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The Orc Encampment - Part 1

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  • The Orc Encampment - Part 1

    Well, to celebrate Rhyssa finally becoming a level 7 BLM, I decided it was time to chronicle one of her adventures.

    We start off by giving the traditional greeting. Doesn't she look cute not wearing the newbie green?

    We even got her to get her picture taken with the guard. How tall he is!

    Awwww, she's blushing. Maybe the guard told her to meet behind the watchtower where he could......well, nevermind. Back to the story....

    Leaving the protection of San d'Oria

    And we're off!

    Rhyssa just picked up a new staff, so she picks a rabbit to test it out on.

    (died in one hit)

    A little rest never hurt. Gotta keep that mana up!

    Signposts guide her down the road....

    Hmmm....I wonder what all this could be......

    The place is crawling with orcs! Time to bring out the heavy duty stuff!

    One lowly Groppler thinks he can handle Rhyssa, but after casting her new spell, Stop, it's all over!

    Deeper into the encampment we go...

    One lowly orc. Shouldn't be a problem....

    .....except that he had friends.

    To all those who loved Estya's account of orcs, this is the reason why.


    .....and after

    Rhyssa got upset but not discouraged, and headed back out, resting at a guard tower along the way.

    Once back, there were those pesky orcs again. How to deal with them.......hmmmm

    First, Rhyssa sees one walk away from the camp, and takes advantage of the situation. Away from his friends, he's no match.

    Now, there's only one left, and he dies the traditional black mage way: While his back is turned, stop him and then nuke him.

    As daylight breaks again, Rhyssa continues on her hunt, leaving a trail of bodies behind her.....

    Until she discovers......a cave!

    What awaits her as she enters the omnimous blackness? Stay tuned for Part 2, coming soon!!!

    Rhyssa - Female TaruTaru - 10BLM/5WAR - San d'Oria - IronMaiden Troopers

    Kitasha - Mithra - 7WHM/4THF - Windurst - Crystal Guardians

    Gabrielle - Hume Female - 8WAR - Bastok

  • #2
    Hey, very nice. I'm eagerly awaiting your adventure!


    • #3
      nice job!
      Player Name:Sebastian the Bard
      Main Job/Sub Job:Bard/White mage
      Clan:Alexandrian Knights


      • #4
        I love it!!!!!!! Especially the part where you died, hehe. Not funny that you dies, but just funny in the story.

        Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
        Genkai FINISHED!!
        Maat finally went down.
        All BLM AF1 - Acquired
        All WHM AF1 - Acquired
        Windurst Rank 7


        • #5
          Great journal. A great inspiration for my tarutaru second character.

          I'm glad the adventure will be fresh when I make him... and he's gonna kick some orc butt the same way.


          • #6
            Really good one. Liked how ya told the story and how none of the pics were too dark yay lol XD g/j!
            um :-P


            • #7
              Originally posted by Elvaan Dragoon
              Really good one. Liked how ya told the story and how none of the pics were too dark yay lol XD g/j!
              I did have to take some of the night ones and brighten them up a bit in Photoshop, which is why my IMT Pearl looks white in some and light pink (the correct color) in others.

              Rhyssa - Female TaruTaru - 10BLM/5WAR - San d'Oria - IronMaiden Troopers

              Kitasha - Mithra - 7WHM/4THF - Windurst - Crystal Guardians

              Gabrielle - Hume Female - 8WAR - Bastok


              • #8
                WOO HOO!

                Keep 'em coming! :spin: :spin:
                Name: Zedro
                Race: Elvaan/Male
                Job: PLD/WAR
                Level: 50/25
                Server: Ramuh
                Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

                Status of import: Cancelled!!~
                Status of NA : Active


                • #9
                  RHYSSA chan

                  great journal I need to PT with you sometime level up my sunmmoner

                  See ya ingame triel
                  It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                  それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                  A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                  BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                  • #10

                    Awesome Journal, Thx. The pics are all very good and clear. Tarus own.


                    • #11
                      nice journal! ^_^ cant wait for part 2 lol, maybe i might be in it when my import arrives ^_^;;


                      • #12
                        Nice journal I always loved the Orc Encampment place and Ghelsba Outpost filled with orcs but I can't get any exp from them .
                        Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
                        Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


                        • #13
                          You have made a very nice journal. ^^ Hopefully we can get together and PT sometime. I have been PTing a lot with Anticomma so we can go into La Theine. :D My name is Lunis in game.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by tazirai
                            great journal I need to PT with you sometime level up my sunmmoner
                            Originally posted by Mithra91487
                            nice journal! ^_^ cant wait for part 2 lol, maybe i might be in it when my import arrives ^_^;;
                            Originally posted by JncoDragon
                            Hopefully we can get together and PT sometime.
                            *cries tears of joy*

                            That would be sooo wonderful!!! ^^ I'd love to do the second part with friends along.

                            It's dark and lonely out there.......*sniffle*

                            Rhyssa - Female TaruTaru - 10BLM/5WAR - San d'Oria - IronMaiden Troopers

                            Kitasha - Mithra - 7WHM/4THF - Windurst - Crystal Guardians

                            Gabrielle - Hume Female - 8WAR - Bastok

