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The Adventures of Kyrial Rydia Arthian

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  • Originally posted by SeverusXerxes
    viper bite is sweet. I almost pee'd my pants when I saw it the first time in Garliage
    If you pee'd your pants about Viper Bite you'll crap yourself about Dancing Edge . Even though Guillotine + Sneak Attack + Trick Attack is better and no I'm not bias about the power of DRK I swear :angel: .


    • Originally posted by SeeD Soldier
      If you pee'd your pants about Viper Bite you'll crap yourself about Dancing Edge . Even though Guillotine + Sneak Attack + Trick Attack is better and no I'm not bias about the power of DRK I swear :angel: .
      Hehe, what about Shark Bite?

      Rank 10 All Nations
      Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
      Assault Rank: Captain
      Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
      Unique Quests complete: 465
      Maps Obtained: 79/79


      • Originally posted by Kyrial Arthian

        Hehe, what about Shark Bite?
        Well Shark Bite looks cool but by itself Dancing Edge is better. In a organized party though Shark Bite is better because it can be used to make a lvl 3 Renkei (Light, Darkness, etc.) which can do 800+ dmg with just the blast damage. At that level though I get Spinning Slash with Great Sword which is one of the best WS to mix with Trick Attack .


        • OOC: Yeah, Dancing Edge is sweet. The other day I died trying to get from Yhoator Jungle back to Kazham (I hate those damn jungles >_>), and a Taru THF in AF Raised me, then took out a nearby Goblin for me with Dancing Edge. ^^ Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the damage, 'cause I still had chat filters in place to cut down on battle spam from when I was leveling up.

          Rank 10 All Nations
          Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
          Assault Rank: Captain
          Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
          Unique Quests complete: 465
          Maps Obtained: 79/79


          • OOC: Well, I've got a new entry all ready to post, and it's the hugest one yet by far. It took me over 3 hours to write it all! The thing is, it won't fit in one post! only allows 10000 characters per post, and this one is just over 20000 characters. So it'll be in three posts following this one.

            Rank 10 All Nations
            Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
            Assault Rank: Captain
            Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
            Unique Quests complete: 465
            Maps Obtained: 79/79


            • OOC: Well, I feel bad about not having updated in so long, so even though I don't have near as many pictures as I want, I'm going to make a new entry now. I'll come back and add some pictures from some of the cutscenes later, after I go to a bard NPC to watch them again so I can get them (since I forgot to take them when I was actually watching the scenes :sweat: ).

              Wow, it's been a long time since I last wrote in this journal. So much has happened since the last entry... I hope I can remember it all! :sweat: Some of these things may be a little out of order in terms of when they happened, but I'll try my best to keep things as close to accurate as possible.

              Well, after helping Difinity with her mission, I decided to take a break from training. I headed to Jeuno, and while I was browsing through the Auction House, I saw a new outfit that looked better than my old Beetle set, so I bought it and sold off the Beetle set. Say hello to me new Wool Set! (other than the Beetle Mask I kept, I look like a mage XD)

              After getting my new clothes, I rented a chocobo and headed to Selbina to start working on a quest that I had recieved from the mayor of Selbina. He wanted me to search out some old stone monuments around the world that were left by some old explorer during the Crystal Era and use some lumps of clay he provided me with to make imprints of the story for him. I found ones in Valkurm Dunes, Buburimu Penninsula, Tahrongi Canyon, East Sarutabaruta, Konschtat Highlands, and South Gustaberg (so much traveling :dead: ), and headed to La Theine Plateau next. I had seen a monument there one time before when I got lost, so I headed over to get an imprint of the story from it. While I was there, I saw a notorious monster called the Tumbling Truffle, so I attacked it. (OOC: I actually camped this bastard for about an hour and a half before he finally spawned; it's a good thing he's extremely undercamped)

              I killed him pretty easily, though he did poison me. The coolest part, though, was that he dropped a Fungus Hat!

              Here's a pic of me trying it on (now I REALLY look like a mage :sweat: ) :

              I also took a pic of myself firing a bow here. I thought it was pretty cool, so:

              I headed back to Selbina to give the imprint to the mayor (he always gives me some money when I bring him another one, usually about 800-1000 gil, but sometimes as much as 3000). I took a boat to Mhaura, and on the way, we got attacked by pirates! I ran down the the cargo hold and cowered in the corner like a scared little kitten ( :sweat: ), but a really strong Galka monk took care of them, probably with the help of a white mage that was also on the ship. Once all seemed safe, I headed back up to the deck, just in time to see the pirate ship pulling away from us.

