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A history of a RDM

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  • A history of a RDM

    This is from the desk of myself. It is a recount of my adventures, my friends, and my life as a Red Mage in the world of Vana'Diel. I have since retired my duty as a hero of windurst, and protector of Altana, this is my story....

    When I first came bumbling into town, I did not know if I was heading left or right. Bumping and squeezing my way through the crowds at the gates of the glorious city of the Star Sybil.

    Windurst lay spread around me in all directions, in the distance I could here the burst of magic from the east sent clouds of smoke into the air, the clash of sword on shield as the Mithra practiced for battle....

    Another shell rocked the city, closer... The battle was turning for the worst, the generals had us being ushered in all directions. Boooom!!! another shell razed the cities foundations, I pulled my self to my feet and ran to meet the enemies as they came crashing through the gates....

    It had been a week since I stepped into that mysterious maw, a week in a new place...or an older place, it was very familiar to me but yet somehow I was imeressed in the depth of my new surroundings. I had journeyed a long time to get here... The reports I had received were that the war between the beastmen had been pressing for sometime, the tide of the war was turning against us... War what war, the world had been at peace for many a year, how far had I traveled, where had I travelled, when??? had I travelled to...

    *Flash Back*
    My story started some 5 years before, I had recently graduated from a school of magic, passed down from generation to generation over the centuries. I was given a single scroll, a weapon and some armour and set upon my road, not know where it would lead me, or what I would become. I met several people who had also just entered their new lives we worked together tackling quests and missions set forth by the people of windurst, we also ventured to far away lands, over oceans, across wastelands, into desserts. One of my first adventures still rings through clearly in my mind. We were boarding a ship in the port of Muhara, some of our friends had reached a new land outside of the city of selbina, where feirce battles were fought and many new skills were learned. Several of use decided to venture to this land which we later would find is named the Valkurm Dunes. Dooms is more like it....

    The beach was beautiful site to see, nestled right up to the shores of the vast ocean was an old half burried ship, we made camp here and fished and fought enemies. We became very skilled, however when night fell we were forced to shrink back into our camp, the undead seemed to like the beach to!.

    On one trip I met a friendly old man in Selbina who wanted me to collect some rare treasure for him. Setting out with several of my friends we searched for these treasurse one of each for everybody. We had become powerful, and the undead became afraid of us! or so we hoped. Once we had acheived our goal we returned to the old man, who taught us all how to tap into a second set of powers, although weaker then our current powers it was a wonderful tool....

    That was a long time ago, I was a rookie then, no more a hero then that SOB gang....

    The Yagudo's blood ran warm down my hand, for the thrid day straight we had been fighting these savage beasts. We were easily out numbered, but thankfully myself and serveral of my oldest friends were there. We had grown much all hero's in our own right, all powerful by our own hand. We were the Circle of Shadows, we were the Red Mages, Black Mages, and White Mages of Windurst. We were the high Paladins and Dragoons of the northern country of Sandoria, we were the hard working warriors and sneaky theives of the thundering city of Bastok, the ninjas and samurai of the near east, the Corsair Pirates of the far east and many many more we were the adventurers of Vana'diel and we were together as one. We had become one, and multiples at the same time, and these Yagudo were about to find that out the hard way. I gripped my sword and dagger in hand and smiled proudly, remembering fondly the day I found it, deep in the sea bed under the jungle....

    *Flash Back*

    The sea surged, waves crashed heavy on the shores. The mist blurred in my eyes but I carried on, I had been here before. There was an evil here an evil that could not be banished, an evil that traded a rare treasure for enternal life. A flash out of the corner of my eye, chanting a spell I froze the evil in place, this time I came for blood... alone deep in a small forgotten crevice of the earth, it was me vs the giant king of squids Charbydis, with my wits about me I began bleeding him. Poisoning him deeply and toxifying his body I circled him time and time again, casting powerful ice magic at him... after what seemed like an eternity the monster fell the treasure was mine...

    I gripped it tighter, this was my sword I fought for it and no Yagudo was going to take it from me. A quick double strike and two sharp bolts of ice later I had bagged my third bird of the day. Windurst was holding up for the most part. I unleashed my devastating dagger strike Evisceration on the next target, lacerating him in five seperat places, still he pressed on. I slept him, immedeatly several of the mages began to cast spells on him, I joined. The bird could not handle the onslaught frozen for enternity in a block of Ice I pressed on. I found my friend a White Mage I had met in the great city of Jeuno I was saddened to see he had fell in battle, I summoned all the energy I could muster for a life saving spell, my friend was returned to me Altana still had use for him. I stood gaurd around him thinking back to that first day we met.....

    I had to chuckle, he looked top heavy going down the stairs but I didn't think he would fall. After helping him up I introduced myself, and he the same. We had a bond early and we worked on getting ourselves aquainted in the massive trade city of jeuno. We helped each other with our chocobo Licenses working together to find the secrets of the city. Its when we first went to Qufim, where we met our carear long friends and I the love of my life....

    Thank You he had said.... It was rare now adays to hear those words, the newer more youthful adventurers seemed to avoid them, perhaps politness skips a generation... The battle was dying down while the yagudo retreated i gazed, many adventurers lay wounded or dead, the yaguado's bodies were being piled into a firing pit outside of town to be returned to the earth. I began healing people tending their greivous wounds with magic. Growing tired I began to refocus my own health to more energy in order to help those around me, several others were working their magics as well. I turned to them and offered a portion of my energy to regenerate their own, working together we cleared the battlefield of thos we could. Of the ones we couldnt we said our silent prayers and passed them over to Altana. Just another day I thought, in a world I do not recognize or know, but I did know one thing my weapons did not fail me, and I could not fail the reliance of these people, my friends, and possibly the future of my world depended on me so I had to be strong....
    Last edited by MrMageo; 09-07-2008, 03:03 PM.

    sig courtesy tgm
    retired -08

  • #2
    Re: A history of a RDM

    (Everybody reading this please take note that MrMageo is on my ignore list and I have no idea what his post is about as I post this.)

    The History of Red Mage:

    Some time before NA Release: Red Mages were given Convert, Refresh, and Haste.


    And thus, our travels through the history of the job is complete!
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
    Originally posted by Armando
    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
    Originally posted by Taskmage



    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #3
      Re: A history of a RDM

      why post then?

      sig courtesy tgm
      retired -08


      • #4
        Re: A history of a RDM

        Originally posted by MrMageo View Post
        why post then?
        I think it's 'cause he doesn't like you ; ;

        WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
        WorldSlayers ~ Asura


        • #5
          Re: A history of a RDM

          Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
          The History of Red Mage:

          Some time before NA Release: Red Mages were given Convert, Refresh, and Haste.
          JP Button Update History - 2001
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #6
            Re: A history of a RDM

            So now YM can complain that its now been five and a half years since RDMs got anything


            • #7
              Re: A history of a RDM

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              So now YM can complain that its now been five and a half years since RDMs got anything
              Probally more on the lines that rdms lost marksmanship.
              Or lets hear how plds used to have GA skill o_O
              Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


              • #8
                Re: A history of a RDM

                RDMs having Marksmanship would have been pretty broken, I think, but at least they still have Expunger


                • #9
                  Re: A history of a RDM

                  True, bloody bolts and all.
                  Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                  • #10
                    Re: A history of a RDM

                    lol well someone at least tell him I am just writing a story, it has nothing to do with anything except my history and what I have taken from the game. I mean if it said the history of RDM it would be one thing, except it is titled history of A RDM and is in the journal section.

                    sig courtesy tgm
                    retired -08

