min u prob can guess that that pt didnt last long for we quickly all quit and moved on to a better pt
                lvl 47 black mage on fairy AF1 complete

                pics comeing soon (as soo as i figure out how to get then off pol)


                • #9
                  Re: Why dont people understand xp/hr?

                  Yeah, even with the numbers what is good EXP can varry for each party. Some parties the members just may not have the skill to do what another party with similar job setup can do. It's all a measure on how fast you really are killing the mobs and how long it takes to get the next.

                  I've been in parties were they looked like the ideal setup you'd think the party should of just glided through the monsters and yet they stumble like crazy. Then you can be parties were the battles one right after the other or even basically fighting 2 at a time (new one arriving while the old one has a fraction of health left).
                  Last edited by Macht; 07-08-2005, 04:42 PM.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Re: Why dont people understand xp/hr?

                    talking about skill. There are just so many clueless leaders out there that has absolute no idea how to form a good group, but still forming the group.

                    Last night I saw pld drk rdm whm brd blm seeking so I tried to start a group. sent tell to PLD, Drk and Blm and they already got invited. Soon I got invited as well. And our PT ended up with
                    pld drk drk, whm blm blm... I mean wtf there was Brd and Rdm and even Thf seeking for PT.

                    The leader was NA BLM, who as soon as the PT was formed threw the leader to the JP PLD
                    We went to hunt beetles in CN, and on our 3rd or 4th pull, while we were fighting suddenly we got escaped out .... by the Blm leader. No bony knew wth was going on but then, the leader DC just after he casted the spell and never came back. We just assume he wanted to log out so he did that and shut down his FFXI.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #11
                      Re: Why dont people understand xp/hr?

                      Lol, wow that makes no sense at all. That BLM leader really didn't know what the heck he was doing. I'm glad I haven't had anything that bad.......yet. >.>

                      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                      • #12
                        Re: Why dont people understand xp/hr?

                        Originally posted by Macht
                        I've been in parties were they looked like the ideal setup you'd think the party should of just glided through the monsters and yet they stumble like crazy. Then you can be parties were the battles one right after the other or even basically fighting 2 at a time (new one arriving while the old one has a fraction of health left).
                        I know exacly what you mean, I've had both these. sometiems a party with people you've just thrown together because there's noone else can do suprisingly well.

                        Some not so common jobs can go alot better than you'd expect aswell. One I had was a PLD/BLM, I didn't even realise they didn't have /WAR for ages, then I saw them cast a BLM spell.


                        • #13
                          Re: Why dont people understand xp/hr?

                          Originally posted by Jei
                          I think if you get a good group they can chain on anything. I have been in parties that chains IT++ for 300+ exp. But a bad group sometimes could barely chain VT. So just think of it as variety and try to enjoy them
                          Not exactly...

                          The battles system seems to favor 200xp monsters. if you have a 210 monster, it seems to be 2x more harder when it's only 1 level harder.

                          We all experienced this when things just seem to put up more of a fight then they should. It's some kinda build in system to fight things your range.

                          The problem doesn't stem from XPing higher level, but the amount of monster spawns in an area.

                          If there is 6 monsters in an area, then IT+ is best (180-200xp)

                          IF there are 4, then IT++++(250+)

                          If an area has 8, then IT (140-180)

                          If an area has 14, then VT range (100-120) (Power PTs like 4 melees would perfer this one but rare)

                          Well some kill faster then other, but it's still pretty similar.

                          Yes there are 300xp monsters that are great(outside levi), but they're usually rare, most monster you'll fight falls in the above.


                          • #14
                            Re: Why dont people understand xp/hr?

                            Originally posted by Kafeen
                            I know exacly what you mean, I've had both these. sometiems a party with people you've just thrown together because there's noone else can do suprisingly well.

                            Some not so common jobs can go alot better than you'd expect aswell. One I had was a PLD/BLM, I didn't even realise they didn't have /WAR for ages, then I saw them cast a BLM spell.
                            Just curious, what did the PLD actually do in that pt?


                            • #15
                              Re: Why dont people understand xp/hr?

                              Just to chime in about idiots not knowing how to play.. I was in a Garlaige PT the other day (Lvl 48 PT) And it seemed the WAR never used his WS at the right time. just pretty random whenever he got TP

                              We asked him to use his WS (Sturmwind) I believe it was to go in the skillchain...(Earth based... why I dont know.. i didn't pick it ~.~), He asked.. "Whats that?" We had to sit there and teach him how to skillchain. @.@, We asked if he bought his character.. he says "No, why would you think that?"

                              Of course the PT is talking in tells now, asking how in the hell did he get that high..
                              I Explain to the PT that if Nubs persist enough, they will eventually get enough pick up PTs to get that high... :/ it's a darn shame though
                              (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ====【†】 BIBLE FIGHT !

