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Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

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  • Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

    Sorry for caps.... THIS IS NOT A HELP ME POST. If this needs to be moved please move it to a place where the community sharing this issue may post as to better present information to Square Enix/Final Fantasy Online respectively

    Hello fellow residents of vanadiel, and those that are just trolling. After dealing with the issue I
    +m about to touch on, and seeing multiple disorganized threads in relation to this issue, I'm creating this thread in an attempt to draw attention to Square-Enix. I apologize in advance for any poor spelling or grammar contained herein.

    Error: 4001 Connection Time out.

    As of the 10 hour patch roughly 2 weeks ago I and many, many others players whom i've spoke with via msg boards, on my own personal server, and through email are experiencing this problem.

    What happens in my particular case, is at random, my (S)end and (R)eceive will drop to 0, sometimes, but not always the xxx% will then plummet to 0% resulting in disconnection and the error, and others times, once you see S0 R0, your are dropped near instantly.

    When this happens there is no problem getting right back in and no lag once I am back in until said issue happens again.

    A couple of possibilities have been touched on in other threads on , Warcry, and a few others those being:

    1.) router not correctly configured
    2.) cmos battery dying disallowing POL to sync timing with pc due to system clock being off, inhibiting sending and receiving of data at key moments
    3.) Bad network cards
    4.) Bad networking cables
    5.) Bad cable modem/dsl modem

    From whats been gathered through other threads, Square has told any customers that it is their router, or incorrect network settings. Now i'm not one to blow my own horn. But I am currently a professional in the IT field, and am well aware of my network settings. Below I will list my setup, as a point of reference, anyone who also is sharing these issues i'd ask you to post the same or similar information if you are aware of it.

    CPU: AMD Athlon 2200 +
    MB: Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
    RAM: 1gig pc2700 (kingston)
    Video Card: Albatron GeForce FX5900 256mb
    NIC(Network Interface Card): Marvel Onboard Gigabit Lan
    Connection Type: Cable Modem; Toshiba PCX1100U

    Everything is connected via cat5 cabling, no USB.

    Having contacting square enix I was also given the its YOUR router answer as have many others. To this I said Ok and completed the following tests. Below are the tests, along with the result in relation to the disconnect issue.

    1.) PC with Router with port forwarding with the following ports forwarded: Port numbers that may be used by the PlayOnline server group: -TCP 25, 80, 110, 443 or 50000 - 65535
    -UDP 50000 - 65535

    Result: nothing changed Error 4001 Connection Time out within 45 minutes to 2 hours.

    2.) Same as above, with the additional UDP port 53 opened per square enix getting started page.

    Result: nothing changed Error 4001 Connection Time out within 45 minutes to 2 hours.

    3.) PC with router, with ports forward, with DMZ Enabled.

    Result: nothing changed Error 4001 Connection Time out within 45 minutes to 2 hours.

    4.) PC with router, with no ports forwarded, DMZ enabled.

    Result: nothing changed Error 4001 Connection Time out within 45 minutes to 2 hours.

    5.) And this is my favorite: PC with no router connected directly to cable modem via cat5 cable.

    Result: nothing changed Error 4001 Connection Time out within 45 minutes to 2 hours.

    6.) I have also changed to a different cable modem (same model, different mac address) in an attempt to resolve this issue, this changed nothing.

    Result: nothing changed Error 4001 Connection Time out within 45 minutes to 2 hours.

    7.) Replaced CMOS battery, 3 month old computer but did it anyway for testing purposes.

    Result: nothing changed Error 4001 Connection Time out within 45 minutes to 2 hours.

    A bit more information, all of my windows updates are, heh, up to date . Also there are no programs running in the background, no spyware no adware. I've tried loading the system with selective startup with NOTHING set to load upon intial boot outside of the bare minimum needed for a network and general OS useage (aka nothing in msconfig) This did not solve the problem either.

    I realize that this post may seem long winded, by I have grown tired of this problem. It would appear many others have looking at other forums, but theres been no organzied attempt to come forward with this issue to Square Enix.

    We all pay $15, and those of us getting disconnected upto 10+ times a day are not getting our monies worth. I will not cancel my account I love ffxi, however with this problem I cannot enjoy that love.

    If you have any questions in regards to this post or in regards to the things I have tested, please feel free to contact me via the following email address: . Please no tech support questions the forum here is great for that.