              When I arrived in Mhaura, I made my waythrough the Buburimu Penninsula, as I planned to head to the Crag of Mea, rent a chocobo, and ride back to Windurst (Mhaura and Selbina really need some chocobo stables. And Nomad Moogles. >_>). When I got to Tahrongi Canyon, though, I saw a little Tarutaru running towards Buburimu Penninsula with 4 Akbabas on his tail, attacking him. I decided to help him out, and took on the birds myself.

              I took them out, and he and his friend that showed up thanked me. I told them it was no big deal, then bid them farewell and headed off to the Crag, then to back home to Windurst.

              While I was there, I stopped to visit Jurinrin. She saw my new Fungus Hat, and asked if she could have it. I didn't really need it anyway, so I gave it to her. I found out later that she gave it to Iamtrini as a gift, because he had wanted one for as long as he could remember. Those two are such a cute couple. =^^= I met up with Difinity while I was in Windurst. She was training as a Summoner, and didn't have much in the way of new equipment. XD

              She managed to get some Slops soon after, though (damn, I liked the old look ).

              Then we met up with Trini, and we sat down at Bomingo Round to chat for awhile.

              While we were talking, Wilber showed up, too. He looks cool in his new Jujitsu Gi. ^^

              Eventually we all got tired and went off to our Mog Houses for the night. The next morning, I decided to get back to my training, and headed to Kazham. I trained for several days in the Yuhtunga and Yhoator Jungles, and my strength increased quite a bit (OOC: I reached lvl 30! ^^). The last time I went there, though, I had a bit of trouble in getting out of the jungle and back to Kazham, and got really lost. At one point, I ended up at the outpost all the way at the south end of Yuhtunga Jungle! I tried to find my way back to Kazham from there, but my map was little help. The 3,000 gil I payed for that damn thing was such a freaking rip-off... *grumble* :mad: Eventually I got close to making it out, but at that point, I had a few Goblin Smithies chasing me, and one of them killed me. :dead: (there went my lvl 30 >_<;; ) Luckily, a kindly Tarutaru thief (who was wearing artifact armor) happened to be passing by, and cast a Raise spell on me. She then killed the Goblin Smithy that was nearby so that it wouldn't kill me again. I thanked her, and she and I both used Flee and ran the rest of the way back to Kazham. I still felt weakened by my recent death, so I took the next airship to Jeuno and then rented a chocobo and rode to the Meriphitaud Mountains, where I fought Hill Lizards and Crane Flies until I felt strong enough again.

              While I was there, I found another stone monument, and imprinted the story from it. After that I headed back to Windurst and, since I wasn't tired, I decided to take a stroll. I ended up at the residence of Perih Vashai, the Mithra Chieftainess of Windurst. She (in pretty vague terms) gave me the task of going and finding a tiger and watching it die naturally. She told me that if I did this, I could become a ranger. One of her attendents told me that tigers could be found in Sauromugue Champaign, so I decided that I'd head over there later. Now I really was tired, so I headed over to my Mog House and slept. Recently there have been moogles around town, and they've been giving out fireworks and things to adventurers. One of them gave me an adventurer's certificate, which I hung on my wall. (OOC: I'm gonna get a picture of my Mog House tonight for you guys and put it here; I've gotten more plants since my last pic of it, and now this new adventurer's certificate on my wall.) I looked at it for a minute, wondering, as I often do, how my parents would feel to see me now. I went to sleep with those thoughts, wondering if maybe they could from wherever they were and what they thought of me.

              Rank 10 All Nations
              Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
              Assault Rank: Captain
              Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
              Unique Quests complete: 465
              Maps Obtained: 79/79


              • (EDIT: I've added pics from the BST quest)

