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The Adventures of Kyrial Rydia Arthian

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  • Yeah this is by far the best journal I have read yet. Keep up the good work.
    Trys - 67 BRD/WHM - Ragnarok (Active)


    • O.O uber awesomeness, keep it up, i really like all your screenshots ^_^ very nice

      If you`re on ifrit, go to sandy, and check the price history on Phalnax.... pwned.


      • OOC: This little post is just to inform you all that I haven't given up on this journal. It's more like I got tired of making entries just consisting of me leveling, and that's mostly what I've been doing; leveling and farming. I'd like to keep the focus of this journal on quests/missions, and maybe a bit of exploring new areas (not just CoP areas, of course, though I will get to those, too). In fact, I'm actually working on making a very large (read: split into about 5 posts) entry for my rank 5 pics. I've got almost all of them ready, and all I have to do is retake a couple more that I seem to have misplaced. To give you an idea of just how huge this update is, I've already got 65 pics ready. Anyway, look forward to it either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. Until then, please be patient. :sweat:

        Rank 10 All Nations
        Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
        Assault Rank: Captain
        Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
        Unique Quests complete: 465
        Maps Obtained: 79/79


        • Magicite: The Beginning

          Yes folks, it's finally here; the mission that earned me rank 5. It all started one day when I walked into the Windurstian Embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens. I was curious to see if they had any missions for me, and sure enough, Pakh told me that ambassador was waiting for me in his office. To my surprise, he informed me that I was to report to the Archduke of Jeuno himself for my briefing!

          So, nervously, I headed to the Auroral Palace and showed my Archducal Audience Permit to the Ducal Guards standing at the door to the audience chamber. They let me in, closing the door behind me. Steeling myself, I walked up to the throne of Archduke Kam'lanaut (such an odd name for one who appears to be a Hume...). Shortly after he introduced himself, a young boy ran up from behind the throne and introduced himself as Eald'narche, Kam'lanaut's brother. Again, the name sounded odd... but that was not all I noticed about Eald'narche. He seemed to speak as if he was much older than he appeared, other than when he introduced himself. However, I decided to put these observations on hold until later, when I was alone. It would not do to have the Archduke notice me not paying attention to him, after all. He and Eald'narche informed me that their sources told them that the beastmen were plotting to revive the Shadow Lord, which, of course, I already knew. However, he said they planned to do so using the power of some mysterious stones called magicite.

          His mission for me was simple enough in theory: sneak into the three beastmen headquarters, steal the magicite, and return it to him. As a reward for when I completed the mission, he offered an airship pass, which I must admit was rather enticing. I had wanted one for as long as I can remember, but they cost 500,000 gil, which I couldn't possibly afford. As I turned to leave, one of the Archduke's aides stopped me and gave me a letter to give to Aldo, the leader of the Tenshodo. He told me that Aldo might have information on how to find the magicite, and suggested I talk to him.

          Deciding this would be a good place to start my search for information, I headed to Lower Jeuno to seek out Aldo...

          OOC: That's all for this entry. The next entry will pick up where this one leaves off. Until then, enjoy! ^^

          Rank 10 All Nations
          Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
          Assault Rank: Captain
          Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
          Unique Quests complete: 465
          Maps Obtained: 79/79


          • MUST HAVE MORE GHAAAAAAA:spin: :dead:


            • Great journal Kyrial! Keep posting I want to see more!


              • Magicite: Beadeaux

                Once in Lower Jeuno, I headed to Neptune's Spire and entered the Tenshodo HQ. I headed towards Aldo's room in the back, and after introducing myself, I showed him the letter from the Archduke. He gave me a silver bell, and said that I would need it to reach the magicite in Beadeaux. However, just after giving it to me, a (very hot ) young girl walked in and interrupted him. Aldo called her Verena, and I had heard from other Tenshodo members in the past that she was Aldo's sister, and that she was very well-liked by everyone in the organization.

