First off a bit of role-playing background. Akrith has spent the past 20 years growing up inside of a Elvaan prison. His father was declared a spy by Temple Knights and the whole family gets locked up and seperated when he was a boy. Upon the need for more adventures to help the Elvaan nation an unknown adventurer (any Elvaan on the Unicron server that wants to be this person let me know, great RP oppurtunity ) gets him out to help his adopted country.
Upon being released into the world with a rusted sword and some clothes told to go fight for the people who had me locked up for most of my life kinda left with a sour taste in my mouth. Well seeing as how I needed money to get out of this place I set about to make my fortune. The shear amount of people was amazing. People running past faster than I could follow. Wizards using spells to disappear in an instant and the groups of veteran adventurers coming off an airship was a sight to be seen. Asking around it seemes that rabbit meat and hides could be sold for a fair amount. Well I wasn't the only one who thought this! After a few good kills (and running for my life fleeing from a huge orc) I started to get a a bit hurt and was bleeding from the nicks and cuts that the wild rabbits whiplike tail caused and from nowhere a hume healer by the name of Threejays healed me. A complete stranger! Needing no thanks he went about his business and I was stunned that he helped me and asked for no payment what so ever. I aquired a new bronze sword and some extra armour and went about to avenge my self from the orc who had a good laugh at my expense. After creeping into the woods further than I've been I found what I was looking for but I was startled to see he was a magic user as well! I fought tooth and nail and barely survived but victorious (4 hp left out of around 60
). After resting a bit one of the little people , a tartaru I think, assisted me with the healing and I help dispatch a large beetle that had been persuring her. She addressed herself as angelofjoy and shortly after the beetle we ran into another orc who charged straight for her and there was little I could do (no provoke only lvl 3 currently) and she fell. The last thing I saw were two huge warriors one with a huge scythe cleaving the orc in two and then all went black. I awoke nearby and of angelofjoy there was no sign. I only hope she is okay and I feel terrible I could not do more for her. I now have a new sense of purpose and well try to defend those who cannot defend themsleves from the darkness of the world. I believe the path of the Order of Paladins will be my calling.....
*P.S. if 3jays or angelofjoy read this
**P.P.S. for all of those who bothered to read all of this..
Upon being released into the world with a rusted sword and some clothes told to go fight for the people who had me locked up for most of my life kinda left with a sour taste in my mouth. Well seeing as how I needed money to get out of this place I set about to make my fortune. The shear amount of people was amazing. People running past faster than I could follow. Wizards using spells to disappear in an instant and the groups of veteran adventurers coming off an airship was a sight to be seen. Asking around it seemes that rabbit meat and hides could be sold for a fair amount. Well I wasn't the only one who thought this! After a few good kills (and running for my life fleeing from a huge orc) I started to get a a bit hurt and was bleeding from the nicks and cuts that the wild rabbits whiplike tail caused and from nowhere a hume healer by the name of Threejays healed me. A complete stranger! Needing no thanks he went about his business and I was stunned that he helped me and asked for no payment what so ever. I aquired a new bronze sword and some extra armour and went about to avenge my self from the orc who had a good laugh at my expense. After creeping into the woods further than I've been I found what I was looking for but I was startled to see he was a magic user as well! I fought tooth and nail and barely survived but victorious (4 hp left out of around 60

*P.S. if 3jays or angelofjoy read this

**P.P.S. for all of those who bothered to read all of this..
