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Guely's adventure episode II

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  • Guely's adventure episode II

    Part 1 - Exploring

    Okay, after the last adventure I sent off again to gain some money for my new spell. I still have no idea what it is, I only know I can use it. Just how it is when you don't know much Japanese. I'm was still level 11 with about 1000 experience to go for the next level.

    Just like the time before I met up with some friendly people who asked me if I would like to join their party. I excepted. We had a nice little group, Chuma was our Warrior Tank, with Mituki, Sirakho, and I as Black Mages. You can guess that our power was great. However, Chuma had a hard time staying alive. Usually our spells would kill the monster before our Warrior would die.

    After a bit a nice fellow showed up with the name of Hirotan. He was level 20, far above our levels which was around 12. So he stated that he would change his Main/Sub classes around and he would be around our level as a White Mage. Which was perfect! With a White Mage our Warrior could stay alive easy.

    So our journey continued without Hirotan until he could came back.

    Continuing further on our way to find a good area to gain experience we received a message from Hirotan and we met up with him. Now we were ready for anything!

    First thing he did was cast his Defensive/Attack Up spells which helps

    tremendously. Then we set to find more powerful foes.

    Our battles were simple, but we needed to find stronger. We only gained

    around 40 experience per battle. Sometimes only 30!

    We were close that white structure I mentioned in my last story. So I decided this time to leave the group to go investigate it. I just love exploring this world. So much to see. So I bid my farewell to everyone as they all bowed and waved me goodbye.

    Walking closer I felt the excitement in my body. The closer I came I realized there was a shimmering crystal at what looked like the front of the structure. I ran passed all the monsters knowing they could kill me. This was a very dangerous thing for a level 11 TaruTaru to be doing. Getting closer I though it was a save crystal, but it wasn't.

    Touching it, I realized it was a transportation crystal. I couldn't activate it though. So where it takes you, or where it brings you from I do not know. So I began to explore all around the white structure.

    Trying to find a way in. THEN! Out of no where a monsters attacks me from behind. Knowing I am about to die I cast hold in attempt to run.

    It fails! And the monsters delivers the final blow killing me...

    I get transported back to the city. VERY far away. So I run through

    town to the exit. Time to set off again.

    As soon as I get the exit I see the group I was just with. All of us
    were shocked, but we were happy to see each other again. They told me they just set off back to town after I left to get more people in their party. We said our goodbyes again and I set off on another solo adventure...

  • #2
    Part 2 - The Cave

    Setting off all alone again I fight my way to another area in which I have never been. My goal is to explore every area of course. I can not do quests because I can not read Japanese. So this is a great alternative.

    Continuing on I see a great site..

    Then at last I find the cave I was looking for. I step closer as my
    body fills with excitement again with the unknown about to reveal itself.

    I step inside.. It's dark, very dark. The tunnels are huge, so I know the cave will be long. I travel deeper and deeper into the cave. Not knowing that I was in for.

    Then BAM! A monster from the darkness attacks me. I engage in battle,

    casting my spells. Then another one comes!

    I soon realized that this cave seems to be the home of the Quadav type monster. They are fearsome, aggressive monsters and in this cave they attack in pairs and groups. However, beating them has great rewards.

    Not being able to see, I step silently through the cave peering around every rock and every corning. Last thing I needed was to get ambushed again. I was lucky the first time. But my luck may run out.

    I meet up with a fellow explorer, we do not join parties. However, we make sure we fight along side each other and protect each other. Very helpful, as he had white magic. Anytime one of us was being attack by more then 1 Quadav, we would run to help.

    After running through the cave for a while I realized I had no idea

    where I was at... Now the monsters were changing and getting stronger. So start to think I should start return back before we die. Then all of sudden we're attacked by 4 monsters! I killed the 2 that were attacking me, but only with 10 HP remaining and no magic. So I had to sit and rest before I could help my fellow explorer. But then.. He dies... Now

    I am stuck in the middle of this giant cave alone. Not accepting that I was going to die, I ran. Luck stayed with me as I got away from the 2 monsters that killed him. Now for the big challenge.. To find my way out.

    I slowly go through the cave, trying to fight one monster at a time. As I anymore then 2 monsters at a time would surely kill me. Lost in this huge and dark cave, I fight my way down the long tunnels.

    Then! Something great happens!

    After a good hour, I finally find my way out. As I see with great relief, the outside world..

    So I set off to journey back to the city. I come across a river and decided after a good day of exploring I would go fishing.. Although, I was interrupted a few times...

    Once I got back to town I saw another wonderful site. A GameMaster!

    Only my second time seeing one, but this time I got pictures!

    They seem to have a God like presence. As they shimmer and seem to fade in and out of reality. Very impressive.

    I hope you enjoyed my journal again. Expect more to come soon. Thanks!


    • #3
      Whoa that was really nice vissione thanks.


      • #4
        Ahh more GM goodness and yet another entertaining journal. Keep up tha good work btw u can't stop till you hit hmm episode 20ish or so. so keep on truckin


        • #5
          nice journal theres gotta be some way to get that blasted sword
          We all wonder what reason were here and what is our purpose for living but the answer is simple its what you make it its how you wanna be rembered its all in your hands
          we all have our paths to follow-My motto

