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  • #91
    well it was time to say goodbye to the even lil'er tarus and follow Mr. Mumm to the fishing guild - as i came here not only to see windurst but to join the guild. As we make our way there i can start to see windmills in the background. Windurst is really a great place to visit.
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    • #92
      We reach the Fishing Guild only to discover more windmill goodness in the backround.
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      • #93
        I become an official member of the guild and look around as Mr. Mumm fishes and turns in his finds to improve his fishing guild rank. I believe he said he was promoted on this trip=D congrats Mumm^^ As said earlier in this journal Mumm is tha masta fisha'
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        • #94
          Lol after being lost in the maze like town we stumble upon one of the AHs in Windurst where i buy a fishing pole and some bait.

          (sorry for the night time shots, i know they are somtimes hard to see when posted =/)
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          • #95
            Well it got late and Mumm and I decided to call it a night - the next day i got on i tried fishin immediately heh and needed to make my way back to my home of San'Doria.
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            • #96
              More fishing - this time on a bridge just outside of windurst.
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              • #97
                Well with not knowing the areas outside of Windurst it took me quite awhile to find my way back to the docks - even with the map heh. Buuuut i eventually got there and turned to bid Mumms home farewell - till i visit next.
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                • #98
                  Lol earlier waiting for boat rides by yourself can be, well, boring. . . But no longer! for i can fish! lol nearly all of the passengers of this trip could fish and joined me on the docks in doing so.
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                  • #99
                    This boat ride started off witha Bang heh as we made our way to the deck of the boat mr squid ruined our lil journey killing one of us nearly instantly heh. Thank goodness cecils was there to save the day heh and there was a mage high enough level to raise the poor guy who got slaughtered - i remember his leveling being close to 8 or 9 at the time i think =/
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                    • Lol it was funny Xanthus and i kept doing the /cry and /panic emotes next to Tyrael until the mage raised him -
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                      • Ahh back on the deck and whut a day? man i love boat rides heh.
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                        • welp - time to fish- lol Xanthus was so funny on this trip she kept running around people or fishing under me - sometimes constantly doing the infamous Taru /panic dance heh - gets me every time^^
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                          • lol here's Xanthus doing the Taru /panic dance in a pugil i had just caught and killed.
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                            • Well the trip to Windurst and back was great - i hope you enjoyed the scenery of Windurst but this section of the journal has come to an end.

                              Check back in about a week to see my big trip to Jeuno! As i earn my own chocobo and explore the area of Jeuno.
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                              • so cool!! very very good

                                _[c r o n o]__//-- Midgardsormr: 75PLD-active | Cactuar: 52PLD-deleted


