part I here
so the last few days i thought i should try to level some more. i got invited by all JP party at about 3 am and we agreed to head thru kuftal tunnel to cape terrigan for lizards + gobs.
i've never run into guivre before but i had heard of him.
"if you see him, you'll be dead"
"he sees through sneak + invis"
"he runs super fast"
"he kill me in 1 hit doing 29378 damage"
" he likes his coffee like he likes his women - cream and 2 sugars"
ok the last one is me, not guivre. anyway, we were sneaking through the tunnel (BONUS: ALL TARU PARTY!) and the guy in the lead, off my screen ahead of me, went yellow then dead. i immediately did a /sh Guivre <pos> [danger] [Invisible(spell)] and cast invis on myself and ran back. i didn't see it but i got back to zone safely. 3 teammates were down but whm survived with invis i guess.
i ventured back in and saw a dead teammate. I sent /tells to the 3 high level WHMs asking for Raise III, but understandably they didn't want to tango with guivre so they said no. i was standing by the wall in the first big room with sneak only, thinking he doesnt come that close to zone when he was on me! i didn't even see him, i just heard a WHACK and "Your shadow has absorbed the damage and disappeared" followed by 3 more and i was dead:
i chilled for a while and our spunky lil whm managed to get around and raise 2 all of us! i was pretty impressed. i helped him once i was up by scouting around with sneak+ invis and he never saw through it
i'm invisible right under it there, so i can debunk that myth.
at one point he headed back near the entrance (where about 20 people were waiting to cross safely) and i spammed /say [danger] [run away!] as fast as i could LOL you should have seen people run out of there. he turned and 1 pt and i got cut off from the entrance and had to run down a random tunnel, and it went from the frying pan into the fire for the pt as they ran into a cactuar and tigers i've never seen before in the cave:
anyway, he managed to wipe out about 4 full parties and i saw him go downstairs so with some coordinated /shouting, we got a high level PLD to train all the agro crabs out
and all the whm's commenced to raisin'.
another night, i followed my good friend jazy (coolest whm on midgard? quite possibly) with her nascent HNM LS. first on the enemies list: Capricious Cassie, dropper of Cassie earrings and several 6-figure drops. we got 18 people 60-63 (me being the exception at 58) and gathered in fei'yin. while waiting the first party went in to scout around the joint and make sure she was out. we were in the cassie room and saw her and escaped out, and during escape my sneak wore >.<
why does my sneak/invis wear during teleport/escape so often? i can't run to a safe spot to recast because then i'll be stuck in there, so i wait it out. anyway, cassie came over during the cast and whacked me good a couple times! we zoned out and ppl congratulated me on tanking cassie but it didn't seem like a big deal to me. i mean it was just a high level malboro right? no big deal ... boy was i wrong ...
we got all 18 people down there and built TP on some pulls. let me mention, lower leve in feiyin = GREAT farming. with only 1 thf (i think) we got 1 reraise II off about 4 hellish weapons (65k) and 3 wandering bulbs off about 8 utukku (60k each).
so we got everyone ready in the narrow hallway, thinking it was safer in there with just a couple bat pops than in the big room where there were numerous other monsters do link and worry about. someone provided poison to everyone in bazaar for a sleepga, the mages were set up with a special macro to paralyna, silena and blindna 1 specific melee player. we buffed drank poison and PLD ran out to pull. what follows is an approximate timeline:
0 secs: PLD pulls with flash
3 secs: PLD is running back and get's "drawn in" so that cassie is right outside the hallway but to the left so mages can't cast on it. we are all forced to move close to it to see around the corner
15 secs: we are doing pretty solid damage, already getting it to about 80%
20 secs: cassie uses "sweet breath." everyone is silenced, gravityed, bound, paralyzed, blinded, and takes 200 damage.
22 secs: PLD goes down a few hits later and cassie starts taking everyone else out in 1-3 hits each, also repeating sweet breath for a 200 AOE that gets everyone orange.
25 secs: most of the alliance is dead. bind wears off and jazy and i are running. i get about 200 feet away, almost to stairs to upper level, sleeping the bats that agro me on the way, and i get pulled in.
26 secs: all are dead but jazy who manages to zone. cassie wanders off.
as you can see, a pot has popped there, making raises a bit more complicated. i don't remember how she did it but she managed to get everyone up with raise2. a few people had to leave and as we waited for reinforcements for attempt #2 we learned some lessons:
1. everyone gets some echo drops to cure silena, since that's what got us all killed.