                As I left Aldo's room, I decided to try and sneak into Beadeaux and steal the magicite there. However, a Tenshodo member named Sattal-Mansal stopped me and told me he heard I was trying to do. He informed me that I would need two more items, a Black Matinee Necklace and a Coruscant Rosary. He said he had them, but if I wanted them, I'd need to bring him a Quadav Charm and a Quadav Augery Shell. When I asked him where I might find these, he said that important Quadavs were said to have them in their possession. Realizing that this would mean I'd have to fight some strong Quadavs in Beadeaux, I decided I had better get some friends to come along. I asked my linkshell, and Veteran and Piro offered to come. Aijalon also offered, and said he'd bring some friends of his, as well. We agreed to meet up at Beadeaux, so I rented a chocobo and rode there. Once we were all there, I took a pic of us.

                Dalton went scouting around, and came back with an angry Quadav chasing him. We all quickly surrounded him, and he went down within a few seconds. (OOC: This was Go'Bhu Gascon. I figure that there's no reason Kyrie would know the names of the Quadav NMs here.)

                After he fell, I checked his body, and sure enough, I found a Quadav Augery Shell. With one item found, we decided to head farther into Beadeaux. Fairly deep in, we found another important-looking Quadav and attacked it. The other Quadavs nearby rushed to aid it, but we managed to take them all down without too much trouble.

                I checked this one, and once again, my luck prevailed and I found a Quadav Charm. I thanked all the people that came to help me, and the black mage we had with us warped us all back to Jeuno. Bidding them farewell, I went back to Sattal-Mansal and gave him the charm and the shell, and he handed over the necklace and rosary. Why I needed such items to get to the magicite, I didn't know, but I trusted them and headed back to the chocobo stables to rent another ride to Beadeaux. I was confident I that I could sneak into Beadeaux on my own and get the magicite. While I was there getting the items Sattal-Mansal requested, I had seen a large door that I assumed led to the place the Quadavs held their magicite.

                Once I reached Beadeaux, I headed to that door. As I neared it, the bell, necklace, and rosary started to glow, and the door opened of its own volition. I headed in, glancing around for any signs of danger. I didn't find any, and so I continued into the area I would later learn was called the Qulun Dome. The area appeared to be deserted; I suppose they didn't feel the need to post guards in such a hard-to-reach place. I quickly came upon what could only be the magicite. I couldn't help but take pictures of some of it.

                There was a lot of it, but one large piece stood out amongst the rest. I realzed I couldn't possibly take the whole thing, so I decided to just take a piece, and hoped this would be good enough for the Archduke. As I touched it, however, a strange sensation passed over me, and I had a sort of out-of-body experience. I witnessed a few different scenes that I can only assume were from Bastok's past, as they talked about just completing the Palborough Mines. It was quite sad, really. :/

                The next scene, however, pushed all thoughts of the misunderstandings between the Humes and the Quadavs from my mind. I recognized the scenery as Xarcabard, where the Shadow Lord once resided before he was defeated. I had been there once with a few friends to acquire a Vahzl gate crystal and deliver supplies to the outpost there. Somehow, the setting seemed appropriate for what occured there...

                With that sad scene concluded, I came back to my senses and found myself in front of the magicite once more. I found a nice chunk of magicite, put it in my pack, and used a scroll of Instant Warp to teleport back to Jeuno. I tucked the magicite away in my mog house for safe keeping, and, exhausted from the day, I decided to head to sleep.

                And that's all for this entry. Until next time, enjoy! ^^

                Rank 10 All Nations
                Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                Assault Rank: Captain
                Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                Unique Quests complete: 465
                Maps Obtained: 79/79


                • Magicite: Davoi

                  OOC: I'm starting to think I left this journal out of date so long that may people stopped reading it No matter, I'll keep posting these for those that still do read it.

