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    • Sorry for not posting any pics lately (the last week ><) My comps been goin to shyt so i'm reformating tomorrow and hopefully ff xi will run even better than it was before my comp started to really act up. so expect my trip to jeuno sometime later in the week


      • Very good pics. I can't wait any longer for FFXI to come out to NA, but I can't import because I cant afford all the stuff to play on PS2 (I only have $112). I have too many dreams about it. :mad: :spin: :mad:
        AMD Athlon XP 2500+ OC @ 2.2Ghz
        512Mb DDR PC3200
        ATI All-In-Wonder 9600 128MB
        ABS Laptop P4 3.06Ghz HT
        1GB RAM
        ATI Radeon 9000 64MB


        • excellent journal, and i love the pics....i cant wait till the American version comes out....
          Deleted Character: Tucker-Hume Male Warrior/Monk, Lvl. 18/9, Thief 5, Red Mage 6, White Mage 2<--the greatest ^_^

          Current Character: Xecil-Hume Male War-40 Monk-15 Drk-15 Nin-11 Rdm-8
          Bst-5 Thf-22 Drg-7


          • OMG!!!!!! i love your journels one of my very favrites, post more soon


            • very nice journal^^

              sometimes i wish i was on ragnarock TT

              well maybe one day~~
              PLD 66/WAR 45/RDM 55/DRK 17/THF 34/WHM 33/MNK 20/BLM 27/BRD 65/BST 2/RNG 4/SMN 11/DRG 12/NIN 11/SAM 5

              AF status: 5/5 pieces (PLD) 5/5 (BRD) 2/5 (RDM)
              BCNM fight: 10 wins 3 loss


              • nice pics. that fishing pole is really big


                • Originally posted by Nodachi
                  Lol it was funny Xanthus and i kept doing the /cry and /panic emotes next to Tyrael until the mage raised him -
                  Hey I just saw Tyrael earlier today in Valkurm, he sat there and watched my party get slaughtered. It truly is a small world after all.


                  • Originally posted by Nodachi

                    Check back in about a week to see my big trip to Jeuno! As i earn my own chocobo and explore the area of Jeuno.
                    Nod, dont show many pics of Jeuno, thats something they should explore for themselves
                    I took a lot of pics of Jeuno was about to post them here but a couple importers talked me out of it. Its one of those things that makes the game a lot better when you lay your eyes on the jeuno gates for the very first time.
                    ahh, memories, lol.
                    Anyways, great journal
                    FFXI Player Since 2/19/03
                    Updated: 7/1/04
                    Active Hume/Male Raion- Paladin50, Warrior30, Whm25, thief15, blm10, Ranger9, Bst8
                    Deleted (>_<) Hume/Male Kylo-Warrior31, Thief18,WhiteMage7
                    Deleted Taru/Male Dormir- BlackMage24/WhiteMage11
                    Deleted Galka/Male Kye- Monk10
                    Linkshells- Gryphon, AntiPantArmy
                    Past Linkshells- Neogundan, Fallen, TheConfederation, Celestrial Network, Edge Knights
                    Server- Ragnarok


                    • i totatly agree with you
                      Findecano is inactive

                      He may return if things change .....
                      but anywho i still got my ffxi friends *pulls out list of 1000000000 people*


                      • Really done great!! The pics have atmosphere and you made them frequently, added with descriptions. Well done


                        • Good graphics, nice shots, a solid "story"... I like!


                          • WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE!!!
                            Attached Files

                            Expecting FFXI in a few days, probably going Elvaan Ranger.


                            • more more more! Those journals were awesome! I would love to see more. keep up the good work


                              • is this gonna take long, im :dead: for new screenshots

                                Expecting FFXI in a few days, probably going Elvaan Ranger.