                When I woke up, I decided to head to Jeuno for awhile. When I got there, I was taking a walk in Lower Jeuno and happened to pass by Dietmund's house (he was that mean-looking Hume coward that abused a chocobo from the stables in Upper Jeuno when I was getting my license). He opened the door and recognized me, asking for my help. I was about to refuse, but he looked really worried and said that his son was sick, and needed some nightflowers to heal him. He said he would get them himself, but he couldn't leave his son alone. Feeling pity for the boy, I told the man I would help, and headed out to find where I could find some nightflowers. I figured that the kids at the chocobo stables in Upper Jeuno might know, being that they seemed to be experts on the diets of chocobos, so I headed there and asked one. She said she had heard about the nightflowers in Qufim, but didn't know where they were. She then turned to the the boy on the other side of the stable and asked him if he had heard about Dietmund's son. He said it served Dietmund right for treating the chocobos badly, but the girl called him mean and said that the boy hadn't done anything wrong. The chocobo next to her let out a sad kweh, which confused the little girl. However, I think the chocobo must've remembered the boy from when he belonged to Dietmund. I petted the chocobo, then headed to Qufim to find the flowers. I found them in a small cove on the side of a cliff overlooking the sea, but they only bloomed at night, so I had to wait for a couple hours. I decided to just sit at the edge of the cliff and look out over the sea, because the scenery was so stunningly beautiful. It was very relaxing.

                (Note: Click on the above image for the full 1024x768 version.)

                Once night fell, I went down the cliff to the nightflowers, only to have Dietmund run up to me. He said his son had finally fallen asleep, so he had followed me here. He looked at the nightflowers for a minute, then cursed sliently to himself, saying that we wouldn't be able to dig up the flowers without a chocobo. We then heard a loud kweh, and the chocobo from the stables in Upper Jeuno came running down the path to the flowers. At first, Dietmund addressed it angrily as he always did, but before I could yell at him for it, the chocobo started digging up the flowers. When Dietmund realized what it was doing, he underwent quite a radical transformation. He started apologizing to the chocobo for being so mean to it, and said he wasn't worthy to be a beastmaster anymore. He then rode the chocobo back to Jeuno. I headed back myself, and made my way to his house. His son answered the door, apparently already better, and said his dad wasn't home, but that he had been told to give me something. He handed me a Beast Whistle and a little sack containing 2100 gil. Putting them in my gobbiebag, I went to Upper Jeuno to visit the chocobo stable. I talked to Brutus, and he said he heard about what happened. Dietmund came back to talk to Brutus, and apologized for accusing him of stealing his chocobo. He walked up to the chocobo and petted it, and told Brutus that he was no longer fit to be a beastmaster. Brutus told him that that was nonsense, and that no permanent harm was done, since the chocobo seemed to have forgiven him. Then Brutus told me that I would make a good beastmaster myself, if I so chose. I thanked him and headed to my Mog House to rest for the night.

                The next morning, I met up with Difinity. We decided to finish the mission we had been assigned to, and headed off to the central tower of the Horutoto Ruins. We went pretty far in, but luckily the monsters in there were too weak to pose us any threat, and left us alone. However, once we got even further in, there were a bunch of Goblins that, while they posed us no threat individually, together they were a major problem. Difinity cast an Invisible spell on us so that we could sneak by them, and we headed farther in. However, the problem with being invisible is that it makes it impossible to open doors, so I had Difinity cancel the spell's effect on me long enough to open the door. Unfortunately, it was too late, as the Goblins spotted me. I told Difinity to just run ahead, and I ran after her, several Goblins on my tail. A Boggart or two joined in on the chase along the way, and then when we got farther in, some Wendigos saw me, as well. Needless to say, I was pretty screwed. I tried using my scroll of Instant Warp that I had bought from a War Warlock, but they monsters killed me before it could activate. :dead: (OOC: There went my lvl 30 AGAIN. >_> Luckily, I had already finished this mission with Hawke and Trini, so I didn't have to come back.) Difinity managed to get to get to the Door of Light, though, and finished the mission for us. Apparently some really strong Cardians were guarding the talisman that sealed Castle Zvahl, and they attacked Difinity. She said she got knocked unconscious by their spell, but then Ajido-Marujido came in, cast a healing spell on her, and asked her what she was doing there. She told him about our mission, and about how I had been killed before getting here. He told her that he had seen me and told a nearby white mage to revive me (which he did, thankfully, after which I thanked him and used my scroll of Instant Warp and got out of there). He then told her about the Cardians that were guarding the talisman, saying that his father had worked himself nearly to death to make them. Then he told Dif that she and I should head back and tell Zubaba that the seal was just fine, and left. Difinity used a scroll of Instant Warp too, and we headed back and filled me in on the situation. We headed over to Heavens Tower and gave our report to Zubaba, who seemed suprised that nothing was wrong, but said the Star Sybil had started to recover anyway, so she was happy.

