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Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

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  • #16
    Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

    and what good does venting here do? what good does venting at/in front of us do? does it make you feel better? does it solve your problem? did you think we could fix it for you?

    if you were to walk out onto Main Street and start venting what kind of reaction do you suppose you will receive? some will walk away from you thinking you are crazy and some will tell you to STFU. you got one reaction from PP.

    All I'm saying is I think you could have handled this better initially. Instead of coming here to vent, why didn't you just ask for help? you might have gotten a better response and who knows, you might have gotten lucky (and gotten a fix to your problem).
    I'm frustrated, and I'm entitled to a certain amount of anger as a result.
    yes you are entitled to be angry, but you are, again, directing it at the wrong audience.

    and PP please refrain from going ballistic again if/when you respond.

    anyhow, i think i'll zip it now. as Macht noted, I might have, unintentionally mind you, fanned the flames some more.
    Last edited by neighbortaru; 03-15-2006, 01:36 PM.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #17
      Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

      Man Neighbor, I had a funny ass finish to that joke but you laid the smack down too early for me to post it. And now I don't remember it.


      Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


      • #18
        Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

        I plan no retaliation.

        I've said all I need to about the additude presented and lack of knowledge for the way in which SE runs their business.

        I'm just gonna sit back and wait 3 days...


        • #19
          Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

          Not that anyone likely cares, but being an ocassional victim of this very issue, having gone through three routers, three ISPs, using wired and wireless, and even going so far as to connect through -two internet connections at once- for the added benifit that bridged connections provide... At least in my case I've found that its a routing issue somewhere outside of my ISP, but before the FFXI servers.

          Sometimes there's nothing you can do about issues like this. Sometimes you can.


          • #20
            Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

            I set up a constant ping to FFXI server (Ragnarok) and found every 5ms 1 packet is lossed, normally a few packets that are losted wont matter, but it is consistant, I dug deeper and found on hop 21 (Server you login to to connect to Ragnarok) is causeing this by hanging for a few seconds about ever second or so.

            So yeah this is POL's problem, but they know about it, I would guess theres a problem with there loop in there main login servers. To find that small of a problem could take months.

            You can however set your MTU in your router a bit higher to offset it a bit, helped me.



            • #21
              Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

              so theres no way to fix this???


              • #22
                Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                Originally posted by Medalink
                I set up a constant ping to FFXI server (Ragnarok) and found every 5ms 1 packet is lossed, normally a few packets that are losted wont matter, but it is consistant, I dug deeper and found on hop 21 (Server you login to to connect to Ragnarok) is causeing this by hanging for a few seconds about ever second or so.

                So yeah this is POL's problem, but they know about it, I would guess theres a problem with there loop in there main login servers. To find that small of a problem could take months.

                You can however set your MTU in your router a bit higher to offset it a bit, helped me.

                Interesting find there, got the IP addresses for all that? If you don't mind I like to mimic such tests for myself to see those hangs.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #23
                  Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                  I had the same problem , i was running a Bittorent client on a other Computer whitin the network.

                  When i turned the Bittorent client off the problem dissapear (after re-login)

                  Maybe u got also some kind of Client (Bittorent/Limewire/Kazzaa or whatever)running

                  Maybe this help to sove this problem


                  • #24
                    Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                    This may or may not help as I play on ye loe PS2 rather than a pc, but I had horrid connection problems similar to those described also to the point where I could no longer confidently party. I too run IT but by no means am I a guru. Long story and system checks later, my system clock was set to the wrong day/time. Reset clock, ran great. If your are dc'ing every 15-20 mins I suggest looking there, also I set my clock to their server time as oppossed to paying attention to daylight savings.


                    • #25
                      Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                      Originally posted by TzarChasm
                      I DEMAND an explanation, and I DEMAND it being fixed. And I HAVE that right.
                      I need to comment on this. People are dumb. People think they have rights they don't have. This is not of your rights. Your rights are limited to a pursuit of happiness, life & free speech.
                      Your rights do not include housing, food or an explanation from some company you give your money to.


                      • #26
                        Re: Petition to Square Enix: POL ERROR 4001 (Disconnect)

                        I already covered that...

                        Best to not dig up bones...