                  The next morning, I decided to ask around town and see if I could find any info on one of the remaining beastmen headquarters. I eventually talked to someone who told me of a little boy in Upper Jeuno named Baudin. She said that he had bought some kind of item called the Crest of Davoi at a recent auction. She thought it odd that a young boy would need such a thing, but figured that he was probably just a collector of odd items. I decided to try and find this boy and see what this crest was; I had a suspicion I'd need it to get to the magicite in Davoi. After a bit of searching, I found the young boy standing outside his house. I asked him about the crest, and he informed me that he would give it to me if I gave him a piece of coeurl meat.

                  Of course, I thought it odd that he would want a cheap little piece of meat in exchange for such an obviously priceless item, but I wasn't about to argue. I went to the auction house and bought him a piece of coeurl meat for 300 gil, then went back to his house and gave it to him. He looked happy, and handed me the Crest of Davoi, then turned and walked into his house. Curious, I asked him what he wanted the meat for. He informed me that his sister was sick. I wondered what that had to do with the meat, as I couldn't think of anything coeurl meat could be used for in terms of healing a sick person, but I soon saw that he meant she was mentally ill. While her antics were somewhat disturbing, I felt really bad for the poor boy. He obviously loved his sister very much, and I could tell he couldn't stand seeing her that way. He told me that he had bought the Crest of Davoi in the hopes that it might be able to lift the curse on her, but that it didn't help.

                  I wanted to help the boy and his sister, but I didn't see how I could. I told him if I ever found out anything about her condition, I'd tell him. He thanked me, and wished me farewell. Tucking the crest in my bag, I decided to head out to Davoi. I rented a chocobo from the nearby stable, and rode out to Jugner Forest. Sneaking through Davoi was quite easy with my Tonko spell and some silent oil. Not too far into Davoi, I found a cave protected by some kind of dark magic. I decided to check it out, figuring that the magicite was probably behind this magical barrier. Sure enough, when I got near the wall, the Crest of Davoi started to glow dimly, and I was able to pass through the barrier as if it weren't there. Once inside the cave, I noticed that the room was eerily similar to the magicite room in Beadeaux. Walking up to the largest section of crystals, I saw a large glowing chunk of magicite, and reached down to pick it up. However, the same strange experience from Beadeaux happened again, and I witnessed another scene from the past; this time from a San d'Orian point-of-view.

                  To me, it seemed that the papsque, Muchavatte, was the real power in San d'Oria, and that King Destin was merely a figurehead. But then, I'm sure that was nothing new. San d'Oria has probably always been run by the church, regardless of what the royal family might think. I didn't have long to think on that, however, as another scene started. Francmage was talking to what I can only assume was two Windurstian officials who were with the Bastokan officials investigating Xarcabard. But what was surprising was when Ulrich, the bastard that had tried to murder Raogrimm and instead killed Cornelia in the vision in Beadeaux, ran up, saying that Cornelia and Raogrimm had fallen in a crevice. So this must've been just after he killed her... I wonder even now if he killed Raogrimm after that to keep it a secret.

                  As always, I was disgusted by the outright callousness and even racism that the Elvaans had towards the other races. Then again, I wasn't really surprised, either. After all, this must've been just after the war, and things have only gotten better since then. So considering the way they are now... well, it doesn't really make it better, anyway. Again, I didn't have long to think on this before another vision started. This one just plain confused me, and I still don't know what happened to this day...

                  Finally, the visions stopped. Realizing I was still standing in the cave with my hands on the magicite, I picked it up and tucked it into my bag, then pulled out a scroll of Instant Warp and used it to return to Jeuno. Since it wasn't late yet, I decided to look around for any info I could find on Castle Oztroja. Silently, I wondered what kind of vision I would have when I touched the magicite there...

                  OOC: That's all for this entry! (Gotta love cliffhangers, eh? ^_~) Next one will be the coolest (and biggest, coincidentally), I promise. Until then, enjoy! ^^

                  Rank 10 All Nations
                  Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                  Assault Rank: Captain
                  Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                  Unique Quests complete: 465
                  Maps Obtained: 79/79


                  • A comment to OOC Kyrial: there's a quest in Jeuno to cure Baudin's sister, if you didn't already do it (or at least know about it). Prerequisite is sufficient Jeuno fame and having done that portion of this mission. I'm sure IC Kyrial would enjoy helping them out. Be prepared to do some sneaking through Eldieme though.