    In closing I'd just like to reassert the fact that nothing hardware wise has changed in my system or those whom I have spoke with.

    I am NOT looking for help in this thread I'm looking for members of the community that are having the same issue so that we may present some viable information to Square Enix, After speaking with a representative today he said they only thing can really do at this point is collect information and try to find a constant.


    Ryan N.

  • #2
    i'm having the same trouble, i've done a little digging and well... it happens whenever Hoo Mjuu the Torrent is killed and drops the mitts... i know that is very strange but i had some ls friends camping him and everytime someone got mitts i got R0 and S0


    • #3
      this is a know issue after the patch, I get droped some times as well when a rare item is droped, or sometimes wile partying or soloing, they are working on it now so chill, you dont need a petion for something like this, do you know how hard it is to fix a little problem like this, its not eaasy at all, or it would be fixed by now
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #4
        just for the purpose of reference;


        • #5
          Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

          I joined these forums for one reason: to stand in line and scream in frustration along with the OP.

          I'm tech-illiterate, so I can't offer my computer stats, etc., but I can tell you that until about 2 months ago, FFXI ran just FINE on my computer. Then the random d/c (sometimes every 20 minutes for 15 hours at a time) began, literally crippling my game overnight. I'd never once tinkered with network settings, or anything like that, so I know I didn't change anything.

          I've had my father, who speaks the language far better than I, look at it, and he's stumped. I'm screwed. I literally can't enjoy my game anymore. And it's not fair. I'm still paying to play, but I d/c every 15 minutes when logged in. I'm not even able to look for parties anymore.

          I DEMAND an explanation, and I DEMAND it being fixed. And I HAVE that right.
          If you think that because someone's not level 75 yet they can't contribute to the game, can't play well, or never know what they're talking about, then you're just another clone in a long line of worthless idiots waiting for better players to make you obsolete when they finally reach your level.


          • #6
            Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

            Congrats on joining the forums for a useless purpose Tzar! /clap

            Why don't you take some of the time off from your game to learn about your computer instead of asking Daddy for help? And, do you actually "Pay to play" or is that Daddy, also?

            SE honestly does an excellent job of fixing their issues, considering the amount of information and countermeasures that are processed consistently.

            I think maybe in the WHOLE time I've been playing, there's been a total of 3-4 days added up in time that I couldn't play. And most of that stems from SE fixing the problems that people join forums for so they can complain. You know, things that actually matter.

            Really appreciating you adding to the bandwidth and cost of upkeep to the site so you could have your childish banter seen. I demand that you grow up.

            Thanks in advance. This problem is already known by SE and they are working on a solution, just like they always do when it's on their end. Learn some patience for a product worth your time.


            Just adding this in here to laugh at you even more. Permission?! THAT is definately a new one, kid! You just made my morning! Are you high or from some odd 3rd World Country where you think it necessary for permission to speak. Grow up, son. Grow up and quit leeching off your parents, because it's obvious you're leeching the wrong part. I'll gladly take the Red Light Hit for this one, 'cause I just couldn't help it. PERMISSION!

            You weren't ASKING for help. You were WHINING. You were DEMANDING. You have no respect for the people that keep this game running day to day, especially when you admitted to knowing nothing about it. You don't even have an idea of what it TAKES to keep it running like SE does. You come off as a brat, and would most likely be the first person ever to be added to my in-game B-List; as you shall be on further posts here.

            I give you permission to blow your nose and wipe the tears from your eyes. I believe it's naptime anyway.

            I can tell you to quit your whining and shut your mouth because...
            Originally posted by tzarchasm
            I HAVE that right.
            Last edited by PotentPotables; 03-15-2006, 02:16 AM. Reason: Because someone just got up for school and obviously ate spoiled Fruit-Loops...


            • #7
              Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

              I'm sorry, but I don't remember giving you persmission to mouth off to me. If you're thinking I'm some child because I'm just not naturally technologically inclined, or that I'm a 12 year old who's somehow gotten ahold of a keyboard, you're wrong.

              I asked someone who's more versed in techspeak than I am. There's no fault in that, and I don't think I'll be taking any more flak from you for it. Moreover, I'm sure nothing will come of my having posted here. That's fine. If you disapprove, feel free to do it in silence.

