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FFXI for Dummies - My dealings with N00bs, Dorks & Dipsh*ts.

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  • #46
    I've only ever been able to get one pt with JP's, and what happened? I died almost right away, and they started saying stuff, and then I was booted. O.o

    Lucky for me, we were only about level 10, and I didn't care. Oh what fun! >.<


    • #47
      point proven hehe. my search messege

      SJ: Bleh. . .
      <Specialequip specs here>
      ENG ONLY

      teach them japanese not to mess with us NA!!! They hate us for no apparent reason so Gah!


      • #48
        If you get invite from jpn PT just ask:
        how long is gonna last
        where they going to fight
        what other jobs will be in the PT
        if there is anything you need to bring (item, spell, silent oil, altep crystal, etc)

        Before accepting invite, inform them:
        How long you can play, or for how long time you will have food, tools, etc.
        @exp tnl
        what u are supposed to have but dont have yet, or are not carring with you ie: dispel, erase, fenrir, utsusemi, kabobs, next level scrolls, pies and so on

        and 5 more things:
        Dont expect a /befriend at the end of PT even if it was a great PT
        Remove LS if they not wearing one
        Dont expect to be chating with them during/between fights
        Forget about one nice and long smoke break, actually forget about having breaks longer than going to BR while mages heal MP
        Most if them difinitly know more Areas of Vanadiel, and camps that are now forgoten. If they are gonna take you to a place where you are not familiar, bring the basic non-mage survival kit (Warp Scroll, Prism Powder/Tonko tool and silent oil)

        Now if you are farming... thats another story. Now back to Nahimana funny tales, right?


        • #49
          Odepa, your list of stuff to do in JP PT makes me wanna cry. T_T

          Oh well... maybe one day I'll get invited toa higher level one, and we'll see how your tips work out!


          • #50
            The fighting here is uneccessary, I think these stories are hilarious. These are all things that I'm sure ALL of us have wanted to do at some point (I know I have) and to see some1 willing to do it makes me so happy continue the journal I won't flame
            Destiny is calling...will I be able to answer?


            • #51
              Just a small point I want to point out: While it's always funny seeing a new player trying to provoke off a Carbuncle that's running after someone...

              That player does risk himself/herself to try to save you. No, you didn't need being saved at all, and the player really didn't know much about the game.

              The fact still remain that they were willing to endanger themselves trying to help you. Think about it: It was his/her first time seeing Carbuncle. What they knew is that someone was running away, with a monster following them. In general, that means that the person is in danger and try to zone safely. The poor warrior was brave enough to try provoke off an unknown monster to let you live.

              To me, a person like that is very noble. It is the kind of player that will become very helpful, gentle and nice to everyone. Personally, that is the kind of players I want to play with, and definitively undeserving to be called a "n00b" in my opinion.
              The sole thing that one possess throughout their entire life is hope.


              • #52
                uhhh...what he said ^


                • #53
                  Nahi your stories are funny but they make you look like an ass no offense


                  • #54
                    Damn...been away classes are harsh this year.

                    Anyhoo, not trying to be an ass...not trying to be mean.

                    I'll have more stories up soon.

                    As for the flamers, read or don't...your choice.

                    I don't need someone telling me what an asshole I am, when there have been numerous times where I will just help out some random low lvl person and power lvl them without being asked. I have also traveled from Sandy to Sauromogue to Raise someone because no-one else would/answered his /tells.

                    I also tend to buy/bring extra stuff for the people I party with. Not unusual for me to trade off a stack of kabobs to my damage dealers or pumpkin/melon pies to the mages. I've also left parties I've been in to change jobs when our pt was in danger of disbanding because we couldnt find a 6th for damage or healing.

                    I go out of my way for LS members, friends and pt members just because I like the game and I like to play and I genuinely like most of the people playing it with me.

                    I have a HUGE buddylist that numbers well over 100 and I constantly clean it out and remove people that I do not remember. If I am thought to be such an asshole, then I hardly think most people would befriend me.

                    I look at it this way: Ignorance is usually something that is not purposeful and something that can be remedied by learning. We are all ignorant of many things in this game. To be ignorant simply means to not know of something. Stupidity on the other hand, tends to be blatent and purposeful, and I have no tolerance for that. Sometimes both are humourous, and I post those stories.

