Here we go... I'm not too experienced at these things but I'll give it a go ^^. Anyway, like everyone else it began with the standard nearly naked Taru waving in Winudurst Walls
Yay... I get to cast magic with a newbie hat on!
Soon, I was able to buy a tunic. This turned out to be a bad decision however, since I just missed my hat so much :/.
I level up and celebrate while innocent Tarus drown
#3 on my top things to do as a Taru: Ride wyverns! (Behind /panic and hang around with Mithras of course )
I was proud of this... I thought I'd soloed my first NM! I am so powerful...
Finally! The tunic comes off! And now the look that I still have... The doublet! Isn't it... kinda nice? This is me at Bubu.
I keep my twin brother's head in my mog house... *sniff* I miss him so!
This is apparently... Me trying to hug the tree?
Finally, I'm getting close to the level where I can get my subjob! I decided to leave Buburimbu and head over to Valkrum. I heard it lacked mages anyway, and the quest was easier
. This is me debating with myself whether or not to go ondeck.
Well, I worked up the guts to check the door. Unfortunately for me, there happened to be a pugil aboard. I was so scared that I couldn't even take a good screenshot ><;
As I ran to (what I hoped was) safety, I began to hear the deadly music. This just made me even more antsy. Time to stop leveling enhancing spells - they might notice that ><! Here's me doing what Tarus do best while running below deck for my life. Ironically, my first ship trip was my only one without any company.
Well, despite the accused wrath of maneating pugils and pirates, I made it to Valkrum. I thought it was a nice place to level at....
Until... I finally got my subjob ability! Yay! Here's me looking cool in my rags while leveling BLM.
One strange thing about my BLM is the fact that monsters seem to love to graze near him while he's resting... Here's one of the many instances.
Enough BLM, back to Valkrum. Here's Maguss trying to play "Find the Digested Taru"
A view that has become accostomed to me when traveling... Standing back and cowering as others die and I can do nothing ><;. Eventually, I could finally make it up to them with raise ^^
Level 20! Time to go to Jeuno! My clone here looks spiffy... Too bad he's a lowly signet guy -_-;. I won't post any pics of Jeuno for you, because that city's too darn good for that.
For every Taru, there is a chocobo. Meet mine. He's a midget like me, of course.
Yay! Time to fight the dragon... Too bad I was too tense in the battle to take any pics :sweat: . We won by the way.
Here's me showing off my mog house. Everything here has paid off for me eventually... Except maybe the bucket that I left out of the picture... Although I really should've saved the extra cash on spells :sweat:
*sigh*... Some girls just won't touch a Taru with a 10-foot pole, no matter how many times we panic. Oh well, at least I was able to level fishing and cooking.
For those who haven't been, the top of Heaven's Tower is quite nice. Here's me debating whether I'll fall or not if I stand on the planetarium stand.
What had to be one of the most fun quests ever... Directly after one of the most annoying(assembling a party of Windurstians in San Doria ><). Anyway, here's the magnificent Taru party all lined up!
This thing scared me pretty badly the first time I saw it O_O. Eventually, I worked up the courage to go up to it and /poke it. Here's a pic of it eating a bird as an appetizer for me and my choco.
Ick.. Here's Quifim. I hate that place ><. If you'd notice, Zypha apparently decided to take up skiing. I'd think it'd hurt on a sword though :/.
Pretty self-explanatory... Ikarus here helped me accomplish my goal of the coolest hat in the game(that I can wear so far
) after killing 3 of these guys. Sleepshrooms were everywhere. And eventually....
Success! I found a great place to take a pic at the Ghelsba springs while hunting for my first Kazham key. Mine actually dropped off my first Orc ^^.
Eventually... to Bastok. Here's the only thing worth seeing from Bastok - Cid. The rest is too ugly to be displayed here XD. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be too interested in my new hat. His loss!
Finally, here's me after my airship ride into Kazham(those pics didn't turn out too well). Oh well, I've posted a ton of pics already. Thanks for reading! And now for the sharp-looking pic of me at the entrance to Kazham. Summoner here I come!

