Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)
and what good does venting here do? what good does venting at/in front of us do? does it make you feel better? does it solve your problem? did you think we could fix it for you?
if you were to walk out onto Main Street and start venting what kind of reaction do you suppose you will receive? some will walk away from you thinking you are crazy and some will tell you to STFU. you got one reaction from PP.
All I'm saying is I think you could have handled this better initially. Instead of coming here to vent, why didn't you just ask for help? you might have gotten a better response and who knows, you might have gotten lucky (and gotten a fix to your problem).
yes you are entitled to be angry, but you are, again, directing it at the wrong audience.
and PP please refrain from going ballistic again if/when you respond.
anyhow, i think i'll zip it now. as Macht noted, I might have, unintentionally mind you, fanned the flames some more.
and what good does venting here do? what good does venting at/in front of us do? does it make you feel better? does it solve your problem? did you think we could fix it for you?
if you were to walk out onto Main Street and start venting what kind of reaction do you suppose you will receive? some will walk away from you thinking you are crazy and some will tell you to STFU. you got one reaction from PP.
All I'm saying is I think you could have handled this better initially. Instead of coming here to vent, why didn't you just ask for help? you might have gotten a better response and who knows, you might have gotten lucky (and gotten a fix to your problem).
I'm frustrated, and I'm entitled to a certain amount of anger as a result.
and PP please refrain from going ballistic again if/when you respond.
anyhow, i think i'll zip it now. as Macht noted, I might have, unintentionally mind you, fanned the flames some more.
