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Quaerito's Photolog [Amnesiac]

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  • Quaerito's Photolog [Amnesiac]

    This photolog starts pretty late in my journey. Previously, I started off as a BLM, then WHM/BLM, and now finally BRD/WHM. All of the pictures here will be post-25 BRD/WHM, and I wish I saved those photos from my BLM and WHM days, because those have better spell effects. Heh. Anyhow, just enjoy these pics that I do have. ^^

    Also, most of my posts will be in character, but don't be expecting too many of them Taru-isms now. Let's go, shall we? ^^

    PS. If anyone is curious to know, here are the specs at which I run.

    Intel Pentium 2.53 Ghz
    512 MB RAM
    Hercules Radeon 9700Pro
    1024×768 screen resolution
    1792×1792 background resolution
    Anti-aliasing 2×
    Anisotropic Filtering ×4
    Fraps for screenshots, Adobe Photoshop for resizing


  • #2

    Ahh... beautiful Kazham. The fauna glowing in iridescent shades of blue, purple and pink, the large fans of green and the tranquil turquoise waters. This is my second time here, but it's still as picturesque as the first time. The music still rocks too.

    Wow, just as I alight, I spot a high level Elvaan WHM in complete JSE with his NIN friend in what looks like Arhat Gi. There's a Tarutaru in RSE just behind this WHM, and we'll see him again later. Hee...

    Hopping on a Chocobo, I quickly race past the initial areas of Yuhtunga Jungle and come across this spectacular spot with some nice palm trees. Also, if you look really closely you can see a Yuhtunga Mandragora roaming about.

    Finally reaching Yhoator Jungle, I couldn't help but notice the elegant arches and the quaint nooks and crannies. Also, the canopy allows us to bask in filtered moonlight.

    Battle begins! In the first picture, a Yhoator Mandragora uses Leaf Dagger on a WAR (the leader). He shrugs it off easily though... In the second picture, a DRG's wyvern pet swoops past another Mandy and deals some damage to it. In the third, the Mandy casts Dream Flower, a special attack that I particularly hate because it makes the entire party go to sleep! zzz...

    After a few days, I'm at level 32, and very close to 33 when I can wear my complete RSE set. As I bid a tearful farewell to Kazham, I meet up with the Tarutaru featured in the second picture, and leave for Jeuno on an Airship.

    Garlaige Citadel, here I come! Maybe I'll find time to get my RSE too 'Til next time, /song "Horde Lullaby" ^^



    • #3
      Excellent Journal, those pictures are really crisp and clear. I like it...Keep it up!
      Well he once killed a man with a guitar string
      He's been seen at the table with kings
      Well he once saved a baby from drowning
      There are those who say beneath his coat there are wings.

      "if you ever read the book you would realize it is nothing like grand theft auto......" - on the Da Vinci Code being like Grand Theft Auto


      • #4
        I love it! So pretty-full! More more!
        Originally posted by Kailea-D
        yeah you only Fame because you could not make a nice costume like that, I am a guy.....and I know this would sound really wrong.....but I would love to dress up at a convention as my ingame self, nothing wrong with a MIthra Dragoon, well except that I would be a guy...but that is not the point.....the point is I would do it because it would be really fun to live my ingameselfs life for one day :p


        • #5
          jesus you must have an AWESOME machine. your graphics are 100x better than mine are and i lag anyway
          63/63 maps obtained


          • #6
            OMG. Grunion, you are one of my idols!! . To have you grace my journal is just.... *is lost for words*

            Anyway, from now on I will reduce the size of the pictures from 800×600 to 640×480 for ease of visibility, less transfer consumption and less space. This is the last post with 800×600 pics.

            I travelled to Bastok, hoping to pick up a new Traversiere for those Madrigals that I sing so often... And I snapped this just as I passed the Drachenfalls.

            I bought another Lullaby scroll so me and my parties can fight more safely with lesser fear of links... Also, I found out that this song is of utmost importance in BCNM40s.

            Alas, Bastok stocked no Traversieres, even at Harmodios' or the AH, so I thought of the next country, San D'Oria. After all, SanD was home to the Woodworkers guild. A nice WHM Teleported me to Holla, so I had lesser road to run.

            At SanD, I got quite discouraged because no one around sold any Traversieres, and the only woodworkers at the guild were either low craft level NA guilders or high JP players, and they didn't understand what I needed. T_T Nevertheless, I saw this cute Taru BST in his AF waiting for the guild store to open, so I took the chance. ^^

            Eventually, I sent a Wind Crystal, Oak Lumber and Parchment to an LSmate to craft a Traversiere for me. Now I know who to bug when I need some instruments made! ^^



            • #7
              haha wow i didn't know i was anyone's idol your pics are so much prettier than mine - if i had graphics like that my journal would be much much better. i like your screens, keep em coming

              p.s. why am i your idol? you liked my SS posts i guess?
              63/63 maps obtained


              • #8
                Yeah, your SS posts are so inspirational, makes me wanna level up 5 times a day just so I can do what you're doing now. And mostly because you're a Bard too! ^^



                • #9
                  well that's cool but there's lots of people are are way ahead of me - i still have only dont dynamis bastok, never seen a dragon, never fought in tu'lia yet (although i have access). still much to do
                  63/63 maps obtained


                  • #10
                    Time for a really short update!

