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  • #16
    So i want to their base to show them what killing a kids dad can do to him HAHA the thing is i wonder if any one cares if i kill them.
    Attached Files

    We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
    in our self.

    Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


    a courageous and powerful swordsman.

    brave; integritous; commanding


    • #17
      I saws this lizards runing around and thougt and i could of if like 30 of them had not of linked.
      Attached Files

      We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
      in our self.

      Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


      a courageous and powerful swordsman.

      brave; integritous; commanding


      • #18
        Back in town i got the rest of my lv 7 stuff tho.
        Attached Files

        We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
        in our self.

        Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


        a courageous and powerful swordsman.

        brave; integritous; commanding


        • #19
          CH 2: trip to windurst

          So time rolled on and i got much better at fighting and stuff lik that.
          Attached Files

          We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
          in our self.

          Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


          a courageous and powerful swordsman.

          brave; integritous; commanding


          • #20
            On till one day a friend of mine farplayner asked me if i wanted to go to windy with him and his friend sibia. Me wanting to see the world said yes.
            Attached Files

            We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
            in our self.

            Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


            a courageous and powerful swordsman.

            brave; integritous; commanding


            • #21
              Farplayner said we should switch or jobs so we dont lv down if we get killed. So i switched to red mages and put on my gay gear that i hate.
              Attached Files

              We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
              in our self.

              Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


              a courageous and powerful swordsman.

              brave; integritous; commanding


              • #22
                I had to wait for sibia to show up at the ah so i waited....
                Attached Files

                We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                in our self.

                Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                brave; integritous; commanding


                • #23
                  for what seemed like a day ontill she showed up.
                  Attached Files

                  We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                  in our self.

                  Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                  a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                  brave; integritous; commanding


                  • #24
                    And we were off aftar my long long wait
                    Attached Files

                    We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                    in our self.

                    Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                    a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                    brave; integritous; commanding


                    • #25
                      If a ramdom rabit had not killed them makeing so i had to wait in the dunes for them to come back.
                      Attached Files

                      We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                      in our self.

                      Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                      a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                      brave; integritous; commanding


                      • #26
                        But sibia got upset and the pt broke up and i desided to go it on my own.
                        Attached Files

                        We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                        in our self.

                        Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                        a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                        brave; integritous; commanding


                        • #27
                          I got to the gates of Selbina were the ship to Mhaura was wean farplayner got a hold of me telling me to wait for him.
                          Attached Files

                          We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                          in our self.

                          Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                          a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                          brave; integritous; commanding


                          • #28
                            Well i waited for farplayner to show up i did some site seeing.
                            Attached Files

                            We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                            in our self.

                            Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                            a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                            brave; integritous; commanding


                            • #29
                              In this small town their was not much to see so i got my tiket and got in waiting for the ship.
                              Attached Files

                              We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                              in our self.

                              Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                              a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                              brave; integritous; commanding


                              • #30
                                Farplayner showed up and we waited for our ship to show up.
                                Attached Files

                                We seek truth about or world but to find that truth we must find the truth
                                in our self.

                                Our friends are the one we should trust the most the one who are all ways there for you.


                                a courageous and powerful swordsman.

                                brave; integritous; commanding

