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The Adventures of Kyrial Rydia Arthian

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  • #91
    Well, I've been having a great time lately. All kinds of stuff happened; I got lots of pics for you guys, even though there are some I wish I had taken but didn't. But let's not dwell on that. Okay, so... to start at the beginning... there's some kinda festival going on right now in Vana'diel. I haven't been keeping up with what's going on lately, so I don't know what it's all about, but there were some picnic-like things set up in Windurst Woods, so I sat down at one.

    Then a cute little Tarutaru came and joined me, and another one came and looked at us for a minute before walking off.

    Then, Wilber contacted me via our linkshell, and asked me to come to San d'Oria. He was already there, and wanted to do our sixth mission for Windurst together. I headed off for Mhaura so I could take a boat to Selbina and make my way to San d'Oria, and on the way, who should find me but my old friend Nasya! We talked for awhile, and she told me that she would help me get the Bloody Robe I needed for my quest to get a subjob. Nasya had gotten incredibly strong since I last talked to her; she was a very strong Thief/Ninja. We made our way to the southern beaches of the Buburimu Penninsula, where at night, ghosts called Bogys appeared. The apparitions held the Bloody Robe I needed, but they were notorious for being very powerful. Nasya didn't appear worried, though, and I would soon see why. She decided to warm up by fighting a few Snippers while waiting for Bogys to appear. I had fought Snippers before, but only in groups, and the fights lasted about a minute or so even then. Nasya was taking them each out in a few hits, and without appearing to put much effort into it.

    Then came the time when the first Bogy showed up. Nasya told me to just sit back and let her handle it, and reluctantly, I did. The fight was amazing.

    At one point in the fight, the Bogy appeared to get angry at the way it was being beaten so easily, and cast some kind of strange spell on Nasya. It looked rather powerful, and I was worried for a moment for Nasya's safety.

    But she simply shrugged it off and kept fighting like it was nothing. Soon after, the Bogy fell to her blades, and the Bloody Robe it wore was mine. With this, I had all three of the items needed for my subjob quest. Happy beyond belief, I thanked Nasya and started to head for Mhaura to give them to the old lady that my friends had told me would teach me how to use a subjob if I gave her a Wild Rabbit Tail, a cup of dhalmel saliva (that stuff smells HORRIBLE :dead: ), and a Bloody Robe. I believe her name was Vera. Unfortunately, in my excitement, I failed to notice the Bogy right in front of me, and he cast a Poisonga spell on me. Fortunately for me, though, Nasya came to my rescue again. I quickly used an antidote (I never leave home without one! ), then watched Nasya take out another Bogy. This time, she used a very impressive-looking weapon skill she called Cyclone.

    After quickly dispatching the annoying ghost, I ran up to Nasya and thanked her for all she was doing for me. I was so happy, and I get all clingy when I'm happy. :sweat:

    How in the hell I got a shot of the inside of a living Bull Dhalmel, I have no idea. :confused:

    ...Anyway, we headed on to Mhaura, where I went to talk to Vera. However, before I could even show her the items I had gathered, she dismissed me, saying I was still too inexperienced. I glared at her, about to give her a piece of my mind, but Nasya stopped me and told me that it was okay, and that I could come back a little later, and she'd definitely tell me how to use a subjob then. Still grumbling and glaring at the old woman's back, I grudgingly listened to Nasya, and we proceeded to the docks to buy ourselves tickets to Selbina. After a fairly long wait on the pier (at which point I passed the time by fishing), the boat finally showed up. There were a lot more people on the boat than the other times I had been on, but nothing more powerful than a Sea Monk showed up on the trip, so it was a fairly uneventuful trip besides that. On the way, I took a picture of Nasya, cause she's just so cool.