                After finishing the mission, Dif and I headed to Leviathan's Gate and took our next mission from Rakoh Buuma. We each got letters from Heavens Tower with a gold seal on them, which apparently was put only on the most important government documents, which usually only went to the five ministers. We were told to go talk directly to the Star Sybil, which is the greatest honor a citizen of Windurst can recieve. ^^ Excited, and a little bit worried, we headed to Heavens Tower to talk to the Star Sybil. She told us that due to our great services to Windurst, we were being appointed ambassadors to Jeuno, which was, of course, a huge responsibility. However, we were determined to do our best, and accepted the position. The Star Sybil wished us well, and we headed off for Jeuno.

                Rank 10 All Nations
                Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                Assault Rank: Captain
                Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                Unique Quests complete: 465
                Maps Obtained: 79/79


                • Once in Jeuno, I went to the Auction House to look around. I bought a new Windurstian Knife and sold my old Mercenary's Knife, and bought a square of Ram Leather and a square of Wool Cloth for Bluffnix, who asked me for those (along with a Mythril Ingot and a Turquoise) so that he could enlarge my gobbiebag again. I was feeling thirsty after the long ride to Jeuno, so after shopping, I headed to the Merry Minstrel Meadhouse in Lower Jeuno for a drink. While I was there, I talked to a bard that was sitting next to me named Mertaire. He was apparently depressed over a lost love. I talked to a Mithra at the bar named Bki Tbujhja, and she told me about an old stone monument on a beach in Buburimu Penninsula with a song engraved on it that would cheer up even the most heartbroken person. I decided to check it out later, but first went to the Windurstian Embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens. There I talked to a Mithra (who, coincidentally, looked a lot like me). She told me she had been expecting me, and said that I should probably talk to the head ambassador. Unfortunately, she said he was out conducting an investigation at Delkfutt Tower. At this point, Wolfgang, the head of the Ducal Guard, walked in and asked to speak to the head ambassador. The Mithra I had just talked to told him too that he was out, and Wolfgang said that he should not be heading to such dangerous places, but that he supposed it was unavoidable if it was an order from Windurst. Then Monberaux, a doctor I met one time in Upper Jeuno, came in asking for the head ambassador too, saying that it was time for his checkup. Wolfgang asked him to leave, but Monberaux insisted that the ambassador had a rare disease and needed to be checked on regularly. I heard Wolfgang tell him under his breath not to get involved with officials from other nations, and that it was for his own good. Apparently Wolfgang didn't take into account that we Mithra have better hearing then Humes or Elvaans. I mentally added him to my list of people to be careful around. After Wolfgang and Monberaux left, the Mithra at the desk asked me to head to Delkfutt Tower and find the ambassador. She said it was dangerous, so I should probably bring some friends. I told ColdFront about this, and we've made plans to do it soon. (OOC: tonight, actually ^^)

                  After that bit of political intrigue, I decided to head to Qufim and train a bit more by myself. Deniro was nearby, so he offered to follow me around and heal me while I fought so I could take on tougher monsters (OOC: gotta love power lvling! ^^). Here's a couple pics of me taking on a Giant Ranger (and pwning him ) :

                  I was satisfied after only a few fights...

                  ...and I thanked Deniro for his help and wished him well on a mission he headed off to do. Here's a pic I took of him before he left, standing in front of the sunset.

                  After that, I walked back to Jeuno and rented a chocobo, then rode to the Buburimu Penninsula to check out the song runes that Bki told me about. I found them on a beach at the southern end of the penninsula. While I was reading them (they were quite beautiful), a bard named Lewenhart walked up and talked to me about them. He said he often walked out here to read the lyrics on the stone to remember why he became a bard in the first place.

