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The Adventures of Kyrial Rydia Arthian

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  • OOC Entry

    To Vilurum: Yeah, I don't know why I forgot to make some kinda mention of the tie-in to mission 3-1. >_< But thanks for clearing up the other ones. ^^ I was a bit confused as to the timeframes of the Bastok ones, in particular. I was wondering if the scene with Bebenn and Raogrimm was after the scene in Xarcabard, and Raogrimm had merely reincarnated as Galkas tend to do. Then I remembered something I shouldn't really know about Raogrimm, so I was quite confused. I actually know quite a bit of spoilers, mostly from reading through Faluzure's pics over the months. :sweat:

    And as for the shadowy figure, I'm actually embarrassed to admit that I never even noticed him until just recently when I watched the scene over again. :sweat: I didn't have a pic of him though... I'm actually curious as to who he is... he's very odd-looking. I have a theory, but I won't post that here. Maybe in a PM.

    To StarRaven: Thanks. I did this whole mission at level 30 as well. In my opinion, Castle Oztroja was the hardest. With Beadeaux, we had so many people that the NMs were cake, and Davoi was just sneaking to the Wall of Dark Arts, which was easy as can be. I did it was just me, Veteran, and Piro, and they were only along cuz they needed it too and didn't know where to go. XD Castle Oztroja, though, I think is actually easier the less people you have, because that's less people that you need to worry about keeping sneaked/invised. Truthfully, I can sneak to the Altar Room on my own now, since the bats are no longer able to aggro me, and Tonko can get me past all the Yagudo. I helped a WHM friend of mine do it recently, and since it was just the two of us, and we could each invis ourselves (and in his case, sneak, since he was only level 34), the Castle was a piece of cake. The problem with him was when he had to drop Invis to open the door. We had to try like 3 times before he managed to get in there. :sweat:

    To everyone else: Did I even post the rank 4 mission? I don't even remember now. XD Well, there wasn't much to it, at any rate. No story or anything; we just went to the top of Delkfutt's Tower, then went right back down to the bottom, found an ambassador (who said little and ran off), then went back to Jeuno and was awarded Rank 4. Pretty disappointing, really. :p

    Anyway, I'm gonna start doing Promyvion next. I'm gonna be doing them with my new LS, so I'll work on getting the pre-Promyvion pics up first. Of course, I'll also get the end of the rank 5 mission up soon. :sweat: Ah, I wonder how I will handle the in-character part of these CoP missions... Kyrie is not supposed to know the story of the Zilart missions, so it may prove tricky... oh well, I will figure something out.

    Rank 10 All Nations
    Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
    Assault Rank: Captain
    Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
    Unique Quests complete: 465
    Maps Obtained: 79/79



      Halloween started recently, and boy is it fun! I have vague memories of the last Halloween, but back then, when I first became an adventurer, I wasn't much interested in what was going on. This time is was great! I felt like a kid again, running around and trick-or-treating, wearing costumes... it was a welcome break from my ninja training. I took a few pics of me in different costumes, which you can see below. ^^

      Okay, I pride myself on being in shape, but I'm not THAT skinny~ :sweat:

      Oooh, I had seen these once when I went to Fei'Yin to find Eperdur some kinda magic tome... they're creepy.

      Now this one was scary... I hate dogs. >_<;;

      This one was kinda itchy....

      Hehe I liked this costume. If only I could've found Rukususu... I wanted to sneak up on her and make ghost sounds. Oh well, I suppose I might've given her a heart attack if I did, and that wouldn't be good. Shantotto would've thought it was hilarious though, I'm sure.

      DURR ME ARE ORC! Hehe, it was kinda fun pretending to be a big dumb Orc.

      Grr... but Jurinrin played a cruel joke on me. She snuck up behind me in this costume and shouted "Kahk-ka-ka~! Die, smoothskin!" and about near gave me a heart attack. :mad:

      I glared at her, but she just burst into a fit of giggles. >.>

      Overall, it was a fun night, but all good things must come to an end, and I had to head off to bed. So, until next time, enjoy~!

      Rank 10 All Nations
      Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
      Assault Rank: Captain
      Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
      Unique Quests complete: 465
      Maps Obtained: 79/79


      • Hahah, you had fun with the event too, I see ^_^ I spent all my dagger-savings for all kinds of sweets :sweat: [I only later on found out that I could've bought five stacks of Saruta Oranges and camp one NPC for the items xD; Doing stuff the fun way rather than the lazy way is usually what I do though, so no harm done.]

        I liked the bogy-costume the most, so much fun to float around scaring others ^_^
        The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


        • OOC: Hehe I liked the Bogy costume best, too. I actually got my Trick Staff and Pumpkin Head II within a couple minutes of the event starting... both from different NPCs and with Cinna-cookies. After that all I got was costumes and Jack-o'-Lanterns, so I gave up. Then today, just for the heck of it, I traded a Yagudo Cherry to an NPC in Bastok and got a Pumpkin Head. I'm thinking of trying to get ones for my mules sometime, too.

          Anyway, sorry about the lack of updates lately. I really need to get the last part of the rank 5 mission up... I'll also try and do an entry on the Promyvions once I finish them. I did Promyvion-Dem tonight, but my PT was the only one of three to lose at the BCNM. >_< The other two groups owned it, but we got wiped out with it still at like 80% health.

          Rank 10 All Nations
          Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
          Assault Rank: Captain
          Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
          Unique Quests complete: 465
          Maps Obtained: 79/79


          • Hmm, I really need to post that last rank 5 entry... I think part of the reason that I haven't been motivated to majke any entries in awhile is because I haven't really been doing anything story-related for quite awhile. That should change as soon as I hit level 50 though. Then I'll be doing mission 5-1, as well as my first genkai quest and my AF gloves quest. Which reminds me, now that I mention that... I really should get screens from my AF knife quest and make an entry for that too. Rest assured, I will get to those... eventually. :sweat:

            Rank 10 All Nations
            Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
            Assault Rank: Captain
            Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
            Unique Quests complete: 465
            Maps Obtained: 79/79


            • Holy Hell

              I just spent like the last 4 hours reading this things from the very first post to the final post. I don't have this game but I was huge into before it ever came out. I even had an old fan fic written about this with a character, Khalzum. I doubt anyone remembers it but I got positive feedback. This is awesome tho, keep it up.
              I cant feel-the way i did before
              dont turn ur back on me-i wont be ignored
              time wont heal-this damage anymore
              dont turn ur back on me-i wont be ignored