    After arriving in Selbina, Nasya said she wanted to come with me, Difinity, Komeu, and Wilber to help us with our mission. And we'd have been fools to pass her up on her offer. I got a pic of Difinity (whom I hadn't seen in such a long time; I'm so happy we got a chance to talk again and okay I'm digressing here backtotopicnow :sweat: ), Komeu, and Komeu's wyvern, Azure. (Azure is so cute~! )

    Everyone thinks that Difinity and Komeu make a cute couple. For their part, they just facefault and/or blush, but they don't deny it, either. :p But I still think Difinity would be better off with someone else... ::coughcoughmecough:: Ahem... anyway... We all proceeded to the La Theine Plateau, where we met up with Wilber at the Crag of Holla. Wilber decided that he was gonna take Komeu and Difinity to Bastok for part of their 6th mission (well, Difinity wasn't doing her mission; she was just visiting), leaving me and Nasya to go on our own to San d'Oria. I think it's just that Wilber doesn't like Nasya. >_>

    Anyway, Nasya and I headed to San d'Oria, where we proceeded to the Consulate of Windurst. I talked to the ambassadors there, and met a Hume adventurer by the name of Lion. (She was quite pretty, too. *purr* ) She told me what was going on here in San d'Oria, about how Orcs were getting more advanced armor and weaponry every day, dispite the fact they are very stupid and bad at crafting things. She said she was guessing that someone was using the Orcs, and that it should be investigated immediately. After she left, I talked to the consulate, who basically told me all of the things that Lion had just explained. She told me to head to Cheateau d'Oraguille to get my official orders. I headed there, and talked to the Elvaan the consulate had told me about. What she hadn't told me was that he was the most pompous, racist person ever born into the fine world of Vana'diel. He not only directly insulted the other nations, but all the non-Elvaan races, as well. I was about to chop off his balls and force feed them to him, then kick him a few times in the face, just for good measure, but, in an extreme act of control, I managed to restrain myself, remembering what the secretary back at Heaven's Tower had told me before I left: "Remember, whatever happens, that Windurst is a neutral country, and that we do not wish to engage in another Great War." So I figured that maiming a San d'Orian government official while acting as an ambassador of Windurst would probably not be a good idea. But oh, if I ever find him in a dark alley one day... *dreams of what she'll do to the bastard*

    ...Erm... yeah, so anyway, Nasya and I headed to the Ghelsba Outpost, where I was to find and kill the Warcheif Vatgit. Nasya led me through the fort, as she had been there before.

    Eventually, we came upon the Orc we were looking for. We took him on, and won fairly easily. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the battle. After that, we headed back to town and I reported back to the consulate. She congratulated me, and told me that she'd recommend me as an official adventurer.

    That's all for now. More tomorrow, maybe!

    Rank 10 All Nations
    Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
    Assault Rank: Captain
    Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
    Unique Quests complete: 465
    Maps Obtained: 79/79


    • #92


      • #93
        Hmmm...very interesting journal there Kyrie...I hope to be joining you soon....As soon as the PS2 versionof this game comes out...
        'Course i will need a world sure you can supply that...^_^


        • #94
          Wonderful journal.. plz keep it up:angel:


          • #95
            you have one of the best journals out right now !!


            • #96
              I love your journal it's so wonderful
              My Journal:
              Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark
              For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart
              Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why
              We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye
              In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?
              Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?
              Melodies of Life
              Never assume what you see or feel is ever real.


              • #97
                i still think you and wilber make a greak couple but........from the looks of it u just want to remain friends :p


                • #98
                  best journal i have read

                  without a doubt best journal ive read yet. i loved it , kept me wanting to go on and read more. i wish i can go to your server in march 23rd...but i have to go to Odin with my other friends.


                  • #99
                    Thanks again to everyone who reads this; I'm glad so many people are enjoying it. ^^ I got a lot more pics today. I started off the day at Buburimu Penninsula, where I was invited to join a party fighting Bull Dhalmels, Zus, and Goblins. Frostmourne, a member of my linkshell, joined us as well. Here's a pic of Ruja, our Tarutaru White Mage, casting a Protectra spell on us.

                    The monsters on the Buburimu Penninsula are quite strong, but we worked well together and fought hard, bringing down many a tough opponent. Here's a pic of us fighting a Goblin Mugger that snuck up on us while we were resting. (damn Goblins >_>)

                    Eventually, I felt satisfied with how much my strength had improved, and I left the party to head back home to Windurst. On the way there, I saw Nasya ride by on a chocobo and we waved to each other. She said said she was on her way to the Eldieme Necropolis on a quest. I wished her luck, and she said she'd need it. I'd hate to see the place that worries even someone as strong as her...

