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Twistid's Adventures Part I

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  • Twistid's Adventures Part I

    Hello! Twistid here! I am currently residing in the server of Ragnarok. I am a level 7 TaruTaru Black Mage and began my journey in the Federation of Windurst until I just recently traveled to San'doria as to explore new lands! I have kept a journal and my Story begins when I was just a young Taru. Level 2 I believe. Hopefully you'll enjoy my stories!


    Chapter One - The arrival

    Yep, it all started on a Friday afternoon. May 30, 2003. After arriving from school on that Friday... I ran to my mailbox, my heart pounding, and opened it up hoping that the little white package would be in there. And YES! It was! I ran inside and ran down to my basement where I could rip open the package and quickly shove it into my CPU and begin playing. Now, as the game was installing... I thought I would take some pictures with the spare time I had on my hands. I set up everything that had come and took a quick photo with my digital camera.

    Finally... the installation was complete. The setup took around 3 very slow hours. Finally I was ready to play. I had everything going when I noticed that I had to update a couple of things including the Playonline Viewer as well as something else. Well, that shouldn't take long right? WRONG! When these updates began, it was only 7:00 PM. They ended later than 11:00! But finally... once everything was complete I was ready to play!

    Chapter Two - A Baby Taru

    I finally had arrived in the world of Vana'diel! Windurst had turned out to be a beautiful place. Here are a couple pictures of me near the Auction House. I had been exploring the town.

    These pictures were taken of me when I was level 2 or 3. That was when I actually learned to take pictures. Finally I had decided to venture outside. A friend of mine, Ailis had already taught me the basics, and gave me a tour of my home kingdom so I was ready to fight some baddies! My first target was a Bumblebee. Nothing too tough for a Taru like me!

    After my first victory, I thought I would pose for the camera.

    I really wanted to party with some people, but you'll get nowhere at the level I'm at. I'll have to solo until I am at least level 12. Then I'll party with my friends Until then, I'll have to fight the bad guys on my own! What's this Tiny Mandragora looking at?!

    After showing that Tiny Mandragora who's boss I thought I would search for some tougher competition. I spotted this little Rarab and thought I would teach him a lesson or two with my Stone Spell.

    Ah... after my recent battles I would have to rest before I squash any more baddies.

    Yipes! After I have recovered from my past fights I encounter these two monsters!

    That crow looked a little tough for me so I decided to leave him be and kill this poor Rarab.

    After a few more fights I thought I would rest once again. A crow began to approach me and I thought about giving him a little bit of my stone spell when another taru came buy. She was a summoner and sent her Carbuncle to take care of the crow. Hmph... I could have taken him!

    Ahah! And here's the Summoner that stole my Crow. Maybe She won't see me if I hide in this tall grass

    I decided to continue North to see what I could find. Maybe I would encounter tougher monsters! That could be good or bad. I encountered another rarab and though I would give him a quick fight. I couple of Stone Spells did the job.

    After a few more fights I had gotten pretty far north and I met up with that summoner again.

    I decided to hunt some more and took on a few more Rarabs.

    Posing for the Camera!

    Well... This is goodbye for today! The next chapter will feature my trip to San'doria!

  • #2
    I think i know that little taru. Looks good keep it up


    • #3
      Yay! Another journal maker! Eventhought I have the game I still love to read and hear about other peoples adventure, even the basic ones like starting out. I hope we meet some time soon in-game.

      Haha! I remember having that Sims People ads. Haha, silly jps.


      • #4
        nice journal. I havent read many in a while and now you got me back in the mood.:p


        • #5
          Great Journal!

          Please post more, no one has been posting on their journals alot lately and these are the only things that help me wait for FFXI.


          • #6
            Chapter Three - San'doria

            During this chapter we move into the future pretty far. I'm level 5 with 55 HP and 82 MP. I know the spells Stone, Blind, and Water so far. These next few pictures are on the ship to Selbina. I am travelling to San'doria with two friends of mine from my linkshell. Actually, they are escorting me. I wouldn't have made it half way without their help. First, from Windurst we moved North through Sarutabaruta to a maze-like canyon. From there we arrived in a smaller town and just barely jumped onto the ship before it set for Selbina. The boat ride was from 10 to 15 minutes so I had plenty of time to take a bunch of pictures.

            After the boat ride we finally docked in Selbina. We got out and began the long walk to San'doria.

            I didn't get many pictures of the trip, but Russta and Aseuk had to go their own ways once we had made it to San'doria. I thanked them for their help and made myself at home This next picture is of me standing near the gates to San'doria. Those torches were a wonderful sight after the very long trip up here.