2. we would clear the big room and fight there so we could stand far, far away and avoid that horrible breath attack.
3. cassie is hard.
it took forever for the other ppl to show up, something like 2 hours. we got all buffed up, cleared some junk out, and got ready for attempt #2. approximate chain of events:
0 secs: PLD pulls and everyone starts meleeing her. mages are in the back curing nicely.
5 secs: stink breath. we are all asleep (also, silenced, bound, gravityed, in yellow from 200+ damage aoe, blinded and paralyzed)
15 secs: cassie has killed most of the alliance and bind wears off. 2-4 mages run away (behind me, to exit), i run TOWARD her to try to sleep it (laff) because i knew running away was hopeless. and of course sleep doesn't land but she is more agro on the mages so she runs OVER me and back toward them. now i am deep in feiyin, about 300 HP, with paralyze and a bunch of other junk. i panicked and ran (gravity was on so i was walking slowly) from cassie, deeper in (to the tunnel to the west). i got to a small clearing and tried to sneak myself and tried to divine seal + cure3 but paralyze blocked them >.< i did a paralyna and some bats agroed me. i slept them and WALKED (gravity) as fast as i could into the tunnel. grav wore off and i sneaked myself and the bats showed up and hit me and sneak was off. i managed to cure, sneak, invis, and deodorize myself and i tried to head back to zone. i dont remember the exact chain of events but basically i circled back into the main room, colossus stripped my sneak+ invis and agroed me and hit me, utukku agroed my yellow HP and bats agroed my unsneaked self. this was all right next to my dead party so they were using party chat to comfort me on my impending demise. however, this bard still had a few tricks up his sleeve! namely lullaby and horde lullaby :D i slept some of the junk that was chasing me, reapplied sneak, and ran ran ran. i actually somehow made it to zone with about 20 things behind me and 40 or so HP. it was miraculous
of course we gave up at that point, having learned a lot about ourselves, each other, and about cassie.
but we did get about 240k drops out of the trip. still, not the best outcome.
more screenshots, see next post!
so the last few days i thought i should try to level some more. i got invited by all JP party at about 3 am and we agreed to head thru kuftal tunnel to cape terrigan for lizards + gobs.
i've never run into guivre before but i had heard of him.
"if you see him, you'll be dead"
"he sees through sneak + invis"
"he runs super fast"
"he kill me in 1 hit doing 29378 damage"
" he likes his coffee like he likes his women - cream and 2 sugars"
ok the last one is me, not guivre. anyway, we were sneaking through the tunnel (BONUS: ALL TARU PARTY!) and the guy in the lead, off my screen ahead of me, went yellow then dead. i immediately did a /sh Guivre <pos> [danger] [Invisible(spell)] and cast invis on myself and ran back. i didn't see it but i got back to zone safely. 3 teammates were down but whm survived with invis i guess.
i ventured back in and saw a dead teammate. I sent /tells to the 3 high level WHMs asking for Raise III, but understandably they didn't want to tango with guivre so they said no. i was standing by the wall in the first big room with sneak only, thinking he doesnt come that close to zone when he was on me! i didn't even see him, i just heard a WHACK and "Your shadow has absorbed the damage and disappeared" followed by 3 more and i was dead:
i chilled for a while and our spunky lil whm managed to get around and raise 2 all of us! i was pretty impressed. i helped him once i was up by scouting around with sneak+ invis and he never saw through it
i'm invisible right under it there, so i can debunk that myth.
at one point he headed back near the entrance (where about 20 people were waiting to cross safely) and i spammed /say [danger] [run away!] as fast as i could LOL you should have seen people run out of there. he turned and 1 pt and i got cut off from the entrance and had to run down a random tunnel, and it went from the frying pan into the fire for the pt as they ran into a cactuar and tigers i've never seen before in the cave:
anyway, he managed to wipe out about 4 full parties and i saw him go downstairs so with some coordinated /shouting, we got a high level PLD to train all the agro crabs out
and all the whm's commenced to raisin'.
