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The Fun Brigade

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  • The Fun Brigade

    This happened the other night in the Dunes. So me and my party are all happy and having a grand ole time. We see a Hill Lizard, and prepare to striketh it down.

    As we run towards it, we see this little man run by. I dont think it's much. Then I see 5 Goblins(Butcher, Ambusher, Tinkere, Leecher, Gambler), 3 bats, and 8 Hill Lizards run behind him.

    Two words came out of all our mouths at about the same time. You can probably guess what that was. So we go running down the dunes screaming at the top of our lungs: "TRAIN! BIG TRAIN! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!"

    A few seconds later, about 40 people who were leveling in the dunes are standing outside the Highlands entrance, all freaking out. I take command and tell them to calm down, and I'm going to go have a look. I go in, it's clear, I come out, say it's good to go, and people begin to go in.

    Me and my party follow suite, and what happens? Before we even pass the Signet guy, a party runs by screaming "RUN FAST". I look ahead, and hear comes the "Fun Brigade" A Butcher, Tinker, Leecher, and two bats. Hoo boy.

    We escape again, and wait 3 minutes. I tell everyone to wait,I'm gonna go look. I walk in, and here comes mr.newb warrior Tolander. He walks right up to the three gobs returnign to their home points, and attacks the leecher. My god... he died three hits later, but NOT before leading them right back to the entrance.

    I retreat again, tell the news, people are getting annoyed. Five more minutes ,we go back in, some newb runs up, provokes the goblin butcher, who then links with the Leecher and Ambusher, and of course, zones, leading them RIGHT BACK to where we were.

    Escaped, and tried ONE final time.
    Guess what?
    Provoked, Linked, Zoned.

    FINNALY a high level came and took out the three gobs for us all. He was greatly thanked, and we all returned to our leveling.

    It was just another day in the world of Vana'diel, and one that made me want to say WTF?! many many times.
    Attached Files
    "people say I have an IQ of a towelrack, is that a compliment?"
    -Blade Syphon

  • #2
    Lemme get this straight, a couple of newbies trained all these monsters on purpose or by accident? lol.:sweat:
    Name: Zedro
    Race: Elvaan/Male
    Job: PLD/WAR
    Level: 50/25
    Server: Ramuh
    Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

    Status of import: Cancelled!!~
    Status of NA : Active


    • #3
      from the sound of it, the first train was on purpose, and the others following were cause by the newbs "taking a look"


      • #4
        I don't know, I've had 12 damselflys and a few gobs on me, and that was an accident :p