                    Also, those scenes - as you may or may not have learned - are from 30 years ago ... the Great War ended 20 years ago. You should find missions 5-1 and 5-2 to be pretty interesting in regards to those past events, as they tie in to them pretty strongly. Bastok missions tie in to those events more than Windurst missions do ... though Windurst missions tie in very strongly to the flashback you see in Oztroja, which I assume you'll be posting soon.

                    I'm also a bit iffy on what happened with that final scene with Francmage. Hopefully if I ever get to see San d'Oria's plotline and the plotline of Dynamis, I'll understand it better.

                    I don't remember if I've posted here before, but I have been keeping up with your journal, and I'm glad you've taken it up again. Makes me feel nostalgic - when I first did the things you write about, I was wowed too. Never let yourself become so jaded that you lose this excellent perspective of yours.
                    Averter of the Apocalypse~
                    Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                    Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                    Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                    • OOC: Ooh, cool. Thanks, Vilurum. ^^ I figured that the scenes were from just after the Great War, but I guess it makes more sense that it was before it, now that I think about it. (EDIT: however, in the upcoming entry, the first scene it shows had to have been during the Great War, as the Star Sybil says something along the lines of "the lines of battle are drawn in Tahrongi Canyon, and draw close to Sarutabaruta.")

                      I just looked up that quest you mentioned; I'll definitely have to try it out. ^^ Fame certainly isn't a problem for me ever; I have maxed Windy, Jeuno, and Rabao/Selbina fame, level 7 Sandy, level 6 Bastok, and level 5 Norg/Tenshodo. But I swear, I need to level WHM to 20 one of these days just for sneaking around for quests. That way I can sub NIN and have Sneak/Invis. Silent Oils drain my budget too much. :sweat: Well, I'll probably update with the Castle Oztroja part tomorrow; gonna go on FFXI now. Until then, thanks for your patience everyone.

                      Rank 10 All Nations
                      Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                      Assault Rank: Captain
                      Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                      Unique Quests complete: 465
                      Maps Obtained: 79/79


                      • Magicite: Castle Oztroja

                        (OOC: This post was actually longer than FFXIOnline allows, so I had to split it into two parts. :sweat: )

                        After thinking for a moment, I decided to talk to Aldo again and see if he knew anything about Castle Oztroja. He told me that while he didn't, Muckvix might. So, I headed to ol' Muck's shop and ask him about it. He told me I'd need a Yagudo Torch to get as far in as I wanted to. He said that he was fresh out of them, but that Fickie might have some, and that I should find him.

                        Knowing that Fickie was off with Verena, I went out to look for them. After searching for awhile and turning up nothing, I sat down on the side of the road somewhere in Upper Jeuno to rest for a bit. It was getting a bit late, and I was wondering if maybe they had headed back home already. But as luck would have it, they walked up to a couple of children across the street from where I was sitting and talked for a bit with them.

                        I wanted to smack that little Galka boy, but since I'm practically a hero to a lot of the people in Jeuno, I can't well go around attacking little boys, no matter how much they might deserve it. At any rate, Fickie walked off before I could ask him about a Yagudo Torch, so I decided to head back to Muck's shop and wait for him there. Sure enough, he showed up pretty soon after I got there.

                        What Muck said rang true enough, but as much as I wanted to see that happen, I was still worried about Fickie. I know how the Yagudo are all too well, and I can just see what they'd do if someone, beastman or not, walked into their castle and told them to stop harrassing people. Just as I was about to leave, Verena showed up, asking for Fickie.

