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FFXI Infomation

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  • #16
    If you get a new video card right now with the specs you have, you might now see a hole lot of diff in the graphics. A video card is a big part of the computer, but if you dont have the power to back up the graphics card then its not worth it. but if you think you can upgrade more latter then get the vid-card but i would just get a hole new set up.


    • #17
      Originally posted by FalnRedemption
      i mean " not " not "now"
      You could have used the edit button (and you still can edit your top post and delete your next one)

      That's what we need, an FAQ section about the forum its self. Telling people to edit, not double post, and to use the search button instead of asking the same questions a million times.
      Go to now!


      • #18
        Hey for the noobs like me it was great - quick - useful info thanks. juss wana correct one thing on cost. lol Ps2 Mem cards are only $24.99 for a single black one and $39.99 for a two pack consisting of 2 dif colored cards.


        • #19
          Ok, I changed it to 24.99. And if you or anyone else see anything wrong with my info (even grammar or spelling) please let me know, by replying here or you can PM me.

          PS- Does my sig show up?
          Go to now!


          • #20
            Nope sorry no sig...and don't worry about your grammer or spelling as long as you get the point accross i dun think anyone should grade your performance heh. good luck with ur sig tho


            • #21
              So, is it confirmed then that the level cap will be 255, I've heard this from ALOT of people. Still, the very idea is a bit vague. The gameplay though would be years long.
              ~Cloud Strife


              • #22
                Nice info yougot there it helped me a lot to understand some points.

                It sucks that you also need a world pass to get to the same server as your mates.

                thanks for the info i actually read it all


                • #23
                  You read all of it? Wow! I wrote this over a period of a few months, and haven't ever read the whole thing straight through. But I still manage to add to it all the time; come to think of it I haven't updated the one here in a while. I'm going to go to that now.

                  PS- Did I confirm the 255 level cap, because I didn't mean to. And it hasn't been confirmed, yet.
                  Go to now!


                  • #24
                    The more info the better for us "cheap ones" who did not get the japanese version.
                    We will be well prepared for the release.
                    Please help Fellow Americans Prepare for the USA release at THANKS!!!!


                    • #25
                      Ok, I've seen a couple of questions on this. That means that either people haven't read this topic or I don't explain it very well. But most likely both are true. So here goes nothing:


                      A basic job is one that you can start out with, without having to a quest. The basic jobs are: Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage, Warrior, Monk, and Thief.

                      An advanced job requires you have to do a level 30 quest to get it; otherwise it's the same as a basic job. The advanced jobs are: Paladin, Beast Master, Bard, Dark Knight, and Ranger.

                      You can only equip items for your main job, and only your main job gets experience.

                      Your sub job is there to boost your stats a little, and give you some of its abilities and qualities. You have to do a level 18 quest to get a sub job. Your sub job can only be half your main jobs level.

                      Your character has no level of its own, there are only job levels. Once you get a job to a certain level it will not go permanently down, unless you die too much. It may temporarily go down if you equip it as a sub job but it is more than half of your main jobs level.

                      Because your sub job doesn't get experience, to level it you must switch it your main job and then level it up and switch it back.

                      PS- I think this poll has more votes than anyother poll that's been on this forum.
                      Go to now!


                      • #26
                        Very Well written, and a Very Good Read... Nice job Twisted_Jenius
                        [Insert Quote Here]

                        Race/Gender: Hume/Male
                        Main Job: War-10
                        Sub Jobs: N/A
                        Other Jobs: N/A
                        Server: Sylph
                        Linkshell: Decay

                        RSE: 0/4
                        AF: 0/?
                        JSE: 0/?
                        Rank 1


                        • #27
                          Good information you've got there. I already knew 99.9% of the info but it was written fairly well. My few suggestions.

                          You should have put more info on chocobos ( more opinion than suggestion)

                          And you forgot about one very, very, VERY important thing..........


                          But thats alright..... i mean, it's only one of the biggest parts of the game!
                          THE COOLEST GUY IN VANA'DIEL


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Radagast

                            Thats the thing. My computer has 800mhz so If I got a new video card it would almost coast half a computer. So should I spend 500 for 2 ghtz and get by the requirments easily or hit the bare minimum spending around 120?
                            $500 for a 2 ghtz? Maybe if you're buying intel, but for those of us on a budget, AMDs are a godsend. :D

                            I spent $400 for my new computer, and I bought a 100 GB drive and half a gig of PC3200 DDR to go with it.

                            Going by pricewatch...

                            ABIT KD7 (NOT KD7E), $90 Pricewatch

                            CPU (You will also need a GOOD cpu fan/heatsink, about $20-30)
                            AMD XP 2000, $75 Pricewatch

                            Motherboard supports just about any DDR you can throw at it... but..
                            DDR 3200, 512 megs $94

                            So you could have a nice computer that's the equivilant of a Pentium 4 2.0 ghz for $165 - $250, depending on how much you can salvage from the old computer.

                            As for the video card... the only ones I'd get right now would be either the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (which beats out even the new GeForce FX (aka GeForce 5)) or the GeForce 4 TI 4200 (which is much cheaper than the other TIs, but not that much slower.)

                            Radeon 9700 pro is $270, but you have to go to page two of the Pricewatch listings due to people trying to scam.

                            GeForce 4 TI 4200 is $110 right now.


                            • #29
                              I only got 14273 on the bench, does that mean I cannot play?


                              • #30
                                that last bit is ] not a 3 , i thought that a first LOL
                                tomz it really depends on you pc stats i mean i only got 1326 on the benchmark but i have recomended stats , post your stats
                                and i'll tell you if you should disregard it

