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  • #61
    Wicked job...oh and E-Bau isnt toaly safe, your gambiling when you do friend went to buy a ps2 for $200 well lets say its been like 4 months now.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Kaiketsu
      Wicked job...oh and E-Bau isnt toaly safe, your gambiling when you do friend went to buy a ps2 for $200 well lets say its been like 4 months now.

      Hmm yeah that's somewhat true - the biggest thing i can think of with e-bay and buying FF XI is making sure that the CD codes havn't been used already.

      On the journal topic i didn't have my picture taking tool on while playing the other day and between work and school i have barely been able to play >< so sorry for the delay, the rest will come, probably this weekend.


      • #63
        Lol back to war for a bit. . .

        well i decided to keep level ing my warrior and while partying with my friend Soujiro yesterday Mumm came trucking along the beach of Valkrum. Noticing our levels were close i invite him to party and so we did - after some good ol leveling Mumm announces that he wishes to go back to Windurst (his home nation) to visit both the Cooking guild and Fishing guild. Since i have not yet been on a boat let alone been to another nation other than san'doria i ask if it would be alright if i were to accompany him back to windurst. Mr. Mumm said he would show me the ropes to boat rides as well as take me to and through windurst helping me become apart of the fishing guild =D. Anyway here is Mumm and myself eagerly awaiting the boat (poor soujiro had to get off so he missed it =/ ) While waiting Mr. Mumm busts out his fishing pole and does what he likes most . . . FISH !
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        • #64
          not long after the boat begins to pull into the harbor - needless to say i'm gettin pretty excited right about now - as i've never been on a boat yet =D
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          • #65
            Here we are patiently waiting for the boat to depart while chillin' in the passenger hold.
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            • #66
              Annnnd we're off (departing from selbina)
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              • #67
                Well we take off and we're free to tour the boat - i spend a few min. dabbling in the lower haul but come up to see the view - not to my suprise i find Mumm already fishing away heh. the funny thing is - shortly before boarding the boat Mumm informed me that if we are on the boat and the music changes from peaceful to scary - to RUN to the lower part of the boat because it means that pirates are about to raid. So i think to myself heh good to know but i hear pirate raids are fairly rare. . . .

                -MUSIC CHANGES AND A BOAT BEGINS TO APPEAR!- well whudya know... first boat ride and daghr the blasted pirates attack.
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                • #68
                  The first signs of a boat pulling up next to us. =? *gulp*
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                  • #69
                    (Even closer) lol poor Mumm is stuck in his Fish cycle and is having a hard time packing up to run - so i decide to snap a few pics before our potential death =?
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                    • #70
                      Mumm and i decided to head down - but after awhile we kept hearing Lalacroft - the Whm who was on the boat with us get attacked. We know full well that if we were to solo or even PT against those things we would get more than R%&ed but we feel bad for lala so we decide to come back up - here i am in first person mode as we open the door to the cargo hold =/ to our delight lara is owning the skeleton pirates so we decide to sit and watch ^^
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                      • #71
                        (Mumm and I watching from a safe distance =D )
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                        • #72
                          I run to the other side to get a view of the neighboring boat - Not really sure what was up with the NPC mages but heh cool pic i guess. . .
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                          • #73
                            Ahhh the Sun comes out and the clouds begin to clear and shortly after teh boat departs - with it taking those wretched pirates Daghrrr Aghrrr
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                            • #74
                              Shortly after, as Mumm again continues to fish^^ we notice the landmark for Windurst. . . "The Big Tree." ( I still can't get over the real time travel of boats. . . seeing the water move as u go and islands pass by . . .gorgeous heh
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                              • #75
                                Well the boat arrives in Windurst - good to touch ground again as my sea legs were beginning to give out on me - but it didn't last long as Mumm and i decided to keep riding the boat back and forth from San to Win from San to Win as he fished and we levled fighting various Pugils and other things Mumm braught aboard the ship.
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