                        Personally, I thought Verena's worries were misplaced. She worried about adventurers hurting Fickie, but I'm sure that if some adventurers came upon Fickie and tried to attack him, he'd be able to talk his way out of it. Savages though Verena may make us out to be for fighting and killing beastmen, we don't just go up and attack random beastmen that don't want to fight. The Yagudo, however, could very well kill him without hesitation if he went too far into their castle. However, I decided that I had better get some sleep and worry about that tomorrow, and hope that Fickie was planning on sleeping before heading out, as well. I didn't wanna see the poor kid get hurt. He was so innocent... maybe too innocent for his own good.

                        Rank 10 All Nations
                        Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                        Assault Rank: Captain
                        Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                        Unique Quests complete: 465
                        Maps Obtained: 79/79


                        • Magicite: Castle Oztroja (cont.)

                          The next morning, I decided to ask some friends if they wanted to come along and help me, as I was worried about heading into Castle Oztroja alone. The Yagudo are much more cunning then the Orcs or the Quadavs, and I knew that it would be very difficult to infiltrate their stronghold. Veteran, Aijalon, and Juliana offered to come, and as we were riding there, Malakai offered to come and bring a couple of friends, as well. This put my mind somewhat at ease; Malakai had helped me with many things in the past, and he's a good person to have around if things go wrong. We arrived at the castle shortly, and while we were waiting for Mal's group to show up, I took a picture of us.

                          Eventually, Mal's group showed up, and we headed inside. We encountered no trouble on the first floor, and I knew from a previous mission here to watch out for the trap door in front of the door leading to the stairs. As we headed up, we came to an ouside section of the castle. It was hauntingly similar to Giddeus, only on a much larger scale. Castle Oztroja seemed to be much larger than Beadeaux or Davoi...

                          We travelled further in, and I think we ended up in the basement of the castle. There were very powerful Yagudo down here, and at one point someone's Invisible spell wore off. A few of the Yagudo saw him before we were able to cast another one, and Malakai and Laur had to take them out. Even with the two of them, it was a long difficult battle, but in the end, they managed to win. Soon after that, we reached a door that I had to open with the Yagudo Torch that Fickie gave me. Laur began to warp people back to Jeuno, and said he'd catch up with me in a bit to warp me back when I was done getting the magicite. Nodding to him, I headed into the door, only to find a horrifying scene. Fickie was lying on the ground, a puddle of blood forming under him, and Verena (how she got there was beyond me, but I wasn't exactly worrying about that right then) was holding him, in tears. I rushed over to help, but it was clear that there was nothing I could do at this point.

                          I wanted to yell at Verena, to tell her that she was the one who didn't understand, that she never lost family and friends to beastmen who attacked them for no reason other than simple bloodlust, but fortunately, I have more control over my emotions than her, and I knew that this was not the time for that. She had just lost a loved one herself, and to beastmen no less, though I don't know whether or not she knew that (or if she did, whether she wanted to admit it). So I simply walked away, towards the altar room that no doubt held the magicite I was here for.

                          Sure enough, it was the room that held the magicite, and, bracing myself for more visions, I laid my hands it. And of course, the visions came. The first vision took place during the Great War. I saw the Star Sybil talking to the hero of Windurst, Karaha-Baruha about Karaha's discovery of summoning magic.

                          I knew Karaha-Baruha was talking about Fenrir. There isn't a child in Windurst who wasn't raised hearing the story of how the hero Karaha-Baruha sacrificed his life in the last battle of the war to summon the great wolf, Fenrir, who defeated the armies of the Yagudo and saved Windurst from total destruction.

                          After that vision was over, another took its place, and this was one from the much closer past. It showed Ajido-Marujido charging past several extremely powerful-looking Yagudos and talking to their leader. (OOC Note: Look up Yagudo High Priests, Yagudo Templars, and the Yagudo Avatar on Allakhazam, and you'll see this next scene in a whole new light. Ajido's so badass. : )

                          After that, I saw another vision, possibly of the present, with the Star Sybil crying out to the stars and Karaha-Baruha, looking for help.