                  After he left, I took out a sheet of parchment and inscribed the lyrics on them to take back to Mertaire. I walked to the Crag of Mea and rented a chocobo, then rode back to Jeuno and gave the lyrics to Mertaire. He seemed upset by this, and asked if I was mocking him by showing him such old lyrics. Before I could say anything, though, Lewenhart walked in and asked him if he had ever even listened to the lyrics before. Mertaire asked what the point was in listening to something so old, and Lewenhart asked him why the song couldn'tbe good just because it was old. He told Mertaire that he was leaving, and said that he hoped the next time he saw him, that he would have learned to appreciate the song. I left Mertaire alone with his thoughts, but I heard him mumble something to himself about recognizing Lewenhart from somewhere. I went to talk to Bki again; she told me that there was a set of matching lyrics to the song I had found on a stone in Valkurm Dunes, and that it was a great place for a date. I decided to go give them a look, and took a chocobo from Lower Jeuno to the Valkurm Dunes. I found the beach she was talking about in the northwestern corner of the Dunes, and if it hadn't been for all the monsters I saw there, I would wager to bet that it would have been a great place for a date. ^^ I found the stone with the opposing set of lyrics (which were just as beautiful as the first), and then Mertaire and Lewenhart both showed up and talked about the lyrics. Mertaire realized where he remembered Lewenhart from; he was a legend amongst bards, and was the reason that Mertaire himself had become a bard in the first place. Lewenhart helped Mertaire to get over his depression, and then turned to me and said that now that I knew the path that a bard walks, I was welcome to join them anytime I wanted.

                  After that, I headed to Selbina to rest for the night. And that's all for this huge entry. (It took me about over 3 hours in total to write this! ) Until next time, enjoy! ^^

                  Rank 10 All Nations
                  Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                  Assault Rank: Captain
                  Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                  Unique Quests complete: 465
                  Maps Obtained: 79/79


                  • Incredible..

                    Kyrial, Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

                    Incredibly entertaining, and informative. I didn't realize that some of those quests were available. Specifically about allowing your mog houe to access all the different zones of Windhurst...You just made my life sooooooooooo much easier.


                    10 Thief
                    7 Warrior
                    Wanna be Ninja!!

                    P.S. Looking for a good LS on Rag...


                    • OOC: Hehe, no problem. ^^ The mog house shortcut is extremely useful; when I made my mule (Jurinrin), the first thing I had her do was buy a lilac so she could have that shortcut. I also have the shortcuts in San d'Oria, Bastok, and Jeuno, too; that was one of the first things I did my first time going to each of those cities. Good luck with becoming a Ninja! I'm gonna get Ninja soon myself, though I don't know how much I'll use it.

                      Rank 10 All Nations
                      Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                      Assault Rank: Captain
                      Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                      Unique Quests complete: 465
                      Maps Obtained: 79/79


                      • What a great entry, Kyrie! I'm so looking forward to getting lv30, I'm planning to do most of the advanced job-quests too, just because I'm curious ^_^ One and a half more levels and I'm finally heading to Jeuno, I can't wait :D

                        Anyways, lots of nice info and nice pictures, too. It kind of feels more safe to read about your adventures and then continue my own. This journal is kind of like a guidebook to me, thanks to your informative entries ^_^
                        The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.



                        • OOC: I've got a ton of stuff to update with, guys, but I've got so many pics to go through, it's gonna take awhile. Last time I checked my screenshots folder, I had over 130 screenshots waiting for me to go through, choose which ones I wanna use, edit them (i.e. shrink them down, blur out names, and save them as JPEGs), and upload them to my host. And I'll be taking more tonight. I logged out in Norg, and that place is damn cool, so expect a bunch of pics from there, as well as the NMs for the SAM quest that Malakai will be helping me with tonight. ^^ I'll try to have an update up ASAP. Thanks for your patience everyone.

                          Rank 10 All Nations
                          Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                          Assault Rank: Captain
                          Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                          Unique Quests complete: 465
                          Maps Obtained: 79/79


                          • * TWITCH*



                            New journal entry please...I am jonesing..

                            GIVE ME WHAT I NEED BABY!! -Al Bundy



                            11 Thief
                            7 Warrior

                            Still a wanna be Ninja....( its going to be forever )

                            P.S. 3 days of looking for a lilac, no luck. Trying to grow one. ^^


                            • Re: * TWITCH*

                              Originally posted by Thallos
                              P.S. 3 days of looking for a lilac, no luck. Trying to grow one. ^^
                              You can buy one on the AH, usually for about 400 gil. That's what I did, at any rate. It should be under Materials->Alchemy. Otherwise, ruling out getting lucky and growing one, you'd have to buy it from a shop in Upper Jeuno.

                              Rank 10 All Nations
                              Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                              Assault Rank: Captain
                              Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                              Unique Quests complete: 465
                              Maps Obtained: 79/79


                              • When I got the game, I read the manual and saw those Rise of the Zilart-pictures there, I fell in love with the whole idea of Norg and decided that it's gonna be my favourite place for sure xD So I'm really looking forward to those screeniies ^_^
                                The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