Comments? ^^

Yay... I get to cast magic with a newbie hat on!

Soon, I was able to buy a tunic. This turned out to be a bad decision however, since I just missed my hat so much :/.

I level up and celebrate while innocent Tarus drown

#3 on my top things to do as a Taru: Ride wyverns! (Behind /panic and hang around with Mithras of course )

I was proud of this... I thought I'd soloed my first NM! I am so powerful...

Finally! The tunic comes off! And now the look that I still have... The doublet! Isn't it... kinda nice? This is me at Bubu.

I keep my twin brother's head in my mog house... *sniff* I miss him so!

This is apparently... Me trying to hug the tree?

Finally, I'm getting close to the level where I can get my subjob! I decided to leave Buburimbu and head over to Valkrum. I heard it lacked mages anyway, and the quest was easier

Well, I worked up the guts to check the door. Unfortunately for me, there happened to be a pugil aboard. I was so scared that I couldn't even take a good screenshot ><;

As I ran to (what I hoped was) safety, I began to hear the deadly music. This just made me even more antsy. Time to stop leveling enhancing spells - they might notice that ><! Here's me doing what Tarus do best while running below deck for my life. Ironically, my first ship trip was my only one without any company.

Well, despite the accused wrath of maneating pugils and pirates, I made it to Valkrum. I thought it was a nice place to level at....

Until... I finally got my subjob ability! Yay! Here's me looking cool in my rags while leveling BLM.

One strange thing about my BLM is the fact that monsters seem to love to graze near him while he's resting... Here's one of the many instances.

Enough BLM, back to Valkrum. Here's Maguss trying to play "Find the Digested Taru"

A view that has become accostomed to me when traveling... Standing back and cowering as others die and I can do nothing ><;. Eventually, I could finally make it up to them with raise ^^

Level 20! Time to go to Jeuno! My clone here looks spiffy... Too bad he's a lowly signet guy -_-;. I won't post any pics of Jeuno for you, because that city's too darn good for that.

For every Taru, there is a chocobo. Meet mine. He's a midget like me, of course.

Yay! Time to fight the dragon... Too bad I was too tense in the battle to take any pics :sweat: . We won by the way.

Here's me showing off my mog house. Everything here has paid off for me eventually... Except maybe the bucket that I left out of the picture... Although I really should've saved the extra cash on spells :sweat:

*sigh*... Some girls just won't touch a Taru with a 10-foot pole, no matter how many times we panic. Oh well, at least I was able to level fishing and cooking.

For those who haven't been, the top of Heaven's Tower is quite nice. Here's me debating whether I'll fall or not if I stand on the planetarium stand.

What had to be one of the most fun quests ever... Directly after one of the most annoying(assembling a party of Windurstians in San Doria ><). Anyway, here's the magnificent Taru party all lined up!

This thing scared me pretty badly the first time I saw it O_O. Eventually, I worked up the courage to go up to it and /poke it. Here's a pic of it eating a bird as an appetizer for me and my choco.

Ick.. Here's Quifim. I hate that place ><. If you'd notice, Zypha apparently decided to take up skiing. I'd think it'd hurt on a sword though :/.

Pretty self-explanatory... Ikarus here helped me accomplish my goal of the coolest hat in the game(that I can wear so far

Success! I found a great place to take a pic at the Ghelsba springs while hunting for my first Kazham key. Mine actually dropped off my first Orc ^^.

Eventually... to Bastok. Here's the only thing worth seeing from Bastok - Cid. The rest is too ugly to be displayed here XD. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be too interested in my new hat. His loss!

Finally, here's me after my airship ride into Kazham(those pics didn't turn out too well). Oh well, I've posted a ton of pics already. Thanks for reading! And now for the sharp-looking pic of me at the entrance to Kazham. Summoner here I come!

Comments? ^^