                    A couple of days ago, the time for Tarutaru males to get their RSE in Gusgen Mines came. Being level 33, I knew I could wear every single piece that was available through Guttrix. I accepted the quest and because I forgot to turn on Fraps, I couldn't get any screens in Jeuno. Then my computer lost fullscreen T_T... But at least by then, I was already in Gusgen, and hooked up with a level 60 BLM/WHM (Zikayoka) who was doing his RSE too.

                    Zikayoka uses all sorts of wonderful black magic, including the drool-worthy Burst! Unfortunately, I forgot to take a snapshot of that ^^' But here's one of him casting Aero III...

                    I really like this picture (and it's my wallpaper now). It's Zika and me resting after killing a large amount of mobs without any key drop... T_T

                    Then, Zika's friends came along to help us in our quest for those keys! Eventually, I did get the first piece of the magical pattern, thanks to these guys!

                    So that's only the first piece of the RSE done. Wasted too much time looking for someone to help me with the quest. But no biggie, at least I have my Wonder Kaftan now!



                    • #11
                      Well, I eventually ditched the RSE quest, and figured I'd do it when I was higher level, since the armor didn't give my BRD any real boosts. So it was back to levelling!

                      Two pictures of a PLD using Shining Blade on a hapless Siege Bat. I almost feel sorry... but the animation is so gorgeous!

                      Galkan WAR comes in with his contribution: Sturmwind.

                      I kinda liked the flashy WSs, so this is Tachi: Enpi and Viper Bite used together.

                      One of Tachi: Enpi alone...

                      ... and one of Detonation, which I can't remember how we produced.

                      Just a random shot of me using Requiem on the Siege Bat. I like the way it looks like a scythe slashing.

                      And one of my favourite songs to sing! Magic Finale is basically a Dispel that requires no MP! ^^

                      And that's it for levelling in Garlaige Citadel. I've got a feeling I'll be back here soon once I'm done with Crawlers' Nest...



                      • #12

                        The first two days of my attempt to party at Crawlers' Nest... terrible. I waited around for two whole [in-game] days, weathering the many showers of Rolanberry Fields, only to be greeted with full PTs and no one wanting a BRD. [Oh yeah, I never thought I'd say this, but it was difficult getting a PT as a BRD.] So to pass the time I snapped these two shots. Those who like scenery should like these.

                        The next day, I finally found a party to join, and proceeded to navigate the labyrinth that was the Crawlers' Nest. I loved the turquoise glowy flower-thingamajigs. Whee~!

                        A shot of one of the caves in which Worker Crawlers spawn. Needless to say, this was snapped when too many PTs were XPing at the central area killing Workers, hence the emptiness of these caves [no mobs to exp ]

                        A shot deeper in the nest, where Hornflies and Soldier Crawlers roam.

                        This is more a humour shot than anything. I was quite amused when, after each Taru dance I did with my PT members, a nearby Worker Crawler would get paralyzed. :D Is my dancing that bad? :confused:

                        Another lights-show shot! The Crawler is using Coccoon, our DRK was using Nightmare Scythe, and our WHM was throwing some spells around.

                        More to come from Crawlers' Nest, I'm not done there yet!



                        • #13
                          your pics are stellar, keep it up
                          63/63 maps obtained


                          • #14
                            Back with a short update! Over the weekend I did my AF1 with the help of two of my LSmates. I'm beating myself over forgetting to snap a few shots during the battle with the NM Tros, but I do have some cutscenes . If I ever help someone else do BRD AF1 again, I might update this post with a few shots.

                            Mertaire's task was for me to throw the bracelet of his lost love into the depths of the Waters of Oblivion. As I approach the seemingly polluted waters, Tros (a Sea Monk type NM who spams Waterga II) appears, only to get smacked around by my friends. We did get hit for some major damage too. T_T By PLD friend even had to use his 2 HR...

                            After successfully slaying Tros (got in a few hits myself ^^), Mertaire appears and requests to throw the bracelet away himself.

                            A shot of the bracelet falling into the Waters.

                            Then I got my AF dagger, Paper Knife, from Mertaire! (Fraps didn't get this shot, I don't know why T_T... just turned out a big black screen)



                            • #15
                              This was my first time partying in the Labyrinth of Onzozo. I didn't get to see much, but I did get to kill some big Cockatrice, none of which dropped any meat >_<

                              I almost didn't make it to this party. To those who think that BRDs get instant invites, this shot should say something about Seraph. For some reason, I do manage to stroll through Jeuno pretty nicely with my party flag up, without being asked to party.

                              Mages resting while the melees prepare their Skillchain. Managed to level from 39-42 here, but I delevelled trying BCNM (of which I'm trying to get better, more timely shots) to 41.

                              Lights!! ^^ Pretty lights all over the place. Someone was using Stun, I think,