                    If I come off as an ass, then I apologize, but dont sit here and flame me when I know very well a great number of you flamers do the EXACT SAME THING, both online and in your daily lives to others.

                    Now with that being said, this is the last I will speak about it. As I said before, you can choose to read it or not. Since some of you have found my stories to be distasteful, you will know to avoid this thread in the future. Plain and simple.

                    Now...who has CoP and ready to go explore the new territories with me and become immortalized in some of these stories I post???

                    42 RDM/36 WHM/19 DRG/12 MNK/9RNG/7 BST/6BLM/6THF/5 SMN/1 WAR
                    Will /panic for Gil


                    • #55
                      dont take aggression off him....

                      This guy is mad cause a noob treated him badly i get that most the time im in the dunes and near sucks cant do nothing......i feel your pain but i found a way to get some ...noob back at ....and i got a plan the subject you can kill noobs in lineage 2 if you want...they cant do anything plus you get their drop...and most noobs are scared of high lv lineage 2......but i found a way to get back at someone ...if i want to...its mean and mischeif...but you can get preatty mad at someone...who yelling at you...and disbands you from pt for no reason....


                      • #56
                        People not even level 60 calling people n00bs is laughable I don't even call people noobs...


                        • #57
                          Making fun of noobs? Hey, you're cool. You were once and noob, and would still consider you one. Just because someone doesn't know as much as you about a game, you think you are superior and can make their gaming experience worse.

                          You're an ass.
                          Trys - 67 BRD/WHM - Ragnarok (Active)


                          • #58
                            You guys are a bunch fuggin tards. This is HIS journal. If he wants to make fun of noobs in it he can. Stop posting your "e-tears" on here, just don't read it if you don't like. I want to read more about the noobs. I DON'T want to sift thru 5 pages of "you make fun of noobs onoes why u do dat onoes /cry" posts....

                            And Ithaqua your posts crack me up. Watching you try to use english is like watching monkeys try to use tools.
                            [30]DRK [15]WAR
                            [Nation]San 'D Oria


                            • #59
                              God, I tried to put this place to rest, but if you want to flame me i'll come back. Oh, and a monkey using tools is such a bad way to put it. It's called not using microsoft word... Obviously you are too consumed into being similar to Nahimana, but I took Nahi off the wrong way. I hate people who call others noobs without giving a truly strong point to back it up. Also, my post are clearly understandable, BUT I don't quote everything i'm replying to. THUS, it gets confusing. So please, stop trying to insult me. I'm a better writer than you'd think when I put my heart and soul into it. Thank you, i'm not here to argue...


                              • #60
                                How to make Instant Taru Toejam or A Nahi bonehead moment...

                                Couple days ago I finally get around to lvling my RNG. With a friend of mine and we decide to go hit LaTheine (both of us lvl 9) and pt up and smack about rabbits and sprouts. We come across a BLM who wants to join so we said sure and the 3 of us banded together and started looking for Orcs. We were just running around like a bunch of fools with no sense and the whole time here, I'm playing without sound cause I have a headache (I was bored silly so I was playing FFXI instead of laying down).

                                So anyhoo, my friend David knows I dont have my sound on and is picking on me telling me to answer my phone (like he was calling me) and we come across this Orc...I take AIM and POW! The fight is on! Then another Orc decides to join the fray so we're casting and smacking and I'm shooting my arrows like a Taru possessed and the orcs turn on me and start smacking me up. Next on my screen I see, "NAHI MOOOOOVE!" and I said, 'It's ok, they are doing little damage and missing' then all of a sudden I got hit and my almost full life bar goes down to almost empty and I was like WTF? Then my screen goes whitish for a sec and I see, "Where'd she go" and I was like "Where'd who go?" and BLAM! I'm dead. While we were fighting the orcs the BLM seen what was about to happen and was spamming <call1> to get my attention but it got swallowed up in the battle scrolling so David tried telling me to move in as few words as possible, thinking I'd have a clue and say "What?" or at least move.

                                Evidently Bloodtear spawned behind me and thumped me before some other high lvl RNG was able to pull him off.

                                And there you go...Instant Taru Toejam.

                                42 RDM/36 WHM/19 DRG/12 MNK/9RNG/7 BST/6BLM/6THF/5 SMN/1 WAR
                                Will /panic for Gil