                          It made me realize just how much stress she must be under, knowing the future, but not knowing what to do about it. I also came up with a theory... I think that the Star Sybil was in love with Karaha-Baruha. It would make sense... I mean, they did seem rather close. To tell the truth, I think that's why she and Ajido-Marujido don't get along too well. I think that Ajido probably reminds her a lot of Karaha, but she just doesn't want to risk another war with the Yagudo. After she lost Karaha to the last one, it would only make sense that she would be afraid that she might lose Ajido to another. But Ajido knows that what he does is necessary, and he has only the safety of Windurst in mind. If only she could see that, then things would be so much better....

                          As I thought about this, I realized that I was back in Castle Oztroja, my hands still on the magicite. Shaking my head, I took the magicite and placed it in my gobbiebag. I turned to head back to Laur, when who should walk up but Lion! (yay! ^^) She asked if I was alright, but before I could grin and tell her I was fine now that she was here, she started talking about the magicite. () However, she suddenly looked surprised at something she saw behind me, and I turned to see a phantom of something truely frightening. It looked sort of like one of the demons I saw one time in Xarcabard, only much larger and more powerful-looking. At once, I knew it must be the Shadow Lord.

                          After delivering his haunting message, he disappeared, and Lion came to the same conclusion I had. I told her I was going to be heading back to Jeuno, and told her to be careful. She bade me to do the same, and we parted ways. Shaken, I headed back to meet Laur, who warped me back to Jeuno. Now that I had all three pieces of magicite, I headed to Ru'Lude Gardens to give them to the Archduke...

                          And that's all for this entry! Stay tuned for the conclusion to this mission. Until then, enjoy!

                          Rank 10 All Nations
                          Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                          Assault Rank: Captain
                          Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                          Unique Quests complete: 465
                          Maps Obtained: 79/79


                          • Ohhh I did that mission just a week ago :spin:


                            • The flashbacks with the expedition to Xarcabard were 30 years ago. The flashback with Raogrimm and Ulrich and Cornelia and the quadav eggs, along with the flashback with Francmage and Destin, were a bit before that. The flashback with Babenn and child-Raogrimm was even longer before that (Raogrimm was a child after all). The flashback with Francmage in what looks like Bostaunieux Oubliette, was at some point after the expedition.

                              As for the Windurst flashbacks, you're right - they're not from the same time frame. While the flashbacks from the other two places tie in more with that particular plotline, the flashbacks from Oztroja tie in with the plotline of the Windurst missions. (So it's just as well that you're Windurstian, otherwise you'd be quite confused - though I imagine you're a bit confused already, it'll make more sense with the high rank missions.)

                              The flashback with the Star Sibyl and Karaha-Baruha was from the time of the Great War 20 years ago (near the end of it), as you correctly gathered. The flashback with Ajido-Marujido and the yagudos was from right before you found him for mission 3-1 (remember he went to Oztroja to meet with them?).

                              And the scene with the Star Sibyl at the Star Spring in Heavens Tower was from more or less the present. I'm surprised you made no mention of the shadowy figure walking up to her at the very end of the cutscene though ... it'll play a role in the later Windurst missions, including your next mission, 5-1.

                              (If you want to replay the magicite cutscenes - complete with the Lion scene at the end of each one, not just the one where you actually met her - then visit the bard at Ru'Lude Gardens, down the steps near the AH. For the other cutscenes, including the one with Verena and Fickie in Altar Room, you'll have to go to the respective area where you saw them in the first place and use the bard or goblin footprint.)
                              Averter of the Apocalypse~
                              Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                              Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                              Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                              • Another super great update. I remember when I had to go to the Castle for this mission. I did it at level 30, it was so hard. I died 3 times got Raised 3 times. Then some high levels escorted me and a friend to the door we needed it was so cool. I was a little mad that Verena just strolled in like it was nothing :sweat: Did she take a back door or something?
                                My Journal:
                                Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark
                                For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart
                                Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why
                                We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye
                                In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?
                                Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?
                                Melodies of Life
                                Never assume what you see or feel is ever real.

