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  • /clap
    good stuff Nodachi

    heres the link to the German forum I was talking about:

    heres the specific topic about them importing:


    • Nice journal very nice pictures keep emcoming.Also they load very quickly on a 56k modem so no need to say sorry
      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
      Woodworking 91.9+2
      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


      • nice pics Nodachi, please more samurai pics


        • Great job Nodachi I was wondering if you can answer some thing, how strong are the katanas compared to normal two handed swords?
          "Somewhere Evil stirs in a land that's in need of a Hero..." - Simone, Shining Force I


          • WOOOO!!!! i love your journals, its making me want to import it. *thinks to himself* its only a few months away, its only a few months away.....AHHH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! i better get into PC beta :sweat:

            BTW Nodachi, try not post lots of Jeuno pics please. It'll spoil the "WOW!" feeling when i get FFXI.
            Name: Zedro
            Race: Elvaan/Male
            Job: PLD/WAR
            Level: 50/25
            Server: Ramuh
            Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

            Status of import: Cancelled!!~
            Status of NA : Active


            • :spin: *sniff* It's journals like yours that make me keep hope alive for this game. Thank you!


              • Originally posted by Legend ONE
                :spin: *sniff* It's journals like yours that make me keep hope alive for this game. Thank you!
                Lol no problem dood, once i hit 30 hopefully sometime next week ( as i've been out of the loop for awhile ) i'll post more stuff. Otherwise i'd basically be reposting pictures - sorry for the wait.


                • Not many to post but here's an update. Here's me at level 26. . . sorry i'll get back to 30 and start postin pics soon.
                  Attached Files


                  • your PC must be mega powerful, it looks so nice. what do u use?

                    i love ur journals, very influential. if this were 6 months earlier i'd have imported by now.
                    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                    Rockman - Fairy

                    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                    Currently Playing:
                    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                    • Originally posted by Nodachi
                      i have a P4 G force 4 ti 4600 - with 524 ram or whutever the 500 version of ram is. . . As far as the pic sizes being skrunk - you're correct and very observant, however i think the forum does it automatically with my screenshots for some reason. I don't manually shrink them.

                      More pics soon to come =)
                      lol found this from an earlier post in the journal. it's not that much of a beast really - took a Dell and made it more FF XI friendly.


                      • I agree your Samurai player is soooo cool ^^ that katana you have is a killer :dead:
                        Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                        Merits - 98
                        Goldsmith - 85.2


                        • I agree with you MrGamer373
                          ''Why do people depend on each other?
                          You can't always depend on others.
                          In the end you're on your own.
                          I'm fine by myself now.
                          I have all the skills I need to survive.
                          I don't want to depend on anyone.
                          Nor I want anyone to depend on me.
                          I'm on my own.
                          Be on your own.
                          That is the way I am.
                          That is the way I choose.''

                          -Darkwill the Elvaan Samurai


                          • Sorry havn't been posting - wana gather a bunch of pix and do it all in one fell swoop. also i need to shrink the bite size of half the pics to post em =\ lol.

                            Anyways, tonight we were suppose to do M9 but after that got scrapd we decided whut the hekk let's go level weapon levels and hunt for a fungus cap. after remembering Starving Artist's struggle to find the fungus cap i thought heh sure we're gona find it ok /sarcasm.

                            so anyway Cobbi Maximillian and I are chilling down in the three seperate canyons and we're picking off whatever we can to get our weapon levels to raise a bit. first night - no show. second night, Cobbi finds and kills TT but no dice, no drop. Third night BOOYAKA! Cobbi finds destroys and manages to get the Fungus Cap to drop we thought HA we got it! went back to san to try it out - must say little Cobbiw as stylin. (will post pics later) anyway we have some time yet before we call it a night. go back - another night another TT, this time i'm the one to discover it. I was happy with just seeing the dang thing but no dice, no drop ; ; So Cobbi heads off to get accepted into an early morning PT and Max calls it a night. I too am beat but yeah i figure my CD is still going i'll stay till it ends. Night comes. . . it passes.. . morning comes (all in game heh) and whullah Mr. TT himself is romping about. sooo needless to say i kill the thing - not really expecting it to drop. . .

                            Attached Files


                            • Me BRD's gona be happy =)
                              Attached Files


                              • That's a Bard? it looks like an Black Mage to me
                                Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                                Merits - 98
                                Goldsmith - 85.2

