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Journal of Twisted, Terrifingstorm, and Logikal

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  • Journal of Twisted, Terrifingstorm, and Logikal

    Ok, so I decided to start writing in here now, cause nothing else was very intreaging. but I have been playing ffxi now since it came out. Now I know its already March... and Now already i got some characters that are great that I have trained to i think be some of the best to pt with right now. Its great! Now I live on seraph. I think its a great server and everybody gets along. I rearly see any fighting between players on this server. On to other things I got three characters right in every city. my lvl 35 SUM / lvl 17 BLM that is in San D'Oria. also a lvl 23 WAR / lvl 11 MNK, who I think will be the best one that I got once I get the DRk adv job. it will be killer! And out in Windurst I got my little lvl 5 BLM to screw around with when i am bored and I am waiting for other LS members to get on cause we all have something to do togehter! Now I am with my SUM and my WAR I am in the linkshell called Sacredfire. Its the 2nd biggest LS on the seraph server. You always have somebody that you can work with in a pt, or just hang out with and talk to. Now I got another server with my really close friends that all live near me, its called Projekt Darkstar. Not that many people but some really good friends! I still love you Azoralq!! lol....long story don't ask! But anyway right now in game I am trying on working on getting Rank #5 right now. I am not to big on getting ranks and stuff...I really don't care, I just want to play the game. But now that I need it. I must get it so I can get to rank 10 and be god of everybody and yea....leave me alone.....I am dreaming!!!!! But I am out for today, I might be back on tonight I don't know when:confused: but I will know when I get home and I see what all I got to do tonight! But hey!!
    Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

    Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR

  • #2
    maybe you can post some screenshots?
    anyway,i cant wait to play,taru blackmages really are cool


    • #3
      If I get a chance I will be glad to put some screen shots up, just tell me what you want to look at and I will get them for you, I will be updating my journal later tonight if I get a chance or it will be tommorrow mouring! I will get to it asap!
      Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

      Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


      • #4
        Well I am back and sitting here at my computer, I don't have any screen shots yet cause I can't find them on my computer right now, but if you could help me find them right now, I can post them when I find them, I have taking many screen shots lately to increase some talking in here. But nothing new today in the life of terrifingstorm, people call me TS for short when I am using that character. But nothing new is going on today, projekt darkstar's LS it was only me, but in scaredfire there were 30 on this mouring when I woke up so I can go to school. But I will be on tonight for a while, unless i decide to play a little of FFX-2 tonight, starting chapter 5 tonight, finally and only 30 hours into it. But I am out I will post later if I can
        Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

        Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


        • #5
          Ok new, day, not much going on today, but life is geting much better, started getting some of my LS members to come all on one day so we can go aeon hunting for me, cause I am lacking right now cause I jumped on the ball. Tonight I got 4 other memebrs of the LS hoping on tonight to go for ramuh, I already have shiva and carbuncle, but you start with carbuncle but I need more power cause its hard to lvl now. If anybody would be willing to help I think I can fit one more in, I am in need of a strong DRK, that would be willing to be risking there life. But I don't think we should die, but the DRK should be over lvl 55. among other things, yet again after all that I was bored last night and decided to hop on my Logikal account, which is my lvl 5 BLM, I think I am going to delete that account because I already have a SUM/BLM so why would I need to another, I might try to make a WHM I am not sure yet, I don't really like actually, I like to melee alot. lol, But other then that, I will be going to the qufim tonight on my terrifingstorm until it is time for me to go hope on the other account for our aeon runs tonight....see you all later!
          Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

          Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


          • #6
            Also I have come to notice that I got a lot of people looking at this journal....That is great and I thank you for all the support of just reading all this crap. But I ask for something, if you guys could post as well, I don't care what it is just post for a while, If you guys need help on a mission, and you are on my server, I will be willing to help you, if you must, Just come and talk to me! Thanks again for all your support.
            Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

            Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


            • #7
              ok everybody I am back, nothing much tonight, went on some lvling runs with TS at qufim for a while he gained a lvl, I need you update it on here. But now I part, I am going to be gone for a week. Spring break at school, i am leaving for south dakota tonight, and I won't be back till Wed next week, But I will be back, with some new infomation, if I get a computer that I can get to here up there, I will be there front and center updating you guys, and new stuff that I can help you with, Don't forget if I can help anybody on my server in anyway, just give me a holla. I would perfer using my TS account, cause I need to start working on that some more, so anything around that would be great....I am out! see everybody in about a week!
              Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

              Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


              • #8
                OK now people I am not back yet I found a computer in South Dakota, it finally loaded this page, wow, Now I haven't had anybody yet post on this damn thing, I need to know if there are any quests that I can help people with at the time, anything, now I get back to my home state tommorrow And I need something to do when I get there! come on people, work with me here!!!!! But South dakota sucks, theres nothing for me to do except sit in my room playing FFX-2 all week...thats all I have done! But I am out, I will post when I get back into town!!!!
                Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

                Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


                • #9
                  well, I am back home now, it is much better here then it is in south dakota.! now that I havn't been on in about a week I am going to get on in a little bit, see whats going on in the world! I will be back!
                  Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

                  Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


                  • #10
                    Well I take it that nobody on the seraph server needs help, thats ok, I have been doing some leveling lately anyway! I mean it though, if anybody needs help, even getting items and such! just post in here and if you are on the seraph server. I have a friend that will also help on all this! get back! on here!~
                    Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

                    Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


                    • #11
                      I have been gaining lvls day by day now, I have been working on a new character, don't know if I told you that already but I felt like making another, you can never have to many characters. This time I got a MNK, right now its lvl stands at lvl 12 for only 3 days of work! Not bad! But I take it that my server is kinda dead now and days cause nobody needs help with anything! But what ever! I don't care what it is! somebody fricking post on this damn thing on what you need that you can get because of your lvl, or because you are to weak, or you can't get a party! Just frickin tell me what you want and I can get you it!!!!!! But I am out, I am going to start working on TS again, back to qufim I go, with Alinus!
                      Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

                      Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


                      • #12
                        well, people I haven't been on here for some time now but I am back.... the last week has been fun, working on my new character for a while cause I didn't like the others so I discontinued them. so I only have two characters now. just TS and Twisted, TS will be my best cause it will be a DRK sooner or later! shouldn't be to long. and good old Twisted just sitting there summoning stuff. But I did get 2/3 of fenrir now, so that is also going great. I have been doing a lot of quests lately with my ls. And I also joined another LS. Friends that I played with, that have come back so we are all together now. we are known as The Black Aces. But I will never get rid of my scaredfire LS cause it is the biggest on the server! alot of good people on there as well! On to other things, I started playing another game with some "intown" friends, the ones that I know face to face. Its called Lineage 2, it is in beta right now and I am testing it, servers go down a lot right now, but the game will be released sometime next month I guess! Its a good game....Its a mix of FFXI and something else that I can't think of, but its worth playing! But I see that nobody needs help with quests and stuff! all you got to do is tell me a time to be there and where and I will be there! I will help you with anything that you want.....but I am out for now so I will talk to you all you guys later!!!!!
                        Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

                        Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


                        • #13
                          Well the next day is here. I meet this guy last night, forgot what his in-game name was, but he was really nice and have a lvl 28 mnk/war right now, I think he got it up to 30, but he asked me if I would hlep him out on the NIN quest, I am like hell yea I will help you! So we should be doing that by the end of the night as far as I know, But hes going to have a NIN/BRD when he is all done and complete. I think its a weird mix but hey, thats what he wants so I am going to help him get what he wants in his character. But when I say I will help, I mean its with anything people if you need help contact me in someway or another and get back to me!! I will help anyone who asks, that is all for today, maybe later tonight if I get a chance!
                          Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

                          Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


                          • #14
                            Ok i am done, who is next, all you got to do is contact me and ask me...with anything. But on to other things I got the guy what he wanted, and that was his NIN job. It wasn't hard at all. I got some new news as well, I don't know if anybody knows him, but him name is ataplos, and i think I spelled it right. But he posts on these forums. And hes a SUM and on his sig, hes got the ice staff costing 600,000 gil and other stuff including the "I got the record time for a shiva quest" time laps, thats off of cardomain for some odd reason, I mean come on why is that really on there. and of all things I am just lost! Its even on the picture if the 600,000 gil ice staff. I think his name is atpalos now, I cant remember right now! But I mean come on, Not to be mean but OMG!
                            Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

                            Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR


                            • #15
                              The time is near. I am falling and I can't get up from the hole that I am in right now in FFXI. I am stuck, ummm...guess I could tell you why! I have no gil what-so-ever. Running on the bottom of the barrel, time to do some farming maybe and get back up there, I got to get some stuff soon cause I am about to lvl! wow, I don't know what that had to do with today but it felt good to write it, instead of taking it out on everybody else in my LS!! LOL
                              Twisted - - - lvl 75 SUM / lvl 37 BLM Have obtained all summons

                              Terrifingstorm - - - lvl 36 DRK / lvl 18 WAR