                    While I was in my Mog House, I decided that maybe now Vera would see me as being experienced enough to teach me how to use a support job. I took my Wild Rabbit Tail, cup of Dhalmel saliva, and Bloody Robe out of my safe and started my trek back to Mhaura. On the way out of town, I saw a cool-looking Dragoon wearing artifact armor, and just had to take a picture. :sweat:

                    The trip to Mhaura was uneventful. As soon as I reached the town, I headed to see Vera. She told me she'd tell me how to use a support job if I gave her a Wild Rabbit's Tail. Grinning, I gave her mine. She laughed, looking surprised, then explained that she had forgotten. She said that she had heard that Dhalmel saliva is good for memory, and asked me to get her some. I gave her my cup, glad to be rid of the foul-smelling liquid. It worked, and she remembered, but she wanted a Bloody Robe as proof that I was ready. Nearly giddy with excitement now, I handed over the Bloody Robe that Nasya was kind enough to get for me. She again looked surprised, and finally taught me how to use a support job.

                    After learning this long-awaited skill, I used a scroll of Instant Warp, teleporting back to Windurst to put my new skills to work.

                    Back in Windurst, I had my moogle change my main job to Monk, set my support job as Thief, and headed out to train as a Monk. While I was out there, I saw a Tarutaru summoner with Fenrir, an avatar I had heard rumors about recently. He was so cool-looking, I just had to take pics of him.

                    I trained and trained, getting stronger much faster than I ever did as a Thief. After awhile, I decided to take a break and do a bit of fishing at Lake Tepokalipuka (I swear, Tarutarus come up with the funniest-sounding names for things XD).

                    More training. I have the feeling I'm gonna be doing a lot of training for awhile. :sweat: Here I am resting, when a little Savannah Rarab hops up beside me.

                    Little does he suspect that doing so will mean his doom. >:D

                    Eventually I made my way to Giddeus, where I went to train some more. I decided to use the Yagudo Bead Necklaces that the Yagudos often dropped to work on my craft skills. Here I am turning one into 3 spools of Grass Thread with a Wind Crystal.

                    After tiring of Giddeus, I headed back to Windurst to empty my load of items. Here's a pic of me in my Mog House, using Earth Crystals to meld spools of Grass Thread into Grass Cloth. My plan is to keep making necklaces into threads, and threads into cloths, until I have 12 pieces of Grass Cloth, which I will then sell at the Auction House.

                    Well, that's all for now. Look for more sometime tomorrow!

                    Rank 10 All Nations
                    Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                    Assault Rank: Captain
                    Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                    Unique Quests complete: 465
                    Maps Obtained: 79/79


                    • Genius plan, Kyrie...with the grass cloths and all....

                      So you saw the new avatar..Wish I could have been there...

                      Anyways, keep up the good work!


                      • (if you can call any beastmen innocent )
                        If you want, you can read 'Joseaneaut's Mission' to gain a better understanding of the Beastmen.

                        I noticed we have the exact same birthday :sweat:, except I graduated from highschool in 2003(Thank god).


                        • Originally posted by Murasame

                          If you want, you can read 'Joseaneaut's Mission' to gain a better understanding of the Beastmen.
                          OOC: Actually, I have read that (I like Leadavox ^^), but like I said in the first post, unless otherwise noted, I'm writing this in character, and Kyrie doesn't know about that; thus, she only has met hostile beastmen. Very observant... um.... observation there, though.

                          (EDIT: Since I just got to Jeuno and met some friendly beastmen, Kyrie will most likely change her opinion at least somewhat :p)

                          Rank 10 All Nations
                          Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                          Assault Rank: Captain
                          Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                          Unique Quests complete: 465
                          Maps Obtained: 79/79


                          • OOC: Well, I was on for quite awhile last night (about 5 hours or so), and a lot happened, but unfortunately, FRAPS was being stupid again, and didn't save any of the pictures I took. :mad: And there were some really good ones, too. So anyway, I'll detail what happened, but no pics this time. I'll try and get some when I get home from school today. Okay, so back to in-character now:

                            I started off today by going to Giddeus for more training, as well as to get Yagudo necklaces for refining into squares of Grass Cloth through crystal synthesis. I got up to about 10 Grass Cloths while there, and got strong enough that my Thief sub became more help (from what Vera told me, my subjob can only ever be half as strong as my main job). This done, and my inventory almost full, I headed back to Windurst.

