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  • #16
    The sun came up and we were ready to head out to Valkrum.


    • #17
      Unfortunately somthing came up and Spatuazle had to leave. However Aikko and I kept on going. We were really thankfull to this lil guy who had his profile hidden but was at least level 55+. But we were thankful to him because he cured us (saved us from dieing really) as 3 sheep linked together making a rather rough fight for Aikko and I. Thanks PaPa ~ (had to cut this pics quality as well to fit it on the forums)


      • #18
        Well nightfall came and Aikko and I realised we were in need of aparty to go to Valkrum and be able to fight. So i rested while Aikko gathered the troops.


        • #19
          Morning came and just in time as Aikko had gathered 3 new members for the party. Kelenae, Terainstar and Carnage.


          • #20
            - On our way through La Theine to Valkrum we bumped into (what i remember being called somthing like Crag of Holla lol correct me if im wrong - but it's quite an enormous building out in the middle of the plains)


            • #21
              Us resting just before we get to Valkrum. (Pic quality cut down)


              • #22
                Ahhh we finally make it to Valkrum. ( i spent about 4 minutes just troting around watching the sand kick up as i run heh) We were attacked by 2 Goblin Ambushers and ended up retreating for a second only to catch wind that another wants to join our party.


                • #23
                  Here we are regrouping with our new member Syara. We decided though that due to a lack of time we would treck accross Valkrum to Selbina to make a new Home Point incase we were to die.
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    We made it ! lol a few Abmushers and Leechers chased me but the party made it to Selbina to succesfully make a Home Point.


                    • #25
                      Well i ended up staying up later than i initially wanted to (since unlike my party members i had school the next day heh><) so i decided to log off =/ Though we didn't level really, nor did we get much loot. The time spent meeting new, great people and seeing the new lands of Vana'Diel were very worth the time it took to do all of this. For all the 56 K users thanks for bareing with the load times of the pages and i hope to have another Journal entry here soon. . .I hope. (*Nodachi Crying as he says his goodbyes...Bai bai Carn. . bai bai Aikko . Kelenae. . Terainstar. . Syara) It was fun playing with you all /t me any time.
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Sindinista
                        Meee sooo close... Can't wait to see you online Nodachi.:spin:

                        Lol yeah i hope all goes well and i get to see ya on with us all soon as well. Just be glad you have these forums for help with the installation and setup process heh.


                        • #27
                          Damn Nodachi looks like you really got into the game.... nice screens


                          • #28


                            _[c r o n o]__//-- Midgardsormr: 75PLD-active | Cactuar: 52PLD-deleted



                            • #29
                              Nice pics and journal Nodachi!!


                              • #30
                                Ehm Nodachi where u import FFXI for Pc?

