Well I am/was 51. So I actually planned on doing AF4 soon for the gloves(not now, just as next AF quest). As always I seeked a PT in Jeuno. Then there was this shout for help with DRK AF3. I thought, you dont see those shouts often so just ask if you can join, if you get kicked, take it. So I asked the one if I could join and w00t he didnt say anything and invited me. Well we were 3 members, a 62WHM(he has a DRK that needs this quest) and a DRK57. So the WHM got some highlvl friends that would come if we have one full pt. Well we didnt get one so we decided that everyone should gather 5 members for the next day and do it then. On the next day the other DRK wasnt online, only the WHM. So he got some friends and I asked some DRKs and a PLD60 to help. So here are the screens:
Getting started:
First you have to go to Beadeaux to get the quadav mage blood that you need to for the NM fight in Delkfutt Tower and there you get the cutscene to activate the AF3 Quest
Stupid Zeid thinks I'm using a sword ; ;
Yea the 3. Topaz Quadav dropped the Blood, Firestorm had the highest lot so he is the one that gets slapped if we arent ready and he spawns the NMs :angel:
After we got the blood all of us warped back to Jeuno. Then of course to Delkfutt Tower.
Arriving in Delkfutt(funny to see that many DRKs in SOME AF pieces and I'm the only one without even one -_-)
Our Member List(yea I know, no BLM, we just didnt get one ><)
Taking the last teleport to the isolated room
Preparing for the fight
Ok I'm really sorry that I dont have SS of the fight because I was recording the fight with Fraps and it was already laggy with that and you dont miss anything because its not so spectacular...
Well this is how it ended up....
We really got slaughtered. First we all attacked the Evil Weapon NM(you have to fight an Evil Weapon(Gerwitz's Scythe) and 2 Bones(Scythe Victims) and one Paladin pulled off the Bones. We quickly killed the Evil Weapon but the Bones were really freaky. We could kill one of them but more than the half ally died and the rest fought the other Bone. Bone won. So we all died... We waited till the Bone will disappear because then it would be somehow safe. In this room 2 Giants spawn that spawned during our fight and they were agro. One of our WHMs had Reraise and he raised himself when the Giants looked away. Then he teleported outside first to recover(I know he could kill the giants but he wanted to o.O). While we were dead we discussed if we needed to fight the NM again or we just need to touch the ???. So our WHM raised one of our PLDs to kill the Giants. Then he raised one of our DRKs to test it out. He touched the ???, nothing. Then he teleported outside and w00t he got the cutscene and the helm. So all DRKs got raised and got the cutscene with helm(me2) ^_____^ I didnt make any SS of the cutscene or how I got the helm because I recorded that(IF SOMEONE CAN UPLOAD THIS 40MB VIDEO I WOULD BE PLEASED ^-^). Here are just some screens of that video <.<:
And here the screen of my beautiful unequipable mighty Chaos Burgeonet:
I made a video of the fight too but its 140MB and I dont have webspace to upload such a big file x.x I hope you enjoyed the Journal ^-^ Now just 9LVLs till I can wear this ; ;
Getting started:
First you have to go to Beadeaux to get the quadav mage blood that you need to for the NM fight in Delkfutt Tower and there you get the cutscene to activate the AF3 Quest
Stupid Zeid thinks I'm using a sword ; ;
Yea the 3. Topaz Quadav dropped the Blood, Firestorm had the highest lot so he is the one that gets slapped if we arent ready and he spawns the NMs :angel:
After we got the blood all of us warped back to Jeuno. Then of course to Delkfutt Tower.
Arriving in Delkfutt(funny to see that many DRKs in SOME AF pieces and I'm the only one without even one -_-)
Our Member List(yea I know, no BLM, we just didnt get one ><)
Taking the last teleport to the isolated room
Preparing for the fight
Ok I'm really sorry that I dont have SS of the fight because I was recording the fight with Fraps and it was already laggy with that and you dont miss anything because its not so spectacular...
Well this is how it ended up....
We really got slaughtered. First we all attacked the Evil Weapon NM(you have to fight an Evil Weapon(Gerwitz's Scythe) and 2 Bones(Scythe Victims) and one Paladin pulled off the Bones. We quickly killed the Evil Weapon but the Bones were really freaky. We could kill one of them but more than the half ally died and the rest fought the other Bone. Bone won. So we all died... We waited till the Bone will disappear because then it would be somehow safe. In this room 2 Giants spawn that spawned during our fight and they were agro. One of our WHMs had Reraise and he raised himself when the Giants looked away. Then he teleported outside first to recover(I know he could kill the giants but he wanted to o.O). While we were dead we discussed if we needed to fight the NM again or we just need to touch the ???. So our WHM raised one of our PLDs to kill the Giants. Then he raised one of our DRKs to test it out. He touched the ???, nothing. Then he teleported outside and w00t he got the cutscene and the helm. So all DRKs got raised and got the cutscene with helm(me2) ^_____^ I didnt make any SS of the cutscene or how I got the helm because I recorded that(IF SOMEONE CAN UPLOAD THIS 40MB VIDEO I WOULD BE PLEASED ^-^). Here are just some screens of that video <.<:
And here the screen of my beautiful unequipable mighty Chaos Burgeonet:
I made a video of the fight too but its 140MB and I dont have webspace to upload such a big file x.x I hope you enjoyed the Journal ^-^ Now just 9LVLs till I can wear this ; ;