                            On the way home, Wilber contacted me and told me that his fiancé was on her way to Windurst, and he wanted to introduce us. I told him I'd meet him when I finished my business in town, and went to the Auction House and bought some new equipment (a Kenpogi (tunic), a pair of Kyahans (boots), a pair of Tekkos (gloves), a Hachimaki (headband), and a pair of Sitabiki (pants)). And guess what? It's the same outfit that Sheeana was wearing in one of my early entries! I love it!

                            Anyway, after finishing up everything I had to do in Windurst (which included not only shopping, but selling some stuff at the Auction House, as well as bringing some supplies to some people around town), I headed out Leviathan's Gate to meet Wilber and his fiancé. Her full name is Cerescole, but I just call here Celes. :p She seemed to be a Paladin at first glance, and sure enough, she was. But I soon found out she was subbing White Mage, and Wilber says she's also a Dark Knight sometimes. (OOC: She's a lvl 30 PLD, at least lvl 20 WHM, though probably 30 or higher, and Difinity told me that Wilber told her that she's also a lvl 30 DRK. I'm fairly sure she's a JP player, and for more reason than just those lvls, but Wilber says she's American. :confused: )

                            Anyway, the three of us got to talking, and I brought up how I like to travel, but that the strong monsters around the world prevent me from doing so. Celes offered to escort me to San d'Oria or Bastok, but I told her I'd been to Sandy, and that I was sure I could make it to Bastok, too. I mentioned that where I really wanted to go was Jeuno, and so she and Wilber offered to take me there right then and there! Excitedly, I headed back to my Mog House real quick to switch my main and subjobs and grab my Thief equipment, then met them back outside. We walked all the way there, not meeting any problems, even in Sauromugue Champaign (well, at least, not until the end). I pointed out to them how close I had gotten when I tried to sneak to the city on my own, and they remarked that it was indeed close, and pointed out that only about 10 or 15 yards farther, and I would've been safe. Funnily enough, after we passed the point where Wilber and Celes said that we'd be safe, a Sauromugue Skink snuck up and attacked Wilber. He was fine though, and held it off while Celes and I ran to Jeuno, using his Flee ability to catch up to us once it was safe.

                            Okay, so first impressions. All I can say is... wow. Jeuno is so COOL! It's huge, and there are airrrships flying through the airrr, and there's so many more people, and the Ducal Guards look cool, and eeeee!! *dances around happily* Okay, okay.... need to calm down. Hee hee... sorry about that. I get carried away when I'm excited, I'm afraid. *blush* Okay, so yeah... more calm first impressions. :sweat: Walking around Jeuno would give some less-informed than myself the impression that getting artifact armor is an easy thing to do. So many people have it... it was amazing. A lot even had job-specific equipment, which is supposed to be even harder to get. It's really amazing. I had taken a really nice picture (or at least, I thought I had >.>) of this couple, a female Hume White Mage and a male Hume Paladin, both wearing artifact armor; it was so cute... I wish I had it.

                            Okay, so I went exploring, and found a shop run by Goblins in Lower Jeuno, called Muchvix's Junk Shop. The Goblins seemed nice, but I still feel uneasy while I'm there... I've been assaulted by far too many Goblins to trust any of them right away. One of them, though, named Bluffnix, offered to upgrade my bag that I keep my items in if I brought him the supplies he needed to do it. (I think he wanted a square of Dhalmel Leather, a Steel Ingot, a Peridot, and a square of Linen; it's gonna be so expensive :dead: ). After visiting Muchvix's, I headed up to Upper Jeuno. I explored for a bit, but after a little while, I got tired and rented a room. I mumbled a greeting to my moogle, then collapsed on the bed. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I didn't realize how much the trip and the exploring and the excitement had taken out of me.

                            Well, I'll try and update either tonight or tomorrow, hopefully with some pics this time. :p

                            Rank 10 All Nations
                            Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                            Assault Rank: Captain
                            Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                            Unique Quests complete: 465
                            Maps Obtained: 79/79


                            • lol the best part of your journal is pictureless lol !

                              BTW I looked at your profile , which part of florida do you live in?


                              • Originally posted by Drawmuh
                                lol the best part of your journal is pictureless lol !

                                BTW I looked at your profile , which part of florida do you live in?
                                Heh, thanks! And I live in Sunrise, down in the bowels of Hel--erm, I mean.... in Broward County. :sweat:

                                Rank 10 All Nations
                                Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
                                Assault Rank: Captain
                                Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
                                Unique Quests complete: 465
                                Maps Obtained: 79/79

