Originally posted by Drawmuh
XD I did the same exact thing as you did and I seriously quit because I too was feeling the exping grind... but then I came back after a break just to talk and hang out with friends and now I find myself enjoying the game again =)
XD I did the same exact thing as you did and I seriously quit because I too was feeling the exping grind... but then I came back after a break just to talk and hang out with friends and now I find myself enjoying the game again =)
I've found a new thing to love in this game: I started leveling WHM and I really like it. Even though just today my PT got into a difficult situation that in the end led to two deaths. I felt really bad even though it wasn't on my shoulders alone; I didn't have a backup-healer because we had a PL, but suddenly he had to go Raise and I was left spamming cures with only half of my MP left, and I blew Bene @ Korroloka 1.5h earlier. The PT didn't blame me, but still I feel bad.
I've been reading a lot of stuff about the WHM-pressure and I was glad to realize I'm not the only one who feels this way after a death
Anyways, I still think the good stuff about WHM overwrites the pressure and the bashings. Makes me feel good to do something useful. I can't wait until I get high enough so I can help others in Valkurm, etc~