            I immediately began to hunt the monsters here. While hunting I noticed that there were different monsters here than in Windurst. I began to learn that they were nearly the same monsters as in Windurst, they just had some different names. Windurst and San'doria both had a rabbit-like monster, some sort of crow, and the Goblins.

            In the next picture you'll get to see me use a spell other than my stone spell. This purple-black smoke looking stuff is my poison spell.

            I take a look at the scenery as I take a rest from the battles I've been in.

            Here's a new monster. It's a Carrion Worm, but very easy prey. The spell I'm using in the picture is Water. Just one blow from this powerful spell kills the Worm.

            As I sit down to rest again I spot yet another new monster! It turns out to be a Scarab Beetle. These guys offer some decent experience!

            As I'm fighting some easy battles I encounter an Orc! This is the first time I've seen an orc and thought I would fight it. Bad Idea. Very Bad idea. With just one swipe this guy nearly had me down to half health. So I had to run.

            Unfortunately, Orcs run just about as fast as I do and before I knew it...

            Luckily I touched this crystal as soon as I arrived in San'doria. Now, whenever I die I'll be taken back to this point other than back to Windurst.

            That's end of Chapter Three! Stay tuned for the next chapter which will include a small tour of San'doria and a few tougher battles outside of San'doria


            • #7
              good journal so far. keep up the good work.


              • #8
                twistid, you need to come home!

                i have no one to PT with cept mornamarth, but hes not on a much as me T_T


                • #9
                  I'll come back to Windurst sooner or later I'm thinking of travelling to either Bastok or Jeuno before that though. I'll just have to find someone in San'doria that is about to leave so I can hitch a ride with them


                  • #10
                    WOO! Keep 'em coming.

                    Now, time for bed....WTF 11:30pm?!?!?! i was gonna get up early to do my homework (laziness = sadness).

                    *Sigh* One day FFXI will go too far and i'll end up not graduating (let us all pray that it will never come to that)

                    Damn math, why'd i have to be so bad in it...i'm great in all my other subjects. I get A's in literature, B- in Social Studies and a B- in Science. Not to mention all the other classes i'm alright in.

                    Well, i guess that everyone has their own weakness (i'm good with with words but terrible with numbers and vice versa for my freind)

                    Um...i shouldn't be using your journal to whine eh? :sweat:

                    BTW please take some more i must sleep....zzzzZZZzz NO DON'T LET THE BIG NUMBERS EAT ME! OH LOOK, ITS WORDS TO THE RESCURE RAWR! RAWR! .....aahhh! Cobras! Cobras!

                    ...... :spin:
                    Name: Zedro
                    Race: Elvaan/Male
                    Job: PLD/WAR
                    Level: 50/25
                    Server: Ramuh
                    Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

                    Status of import: Cancelled!!~
                    Status of NA : Active


                    • #11
                      no need to come back, san doria is now my home away from home


                      • #12
                        AAARGH! All these people have the game now, I'm dyin' to play! :mad:

                        hehe, just playin'. Nice journal, Twistid. I enjoy hearing about a Tarutaru's adventures in Vana'Diel. I hope there'll be more soon!
                        PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                        Rockman - Fairy

                        WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                        Currently Playing:
                        FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                        • #13
                          Hi Twisted, it's Kori from the LS. i could take you to Bastok or back to Wind if you wanted but i think you better wait for Jeuno unless you want to get minced up by Sabertooth's. oh and great journal, keep it up . you can message me in game


                          • #14
                            Hey Kori! I'll message you some time I'm about to post the next update on my journal within the next half hour so stay tuned!


                            • #15
                              Chapter Four - Touring Sandoria

                              Well, I decided to walk around Sandoria and take a few pictures of anything that looked interesting. This first picture is a main path that leads to another part of the city (not sure which). The second picture is in the same area, but I just made a 180 degree turn with the camera. The second picture is a nice view of the Auction House. A lot of people

                              This next picture is of a path that leads to a big gate. I thought I would check out what was on the other side but these two guards wouldn't let me get very far before they called me back... I'm not sure why I wasn't allowed back there though

                              Well... I found these two people (I think they're NPC's) and i thought I would get a picture The one on the left has my armor!

                              Hey! This lady looks pretty cool! Yea... I'm behind her... you can't really see me :sweat:

                              Alright... that's all of the tour! I know that I didn't include the whole city, but eh... it's my journal not yours! I can do what I want. Alright, in Chapter Five I'll be back outside looking for some things to hunt!

