= Part 1 : The Beginning ^^ =
So my life in Vanadiel had begun :D :spin: I started playing around the end of November
my Jazaar the first day in game. level 1 white mage

first encounter. ^^ the angk staff looked realy cool. too bad it sucks :D
First Party at level 7. Hunting goblins and lizards in Konshtat. very exciting (can't speak any japanese at that time yet)
First mission (actually, 3rd mission) with an event with Cid ^^

= Part 2 : No Longer a Newbie :D woo hoo~ =
So i've reached 20 and came to Jeuno!
Hunting in Qufim

became level 40 as Whm/Blm took me 3 weeks from level 1 :D (a little large. will make a link instead)
First air ship travel. Woo hoo~~~~ 42WHM

At this point, was my important turning point. I realized as WHM i was so weak. I have no money for my spells and killing enemy for money is so tough for me. Plus, I started to see a lot of white mages in AF and it really won't fit my character (look at the first picture and see my face.....)
And i fall in love with RDM's AF.... so nice... so cool...

Star over from level 1 with the MOST difficult job to find party? The question kept bothering me for a while.... until, on New Year's day, I decided to give it a try.
and until next time...
So my life in Vanadiel had begun :D :spin: I started playing around the end of November
my Jazaar the first day in game. level 1 white mage

first encounter. ^^ the angk staff looked realy cool. too bad it sucks :D

First Party at level 7. Hunting goblins and lizards in Konshtat. very exciting (can't speak any japanese at that time yet)

First mission (actually, 3rd mission) with an event with Cid ^^

= Part 2 : No Longer a Newbie :D woo hoo~ =
So i've reached 20 and came to Jeuno!
Hunting in Qufim

became level 40 as Whm/Blm took me 3 weeks from level 1 :D (a little large. will make a link instead)
First air ship travel. Woo hoo~~~~ 42WHM

At this point, was my important turning point. I realized as WHM i was so weak. I have no money for my spells and killing enemy for money is so tough for me. Plus, I started to see a lot of white mages in AF and it really won't fit my character (look at the first picture and see my face.....)
And i fall in love with RDM's AF.... so nice... so cool...

Star over from level 1 with the MOST difficult job to find party? The question kept bothering me for a while.... until, on New Year's day, I decided to give it a try.
and until next time...