              In short, you don't know the first damn thing about me, and you have the privelege of shutting your mouth now. There's no reason to enter a thread with the clear intention of ripping people apart, as you obviously did here, if you have no genuine interest in the contents of said thread.
              If you think that because someone's not level 75 yet they can't contribute to the game, can't play well, or never know what they're talking about, then you're just another clone in a long line of worthless idiots waiting for better players to make you obsolete when they finally reach your level.


              • #8
                Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                Let's play nice guys! People are always frustrated with the game and sometimes its beyond their control such as a crappy service provider. But there's no reason to bash each other because someone is venting!


                • #9
                  Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                  first off TzarChasm, this does not look like asking
                  I DEMAND an explanation, and I DEMAND it being fixed. And I HAVE that right.
                  who are you demanding this of? us, the forum members? what gives you the right to demand something from us? do you pay our salary? are you our parent/teacher/boss? no, you are not.

                  I can see that you are frustrated, but your frustration and demands are directed at the wrong audience. You should be talking to POL support about this, not us. What you have done instead, is offend people (case in point PP) with your demands. If you are asking for help, ask not demand. Did your parents never teach you that?

                  That being said, PP you went a bit overboard there and will, unfortunately as you predicted, take a red hit for it. Calm down man.

                  Thanks Yyg!


                  • #10
                    Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                    Potent, that was very uncalled for.

                    Now that that's out of the way. That was also awesome. Check my sig. =P


                    Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                    • #11
                      Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)


                      My legacy carries on! Wow I was raging this morning^^

                      Not sorry, though, not at all...

                      Dream Keeper, I belive we can make it through the nii-ii-iight...


                      • #12
                        Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                        I can't help it. Extreme intelligence mixed with an equal measure of extreme sarcasm is Mothers Milk to me.


                        Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                        • #13
                          Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                          Originally posted by neighbortaru
                          first off TzarChasm, this does not look like asking
                          who are you demanding this of? us, the forum members? what gives you the right to demand something from us? do you pay our salary? are you our parent/teacher/boss? no, you are not.

                          I can see that you are frustrated, but your frustration and demands are directed at the wrong audience. You should be talking to POL support about this, not us. What you have done instead, is offend people (case in point PP) with your demands. If you are asking for help, ask not demand. Did your parents never teach you that?

                          That being said, PP you went a bit overboard there and will, unfortunately as you predicted, take a red hit for it. Calm down man.
                          LOL, neighbortaru trying to start the fire again?

                          Like Moshi said play nice you guys, TzarChasm I hate to say it but you may of had good intentions on that post just bad execution to it. As far as I've noticed SE does fix when they find a suitable resolution for it. Aside from that you can't blame the fault solely on SE, even tech savy guy supposedly working in an IT position should of know that the issue he's having could be a result of his own ISP. He hasn't really thoroughly explored all options yet as I see it.

                          With network end you'd think if that was an issue of SEs and bad router configuration the situation should be happening to every customer with some sort of rhyme or reason. Since it is not it proves inconclusive of being solely SEs fault, there's some common ground that I'm sure is being overlook to solve the issue.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                            I wasn't demanding anything from the forum members here.

                            If you can't read my post and separate what is painfully obvious venting, rather than genuine griping at people I've never met, then I suggest fifth grade all over again.

                            The point is, my game's been destroyed, and nobody I know seems to be able to fix it. I'm frustrated, and I'm entitled to a certain amount of anger as a result.
                            If you think that because someone's not level 75 yet they can't contribute to the game, can't play well, or never know what they're talking about, then you're just another clone in a long line of worthless idiots waiting for better players to make you obsolete when they finally reach your level.


                            • #15
                              Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                              tzar let me break it down for you,

                              1) if the game server was down SE would notify/post about it.
                              2) if YOU and only YOU cant connect to the game, its a problem most likely with YOUR system/network. theres thousands of ppl connected right now w/o a hitch. SE has no way to support the client end when it comes to your network/computer config. in addition to having no way to support it, they dont want to support it b/c they have no way of controlling what you do on your end.
                              3) you can check with your isp. double check your network card, double check your router. being in IT, i can tell you that 90% of ALL, and i mean ALL issues ARE user created.
                              4) what kind of connection do you have? some dsl and dialup connections disconnect themselves after long periods of inactivity. that may be an issue there.
                              5) again, youre barking up the wrong tree. we dont work for se, nor do we do anything for se. learn where and when to put your frustration.
                              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