another night, i followed my good friend jazy (coolest whm on midgard? quite possibly) with her nascent HNM LS. first on the enemies list: Capricious Cassie, dropper of Cassie earrings and several 6-figure drops. we got 18 people 60-63 (me being the exception at 58) and gathered in fei'yin. while waiting the first party went in to scout around the joint and make sure she was out. we were in the cassie room and saw her and escaped out, and during escape my sneak wore >.<
why does my sneak/invis wear during teleport/escape so often? i can't run to a safe spot to recast because then i'll be stuck in there, so i wait it out. anyway, cassie came over during the cast and whacked me good a couple times! we zoned out and ppl congratulated me on tanking cassie but it didn't seem like a big deal to me. i mean it was just a high level malboro right? no big deal ... boy was i wrong ...
we got all 18 people down there and built TP on some pulls. let me mention, lower leve in feiyin = GREAT farming. with only 1 thf (i think) we got 1 reraise II off about 4 hellish weapons (65k) and 3 wandering bulbs off about 8 utukku (60k each).
so we got everyone ready in the narrow hallway, thinking it was safer in there with just a couple bat pops than in the big room where there were numerous other monsters do link and worry about. someone provided poison to everyone in bazaar for a sleepga, the mages were set up with a special macro to paralyna, silena and blindna 1 specific melee player. we buffed drank poison and PLD ran out to pull. what follows is an approximate timeline:
0 secs: PLD pulls with flash
3 secs: PLD is running back and get's "drawn in" so that cassie is right outside the hallway but to the left so mages can't cast on it. we are all forced to move close to it to see around the corner
15 secs: we are doing pretty solid damage, already getting it to about 80%
20 secs: cassie uses "sweet breath." everyone is silenced, gravityed, bound, paralyzed, blinded, and takes 200 damage.
22 secs: PLD goes down a few hits later and cassie starts taking everyone else out in 1-3 hits each, also repeating sweet breath for a 200 AOE that gets everyone orange.
25 secs: most of the alliance is dead. bind wears off and jazy and i are running. i get about 200 feet away, almost to stairs to upper level, sleeping the bats that agro me on the way, and i get pulled in.
26 secs: all are dead but jazy who manages to zone. cassie wanders off.
as you can see, a pot has popped there, making raises a bit more complicated. i don't remember how she did it but she managed to get everyone up with raise2. a few people had to leave and as we waited for reinforcements for attempt #2 we learned some lessons:
1. everyone gets some echo drops to cure silena, since that's what got us all killed.
2. we would clear the big room and fight there so we could stand far, far away and avoid that horrible breath attack.
3. cassie is hard.
it took forever for the other ppl to show up, something like 2 hours. we got all buffed up, cleared some junk out, and got ready for attempt #2. approximate chain of events:
0 secs: PLD pulls and everyone starts meleeing her. mages are in the back curing nicely.
5 secs: stink breath. we are all asleep (also, silenced, bound, gravityed, in yellow from 200+ damage aoe, blinded and paralyzed)
15 secs: cassie has killed most of the alliance and bind wears off. 2-4 mages run away (behind me, to exit), i run TOWARD her to try to sleep it (laff) because i knew running away was hopeless. and of course sleep doesn't land but she is more agro on the mages so she runs OVER me and back toward them. now i am deep in feiyin, about 300 HP, with paralyze and a bunch of other junk. i panicked and ran (gravity was on so i was walking slowly) from cassie, deeper in (to the tunnel to the west). i got to a small clearing and tried to sneak myself and tried to divine seal + cure3 but paralyze blocked them >.< i did a paralyna and some bats agroed me. i slept them and WALKED (gravity) as fast as i could into the tunnel. grav wore off and i sneaked myself and the bats showed up and hit me and sneak was off. i managed to cure, sneak, invis, and deodorize myself and i tried to head back to zone. i dont remember the exact chain of events but basically i circled back into the main room, colossus stripped my sneak+ invis and agroed me and hit me, utukku agroed my yellow HP and bats agroed my unsneaked self. this was all right next to my dead party so they were using party chat to comfort me on my impending demise. however, this bard still had a few tricks up his sleeve! namely lullaby and horde lullaby :D i slept some of the junk that was chasing me, reapplied sneak, and ran ran ran. i actually somehow made it to zone with about 20 things behind me and 40 or so HP. it was miraculous
of course we gave up at that point, having learned a lot about ourselves, each other, and about cassie.
but we did get about 240k drops out of the trip. still, not the best outcome.
more screenshots, see next post!