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And the fun begins :) Screen shots of my life in Vanadiel until today

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  • And the fun begins :) Screen shots of my life in Vanadiel until today

    = Part 1 : The Beginning ^^ =

    So my life in Vanadiel had begun :D :spin: I started playing around the end of November

    my Jazaar the first day in game. level 1 white mage

    first encounter. ^^ the angk staff looked realy cool. too bad it sucks :D

    First Party at level 7. Hunting goblins and lizards in Konshtat. very exciting (can't speak any japanese at that time yet)

    First mission (actually, 3rd mission) with an event with Cid ^^

    = Part 2 : No Longer a Newbie :D woo hoo~ =
    So i've reached 20 and came to Jeuno!
    Hunting in Qufim

    became level 40 as Whm/Blm took me 3 weeks from level 1 :D (a little large. will make a link instead)

    First air ship travel. Woo hoo~~~~ 42WHM

    At this point, was my important turning point. I realized as WHM i was so weak. I have no money for my spells and killing enemy for money is so tough for me. Plus, I started to see a lot of white mages in AF and it really won't fit my character (look at the first picture and see my face.....)

    And i fall in love with RDM's AF.... so nice... so cool...

    Star over from level 1 with the MOST difficult job to find party? The question kept bothering me for a while.... until, on New Year's day, I decided to give it a try.

    and until next time...
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso

  • #2
    = Part 3 : Life is Tough, But I made it! =

    unbelieveable, my RDM reached level 40 in less time then my WHM!!! woo hoo~~~~ (about 3 weeks as well but i passed tons of quests ^^)
    Learnt where to hunt and what to do from WHM's life, I lead my parties a LOT. Led my first party at level 11 hunting in shakrami :D was really tough because i don't even know whow to say "please come here" in japanese haven't taken much screen shots inbetween

    my RDM at level 40 I feel soooo good in that nice cloth and a cool sword. wuu pee~

    Starting to be able to help people, my friend called me to help with Mission 6, killing a dragon in San doria. And here we go on a chocobo towards San Doria

    travel deep into the realm of Orcishes. Fought our way though the fierce warrior of the cave.

    and in the deepest zone, lies our battle ground. :D reachiung/resting prepare for battle

    And our target! The Dragon!!
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      cool pics!
      Findecano is inactive

      He may return if things change .....
      but anywho i still got my ffxi friends *pulls out list of 1000000000 people*


      • #4
        = Part 4 : The Flame of Darkness =

        At level 54 I finally got my "Old Cursed Glove" It's used to be a glove worn by the leganday RDM who's been missing for a long long time ago. Now inorder the cure the Curse, the Flame of Darkness is required. And so I travelled to Castle of Zvar with a japanese party

        Taking Air ship to San Doria. And from San Doria we would travel through Rangumont, and into the northern land of Xacabard. Where the Castle of Zvar lies beyond.

        Ran into a dragon on our way....

        Almost reached the Castle when suddenly atleast 15 Demons ran after us >< yikes. Lucky everyone escaped alive.

        Finally, after battling constantly with many demons, we found the Bomb which holds the Flame of Darkness! woo hoo~

        And thus I recieved my RDM's glove ^^

        and until next time...
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          = Part 5 : Into the Highest Level Zone=

          My RDM finally reached 55 after 1 and a half month of playing. In order to advanced him further, a Quest is required.
          I kept looking for people to join but looked like they never gonna go on my play time.
          I shouted to see if anyone is going. The reply was, there are someone going. But they want me to lead!!!

          WTF! So that's my first time leading a full alliance of 18 people! Woo hoo~~~ took a while to gather people (and im the only foreihgner. woops)

          Me and my alliance gathering in Rulude Garden.

          And so the Jazaar Army left Jeuno.

          We took air ship to San Doria once again.... took a while to exit that door ~.~

          Fighiting our way through Rangumont, and nother Icey area I cna't recall the name

          A little rest at the Teleport Crystals For everyone who haven't got the crystals to fetch it too

          First battle with 1 of the 3 bosses we need to kill. ...... just look at it and we got parysed + virul.... awww.... extremely tough. we made it finally but, look at our health >,< can't even cure because of parysed

          took us almost 3 hours to kill all NM + 1 hour travelling. We all finally made it. Back to Jeuno and now Jazaar the Red Mage is ready to level up beyond 55.

          and until next time...
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            thats awesome leading an alliance of 18 when u were just lookin to join one lol


            • #7
              yeah this is a really great journals and nice pics

              wow, lvl 40 in 3 weeks? i thought it would take a little longer than that.
              How many hours a day did you play?


              • #8
                Wow, it must have been extremely tough being one of the few importers on that server. I would feel proud of myself if I were you. I wimped out and went the Ragnarok way.


                • #9
                  Your story is incredible, the pictures amazing, I would like to hear more of your Travelers, Sir Jei....
                  [Insert Quote Here]

                  Race/Gender: Hume/Male
                  Main Job: War-10
                  Sub Jobs: N/A
                  Other Jobs: N/A
                  Server: Sylph
                  Linkshell: Decay

                  RSE: 0/4
                  AF: 0/?
                  JSE: 0/?
                  Rank 1


                  • #10

                    great journal

                    Just one question when u first take off with a airship can u see people on land when ur in the air


                    • #11
                      Wait level 55 in one and a half months?!?! What's your secret?!? You story is very touchig...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sindinista
                        Wait level 55 in one and a half months?!?! What's your secret?!? You story is very touchig...
                        24/7 (a true one).... and very lucky....


                        • #13
                          nice journal man keep 'em come in

                          one question tho, once u switched to a rmg, can u swith back to your wmg with the level you go wmg to? or do you start all over
                          <<---=**Tear Of Solaris**=--->>


                          • #14
                            If you haven't already, look for a Taru named Guely. He's good.
                            Hear my voice...
                            The voice of pain.
                            It's hard to handle life as it is.
                            Sometimes I wish I could actually see all my buddies from this forum because I know that they're truly the ones who listen.


                            • #15
                              Re: great

                              Originally posted by OmegaDrag

                              Just one question when u first take off with a airship can u see people on land when ur in the air
                              U can at least see the airship on ground. Yesterday when I was fighting outside san doria I saw one in the air going to land. It was pretty sweet.

                              And that was a really good journal Jei!

