Wow, you just continue to top yourself, Lanlan. ^_~ I love that entry! ^^ *feels her journal to be totally inferior*
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The Journal of Lanih
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(OOC: Sorry I haven't updated ina while, I was on my summer cottage for a weekI really thought I remembered to leave a note of my trip to all the important places but seems like I forgot one. I did leave kinda in a hurry.
Anyways, I'll try and get an entry up for you in the near future ^^)
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(OOC: Ohh, goddammit... I was supposed to get to lv30 today, get NIN, take screens and write some heavy twists as Lan changes her job, but... I only got ONE party during the whole day and those people were a bunch of retards. So I got ~70exp today, which means I'm still 1.2k away from lv29. I still have a couple of hours until I gotta go to sleep, but I doubt I can get to 30 today.
I hope I'll have better PT-luck tomorrow, I feel so bad about neglecting the journal ;_;
[And before anyone mentions it... I know I should lvl my sub, but it just seems so pointless cause I'm gonna dump my MNK anyways when I get to lv30]
EDIT a couple of hours later:
Managed to get a PT ^^ I'm 4k away from 30 now, so I'll most likely get something done tomorrow)
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Good luck with getting level 30 and the NIN quest, Lanih. ^^ I haven't been having such good luck finding PTs lately either. :/ I finally started actually leveling THF again, but lately I haven't been able to get any invites! (actually, I get a ton when I'm already busy helping someone or am otherwise unable to PT >_>) I've taken up woodworking in the meantime, since I wanna start being able to craft my own shihei for the Utsusemi: Ichi spell. Anyway, I can't wait for the next entry!
Rank 10 All Nations
Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
Assault Rank: Captain
Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
Unique Quests complete: 465
Maps Obtained: 79/79
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(OOC: I got to PT with JP-people today and I must say it was the best PT I've ever been in so far. They knew what they were doing, didn't mess up my SA and damn the EXP was good ^^
Got to lv30, did the NIN-quest with the help of always-so-kind Rosiel and I've been leveling a tiny bit already, too. As you might've guessed by now, I forgot to turn Clipper on once again >_<; Norg was so cool, but I was so excited that I didn't realize to logout for a few seconds and put the damn program on.
Anyways, another story-fragment coming up tomorrow, with some newbie-nin pics ^^)
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(OOC: A lot of stuff that I have to write into the story has been happening in the last few days [both fortunate and unfortunate... our LS dispersed because there was too much tension between some members... On a lighter note, Lanih has made some good friends], but I'm just so excited about NIN I can't write all that down just yet xD Patience, please
I'm posting a couple of pics for you to oogle at while I try and get something written xD)
Here's a RDM who followed me around through the early levels and kept me alive. I took him under my wing and decided to do anything I can to help. (OOC: He's my RL-cousin ^^)
And some random battle-shots of me trying to learn how to use a katana
(OOC: When I log on tomorrow, I'm gonna spend some serious time fishing; I need money cause I don't really feel like running around in Sea Serpent Grotto just yet ^^, Yes, I'm actually gonna buy my Utsusemi: Ichi. I can do the quest later and get my money back then. Plus, I get around 20k per trip from my precious fishing hole so it's not such a big deal anymore)
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o_O Wow.... I can't imagine trying to buy Utsusemi. >_<;; The quest is so easy, Lanlan! Just switch to a level 1 job and get yourself a stack of Silent Oil and some directions, and it's a cake walk!
Rank 10 All Nations
Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
Assault Rank: Captain
Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
Unique Quests complete: 465
Maps Obtained: 79/79
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(OOC: Yeaaaah, I know xD But I'm almost there already, thanks to the goldmine that is fishingI'll go to Norg to take some screenshots soon so I might do it then, though, but not right now cause I need a break from the goddamned Yuhtunga Jungle xP You won't believe how many times I died there just because I got lost and my choco fainted. I'm starting to learn the ways around little by little though.)
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Hehe, I can make it to Yhoator Jungle easy as pie, but finding my way out is always a challenge. XD I don't have any problems getting to Norg, even though I get lost everytime. :sweat: I just head as south as I can until I get to the outpost. XD
Rank 10 All Nations
Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
Assault Rank: Captain
Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
Unique Quests complete: 465
Maps Obtained: 79/79
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Thanks 0
(OOC: Sorry about the possible typo's, I'm a bit tired)
One night after a hard day filled with training in Yhoator Jungle, I decided it was time for me to follow my chosen path. I wanted to become a ninja. I got some advice from other ninjas, they told me to go to Bastok and talk to a couple of people there. After a bit of running around, I found out that a man named Ensetsu had given something to the Tenshodo and now he wants it back. But the man who Ensetsu gave the item - Kagetora - refuses to give it back unless Ensetsu gives him some rare coral from Korroloka. I couldn't let Ensetsu go alone, he's a father of two children, so I offered to do the task. Rosiel came with me, cause I sensed it wouldn't just be a short walk in the park. I had never been in Korroloka befoore, either. So we ran through Korroloca and arrived in a little room which had the strange coral. But as I had suspected, three Korroloca Leeches popped behind me as soon as I touched the coral! I almost got killed so Rosiel told me to stand back. He fought bravely against all the three leeches, but got killed :/ Luckily, there was a high-lv PT nearby (OOC: all japanese, but I'm pretty good at communicating with them already xD) and they offered to help. They killed the leeches with only a couple of blows and told me to touch the coral. Nothing happened. They said we need to wait for the leeches to pop out again. I didn't like the idea of staying in the little room any longer, but since the others were quite experienced, I decided to just do what I'm told (Rare thing, haha xD). After a while, I touched the coral again and TA-DAHH, there were the leeches again. I ran behind the high-lv people and they took the leeches out as quickly as before. I touched the coral and obtained the strangely shaped coral ^^ The mage used the Escape-spell so we didn't have to walk back.
