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  • damn i want to start my own journal as soon as the pc version comes to me in only 34 DAyS left (supposedly)


    • great stuff UPDATE NOW!!!...
      18 days left till release
      Ryuujin - Hume (account hacked thus deleted)
      l RDM-29 l WAR-16 l MNK-2 l BLM-2 l SAM-31 l BST-2 l RNG-1 l WHM-2 l THF-1 l SMN-7 l


      Ryuujin - Elvann (deleted)
      l WAR-30 l THF-15 l WHM-1 l RDM-1 l BLM-1 l MNK-1 l SAM-36 l BST-1 l RNG-1 l NIN-1 l DRK-1 l PLD-1 l


      lWAR-18 l THF-1 l WHM-8 l RDM-1 l BLM-5 l MNK-9 l


      • well i dont know about you guys but my favorite part of Nod's journal is this pic...

        i actually found a pic of me saying something in the LS chat lol
        Well thats an ooooold pic, when I was still playing Kylo.
        Hey Nod, if you still play send me a /tell. Started over with the NA release so im Raion now
        FFXI Player Since 2/19/03
        Updated: 7/1/04
        Active Hume/Male Raion- Paladin50, Warrior30, Whm25, thief15, blm10, Ranger9, Bst8
        Deleted (>_<) Hume/Male Kylo-Warrior31, Thief18,WhiteMage7
        Deleted Taru/Male Dormir- BlackMage24/WhiteMage11
        Deleted Galka/Male Kye- Monk10
        Linkshells- Gryphon, AntiPantArmy
        Past Linkshells- Neogundan, Fallen, TheConfederation, Celestrial Network, Edge Knights
        Server- Ragnarok


        • Yeah i still play just not quite as much as before. Soon i'll be playin a lot cuz of winter break probably but yeah i'ma workin on getting thf to AF. and subbin ninja now so i'll be updating this old ass journal here shortly, juss bare with me.


          • Yeah i still play just not quite as much as before. Soon i'll be playin a lot cuz of winter break probably but yeah i'ma workin on getting thf to AF. and subbin ninja now so i'll be updating this old ass journal here shortly, juss bare with me.


            • Ahh last time I saw your thief it was still in Valkurm. So what lvl is your thf sensei because I would really like to party with you (almost did once in valkurm ).


              • Noddie, heheh, remember the old days? that level 4/5/7 PT back in february with sojiro that sucked major ass? lol

                I wanna see you on again, good times, and my Samurai is getting there heheh

                btw, what happened to sojiro? O _o
                Name - Spatuazle **DELETED**
                Elvaan - Male
                Size - Medium


                • *delurks*

                  I love your Journal, Nodachi. The way you narrate and your in-game talk is really cool -- it really makes the game come alive ^_^

                  *goes back to lurking*


                  • More to come after tonight, like an explination for this pic and much more.

                    Edit: Deleted pic (found further below)


                    • Only half of your picture shows
                      of course you probably did that on purpose to hide the area name in the chat window...but I know where you are and I envy your large amount of play time...I just started M11 ; ;
                      Name - Spatuazle **DELETED**
                      Elvaan - Male
                      Size - Medium


                      • x.x.. isn't that the area... where the shadow lord is? I've seen a few screens...*shudder* if you fought him, and won... AWESOME :D :D :D

                        Corwynn's Journal

                        Red Mage for life.

                        What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


                        • .
                          Attached Files


                          • hey nodachi

                            could u get a screen of that armour from the front plz
                            In the dark realms of hell wether you are good or not doesn't matter, and that is where your true soul appears and really counts.


                            • So i finally get motivated to do M11 and with my great party went on to beat M12. Our initial party was Itazura, Cobbi, Maximillian and myself. Some of our original friends wern't on at the time so we went looking for 2 more to join the crew. One being a melee and one being a mage. After a bit of searching we bumped into Elitemage and Seito, both i hadn't met before but was really glad they were willin to come along. Anyways here we are as we approach the infamous Shadow Lord's domain - i'd say spoiler but it really isn't much of a spoiler anymore >.>
                              Attached Files


                              • Despite what you know is about to happen the area is really peacefull. Just imagine no music, and wind for this portion.
                                Attached Files

