can anyone take pics when they get the game???
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Yeah apparantly there isd a pic taking tool in the gameNovox - Midgardsormr ~Mentor~
Co-Founder of The Knights Of Chaos Linkshell
Job: Dark Knight 40/Warrior 30
ffxichaos-ffxi website and linkshell!
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Sorry guys for not posting up earlier I have just been very busy hope you guys understandJ.
Continuation to last journal I did:
I turned around to see the air elemental had not seriously hurt everyone. It took about a second or two to realize that the damn elemental was locked on to me and while everyone else has scattered I was standing there alone getting my ass beat. I then proceeded to start running, I ran and ran and even though I knew in my mind that there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to survive this attack I kept running but soon fell to the bastards power. I didn?ft level down but I was still mad at myself for losing exp. I then went back to windurst and made my long journey back to the Canyon. When I finally got to the damn Canyon the team was going to break up. We broke up but then a damn Yagudo jumps me from behind Xylia was standing next to me and didn?ft even do anything he just stood there like everything was just fine but it wasn?ft I was getting my ass handed to me again soon I died again and I was madder at myself then I asked Xylia why he didn?ft help me he said because he was trying to talk to the people that left our party I said screw them we could take monsters down our self?fs. That day was not one of the best days of FFXI I didn?ft get to lvl 12 and I lost more exp then gained I was very mad. I had played for about 6 hours I think.
Journal on what happened right after carnage my bro let me play when he went to sleep:
This time I started playing at around 3:30am I was sleeping when Carnage comes and wakes me up. I see that he is in a full party with Rhiana, Xrhstos, Eniz, Tubasa, Dbeeo, and me. We were going up against Goblins, Damselfly?fs, Brutal Sheep?fs and this weird things called Will-o?f- the- wisp and these bastards look like the stupid balloons I have encountered before except that they are a lot stronger. During this one battle wee started a fight with a goblin and the damn think must have not realized we were fully engaged on his ass because it took him a while to attack and about a minute later he was on the ground kissing me feet. The sheep?fs were a little harder they did more damage then the goblins sometimes but to me the damn sheep were still nothing, the sheep were just a piece of crap that waiting to get picked up and be thrown in the garbage. After beating the crap out of a few goblins the white mages heal there MP, when all of a sudden a damn goblin butcher comes and starts beating the crap out of us I guess he was smarter then the other goblins because this one brought along a friend, a VERY VERY strong friend known as piece-o-shit goblin gambler. I go straight into action and start slicing the crap out of the goblin butcher, then the bastard busts out a bomb which is the only thing that hits everyone at the same time and it hits hard, well the damn goblin threw the bomb and our white mages were low on power, Dbeeo smacks the goblin butcher one more time and the damn good for nothing piece of crap goblin hits the ground, we go to the next goblin and start wooping its ass all of a sudden I see that Rhiana said ?gCAUTION GOBBIE?h meaning there was another goblin close then I see that Rhiana says ?gRETREAT?h I say ?gNo we can take him?h we keep swinging our weapons till the damn goblin is on the ground, this was a close one but we managed to make it and we began healing right after. We soon came across a Will-o?f-the-wisp I say what the hell kind a name is that! Well we soon learned it was bitch not to be messed with, at least for the moment we were fighting it and I was taking pictures of the will-o?f-the-wisp then the next thing I know the bastard smacks me and then a damn Bogy hits me and it does 72 damage to me which drops me down to 0 HP and I fall to the ground and that?fs not all, the bastard was not done yet and he goes after Xrhstos and kills him too. The rest of them make it to safe place without getting seriously hurt. I stay there on the ground for a while hoping someone can come and revive me lots of people pass me by then some guy stops and starts doing magic I quickly go under tell and ask him to help me by the way his name was Gil and he raises me and then I thank him. I then run back to the safe point where everyone is. Then I search for Gil under search and I see him, I see that he is lvl 60 and his sub job is lvl 29 I was like damn that is very high lvl I was very glad that he had revive me and thanked him again for raising me. It was probably close to 5:30am by that time and my dad would soon wake up to go to work so I tell everyone I have to go and I log off before my dad catches me playing. Well that is all guys. I hope you guys liked it.Am the best get that straight
Ecko-Tarutaru Male lvl 35 whm/ 9 blm
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A chobi is a chocobo and for my subjob I am going to be a white mage.
Yup, Ockman sitting on my head, dumb ock, lol. I will start writing the journal on what happened last night right now but I will probably not finish, also I don't think I have n e pics because when I was playing my computer suddenly turned off and then a second later turned on which erased my pics and I was in a rush to get back online to party with Ockman so I did not re-open the program to take pics. I will try to finish the journal by today.
-CARN-Carnage: WAR23 WHM23
Ecko: WHM66 BRD61 BLM33 THF22 SMN16 WAR5 DRG3
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nice 1 where are the pucs u took? coz i wanna see that wolfNovox - Midgardsormr ~Mentor~
Co-Founder of The Knights Of Chaos Linkshell
Job: Dark Knight 40/Warrior 30
ffxichaos-ffxi website and linkshell!
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Hypersnap 4.50 Serial
Just wonderin' if you got your HyperSnap serial workin? I dunno what happened, but I was trying to take pics and show you what I meant by saving the txt file, then all of a sudden my hypersnap asks for the serial again, wtf is that all about. I tried Elites thing but it doesn't seem to work............:mad: :mad: F@ck
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Re: Hypersnap 4.50 Serial
Originally posted by Aldo
Just wonderin' if you got your HyperSnap serial workin? I dunno what happened, but I was trying to take pics and show you what I meant by saving the txt file, then all of a sudden my hypersnap asks for the serial again, wtf is that all about. I tried Elites thing but it doesn't seem to work............:mad: :mad: F@ck[SIZE=1]Connie Rank 6 Ramuh WHM 34 WAR 28 PLD 53 BLM 21 MNK 31 THF 15 RDM 22 *Deleted*
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