I took the coral to Kagetora, but he said the item was already shipped to Norg. I told this to Ensetsu and he asked me to go and get it for him. And of course, I accepted. I took a choco to Jeuno, jumped in the Kaz-airship and waited for Rosiel there. After he came, we rented choco's from Kazham and started finding our way to the very interesting place known as Norg. Rosiel had some markings in his map so it didn't take long to get to the Sea Serpent Grotto. We dismounted our choco's there and Rosiel casted Sneak on us. After that we could just saunter to Norg without any problems ^^ When we arrived there, I got immediately seduced by the athmosphere. And I was very surprised that it felt even more homely than Kazham. I looked around for a while and talked to a lot of people. I noticed there were katana's for sale so I realized I would have to come here every once in a while. Rosiel told me I could also buy katana's from the Tenshodo H.Q in Jeuno. Eventually I saw the man I was supposed to take the coral to, Ryoma, at the dock. I talked to him and he gave me a sealed blade. To tell you the truth, I tried unsheathing it but I couldn't do it xD;
I headed back to Bastok. Rosiel said he would stay in Norg for a while so I waved goodbye and went outside with my lv1 BLM and got myself deathwarped back to Jeuno. I rode a choco to Bastok, gave the selaed dagger to Ensetsu and witnessed a touching scene with Ensetsu and his daughters. Ensetsu gave me his wife's old ninjutsu-scrolls as a thanks, and you won't believe how happy I was ^^ I rode back to Windurst, changed my job to ninja and started rampaging around Sarutabaruta like mad xD
After a few days of training, I decided to try and wield two katanas, cause I heard ninjas could do that. After a couple of fights I felt that I was pretty good doing it. I headed out more and more, further away from Windurst. Night fell and I decided to sleep near the Zanbibi river. During the night, three Yagudo's attacked me. I would've handled them one by one, but not three at a time. I panicked and started running, leaving my new katanas to the riverbank. I ran up to a cliff and the Yagudo's were so far I cold rest for a while. I cursed myself for leaving the katanas.. What kind of ninja am I, really? Leaving my weapons behind like that... After a minute or so, I noticed the Yagudo's were almost there. I remembered the bow Semih gave me long time ago, took it out from my gobbiebag and aimed... One of the Yagudo's went down with a single hit but I missed the two and they started running like mad towards me. Then, suddenly, two arrows flew right by me and overkilled the Yagudo's. 'It is time. You have kept Perih waiting for too long alrrready.' Semih Lafihna said. She gave me my katanas and walked away. I was still in shock so it took me a while to understand what had happened. I decided to do what Semih told me. I felt something moving inside me at the mere mention of rangers, so you have to imagine what great impact it was to see those Yagudo's go down like that.
A bit before sunrise, I made my way through Sarutabaruta back to Windurst. I went to see Perih Vashai. She gave me a riddle-like description about becoming a ranger, and I got some clearer information from the other mithra's. I rode a chocobo to Sauromugue Champaign, found a cave of the Sabertooth Tigers and noticed there was an old Sabertooth, just about taking his last breaths. I watched it die naturally, dismounted my chocobo, examined the tiger bones at the back of the cave and insta-warped back to Windurst. Perih was very happy to see me back so quickly. She told me a bit more about mother nature and the code of the rangers. She told me I was now worthy of becoming a ranger myself, and gave me a Ranger's Necklace. After the official ceremony, she asked me to stay a bit longer. 'Your motherrr lost so much because of the beastmen. She wanted you to become strrrong and avenge forrr herrr. She asked me to take carrre of you if anything should happen to herrr, but things went wrrrong and you werrre missing for so many yearrrs. I knew you werrre alive, but everrryone else thought you got killed in the same airrrship crrrash than yourrr motherrr. I knew you'd find yourrr way herrre, soonerrr or laterrr. Your mind is strrrong, you arrre able to combine the two callings that tearrr you aparrrt. Yourrr motherrr was my sisterrr, and I know she would be rrreally prroud of the choice you arrre about to make.' After that Perih opened her eyes, just for a second or two, and I could see a flashback of my mother. The eyes were the very same.
I went back to my moghouse and hanged the necklace to my wall. I couldn't wear it just yet. I needed to become stronger. And I would. I would combine the best of both worlds, the ranger and the ninja. I would do my mother, and Perih, proud. I fell asleep with those things in my mind, and when I woke up I was determined to fulfill the oaths I took upon myself that night.
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