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Your Character

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  • Your Character

    Alright! Im sick of it! I don't have the game, and I am sick of everyone telling me about their character! So, I have made this topic, so you guys that don't have the game just yet, tell me about your character. OK! Here I go! Its my turn now baby!

    Ok, My First character will be a hume, male, brown hair. I definently want him to be a white mage, cuz, in some circumstances, the best offense, is a good healing! Ok, to continue, I will want to eventually become a paladin, cuz warriors who have healing abilities...are just plain cool to me. I want to be known....kinda hard to do though, with so many high lvl characters out there. However, I will only let the best and most honorable warriors into my linkshell, you will indeed have to earn your place. I have yet to come up with a partner. So hey, if you are looking. LOOK NO FURTHER! Only one can be my partner by the way. I will walk around Vana'diel helping those who are in need, (with my white magic obviously.) I am absolutley serious when I say that only the most caring character will be aloud to join up with me. So the way I will be known is this.... People will hear of my clan eventually and they will know how hard it is to join, and if you do, people will know you, because of what a great warrior or monk or red mage you must be. K, enough of that crap. Tell me about your character!

  • #2
    welllllllllll welll well nice subject i am as well waiting for my game on ps2 anyway one quick question before i rant on my indecision about what and whom my character will be. Can you be in more than one linkshell????? cus my friend already has the game and is gonna make a linkshell when i and a couple others get the game on ps2 and i would love to be in your clan. twould be very cool. Anyway my character...

    i have thought alot about this since i recieved my opm and i have narrowed it down to this.
    Im gonna be either a hume or elvaan red mage with the name nassiral hate or inigo montoya now i picked the first name cus i was gonna be a powerful wizard subjobbing in black magic but then i thought about inigo montoya and how cool that character is and decided to use that name. but as i was thinkin bout it inigo is nowhere near bein a mage of anykind so that character would have to be a warrior or paladin or something which i dont really want to play sooooooooo. i will prolly end up just using my socom2 name MISTER ROBOTO and be a red mage/black mage. wow i love to rant anyway thanks for reading my rant.


    • #3

      yes you can be in more then one linkshell, so i would be glad to have you in my clan, my charcters name will be Camelio by the way. I only want players in my linkshell who are loyal, and in simple words, nice. So I dont want anyone who would take advantage of another player, steal, hurt, or trick in any way. This is how you will join.


      • #4
        sweet man i dont do that stuff i find that it makes the game unenjoyable and annoying when people do it to me so i would never do anything to harm others game experience.
        only prob is if we will be on the same server which is a slim chance. when are you gettin your game?


        • #5
          the day it comes out for ps2


          • #6
            me to maybe i can get my friend to gimme one more world pass for you to get onto our server. unless you already had a server in mind.


            • #7
              nope, i didnt, that would be great, but if its too much trouble, dont worry about it. Thanks tho.


              • #8

                where do you live camellio?
                do you live in europe,the place where games always come last?
                FF11 is yet to show up there.


                • #9
                  Well, as you can see, my character was retired after the PS2 beta was over with, but my character used to be a Hume DRK/WHM. Of course, even with this combo, I actually did a lot of damage, and was able to solo whenever I wanted because I had healing spells to help me out of those tight situations, and most of my armor boosted my defense and hit rate, so I was never in real trouble, even while facing NMs.

                  Well, I'm waiting for the PS2 version to come out, so what my character is going to be is a Elvaan MNK/WAR. I have become seriously interested in their abilities a few months ago. I think it would be a lot less trouble to focus on one weapon instead of several (H2H in this case), because I had to work on great sword and scythe in my time as a DRK. Well, okay, it's not required, but it's nice to know that MNK only focuses on fighting with their hands, and I won't have to spend hundreds of thousands of gil for the best sword or scythe or whatever when I can just use my hands if I'm between weapons at the moment. Also, MNK's, after level 30 of course, tend to do a hella lot of damage, and the WS like Raging Fists, Dragon Kick, and Asuran Fist really interest me after I downloaded the weapon skill video (which you can find under the Video Vault by StarvingArtist, who has most of them).

                  Taking into consideration that all MNKs have to focus on is dealing out the damage and not worrying about keeping aggro, they also have Evade, Parry, Counter-Attack, Guard, and Defend, which all sounds like a good way for MNKs to keep hate and have the possible elements to become a tank. Yeah, I know, a lot of you may argue that MNKs have no reason to be tanks, but look, I was a DRK/WHM, outside of the cookie-cutter experience, and I was tank most of the time after lvl 30, even leading some 18-person parties, and I didn't have a problem at all, especially with my friend Guillotine :D But anyway, that's who I'm going to choose, and I'm planning on joining a linkshell with three of my IRL friends who planning to buy the game as well. Now if I can only figure out how I'm going to pay for the monthly fee......
                  RNG 60 | WAR 49 | NIN 29 | THF 21 | MNK 17

                  My Final Fantasy XI Character


                  • #10
                    it wouldnt be trouble at all my buddy is already gettin me two or three world pass numbers so ill just ask for one more hes really nice he wont have a prob wit it.


                    • #11
                      oh i think he wants us to start in bastok though. im not sure if you have to but i think he wanted us all to cus thats his home town and he is gonna help us out right at the begining with money and what not.


                      • #12
                        Hmm, Nice character Mitsurugi, very nice. Uhh, as for mister roboto, hmm, Bastok, I was kinda wantin to start on Sand'oria, but, i suppose it dont matter, thnaks for your help bro, and keep me posted, by the way, I live in the U.S, where FFXI will come in on March 23. Keep them characters coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          no prob man. i just talked to my buddy today and he said that it will be no prob to give me three pass numbers instead of three so we are go for takeoff. as soon as i get the numbers ill email you and give you one of them.


                          • #14
                            email is


                            • #15
                              I want to be known....
                              Well, I'd say you're off to a great start: You registered 5 days ago, already have a warning level of 14, spam all over the journal forum and have insulted one of the few people I've seen trying to help you out.

                              does anybody know if you can somehow transfer pics from the ps2 version to the computer??-Camelio
                              That is actually pretty simple. All you need to do is attach your screenshots to an email from your PlayOnline account and send them to the email on your computer.
                              Well aren't we a freaking genius.-Camelio
                              ??? What is that supposed to mean? I gave you an answer to your question. You don't have to be a jerk about it.
                              LOL I was just kidding bro-Camelio

