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Corwynn-Red Mage: A Beginning

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  • #31
    Re: Corwynn-Red Mage: A Beginning

    LS leaders need breaks the most. I recall the leader of a LS i've been a part of for a LONG time almost quitting the LS, because things needed to be done, things were going on in his life, and no one else felt like organizing runs.

    Organizing is hard, I've done it, ad I have respect for all the LS leaders I've been in contact with.
    The Tao of Ren
    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


    • #32
      Re: Corwynn-Red Mage: A Beginning

      Oh that's where you went Ard @.@;

      I have more respect for what you were doing now because the organization in the LS now is really light.. Only Dynamis gets done anymore. :\

      Corwynn's Journal

      Red Mage for life.

      What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


      • #33
        Re: Corwynn-Red Mage: A Beginning

        Wow, this is an AWESOME post.. I haven't got to start playing yet (The game is still patching) But this entire topic makes me want to play SO badly.

