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The Mad Adventures of Elpon

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  • #46
    To quote the Professor from Futurama "Good News Everyone"

    You know all those data accolate problems that you'd get on occausion cause of the site ran out of bandwidth? Well, say good bye to them. I just upgraded the site so that you will not run into this problem. I also have 12 extra mbs to add more content.

    Now to wait for my free HDD. *goes back to the window*
    Booya Grandma Booya


    • #47
      well it's a start

      yeah, the new site is up. For all of you with the main page bookmarked or shortcut(ted?), i recommend changing it to . Not only have i changed the main page address, but i'm featuring a special picture on the entrance page. I think everybody will get a real kick out of it.

      Anyway, till next time, i 'm out like a fat kid in dodge ball.
      Booya Grandma Booya


      • #48
        Ahahahaha! AWSOME front page man XD You drew it yourself? I'm just really glad you're back ^____^ I've been reading your journals all this time.. I havn't posted yet though.

        Anyways cheers!

        too bad you're not on Kujata T__T..

        Go taru melee!


        • #49
          Ok, it's been a while, a VERY long while, but i'm sorta back. Considering alot of people havea jorunal already and mine probably won't be as interesting, but i'm not going down with out a fight. Expect new updates soon. New Artwork, new journal entries, same great taste.
          Later, I'm out like a fat kid in dodge ball.
          Booya Grandma Booya


          • #50
            Where is the journal?

            All I see is chapter 1, back to basics, and when I click it, it tells me the site is underconstruction.

            Am I missing something?



            • #51
              yeah, the *new* journal hasn't been updated yet. The old journal is at
              That should bring you to the old adventures.

              Don't expect a new update for awhile, i'm too busy with school right now.
              Booya Grandma Booya


              • #52
                NICE JOURNAL

                GREAT JOURNAL..

                I was sad to see it end..

                Will you ever be coming back to FFXI?



                • #53
                  yes, i'm playing it right now.
                  <===look at my profile.
                  But like i said before i'm too busy with school to keep up the new journal. Expect more soon.
                  Booya Grandma Booya


                  • #54
                    well well well, i can't keep a promise. BUT, i am finally done with school. Now i can continue my journal in all it's glory. Expect more soon, really, i kid you not.
                    Booya Grandma Booya


                    • #55
                      yay gratz with school done, and continue ur journal, its the best!
                      The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


                      • #56
                        yes congrats with the school thingie and please continue ur journal it rocks

                        btw the taru-mithra intro in the new journal . Austin Powers : goldmember ? :p


                        • #57
                          Well, i would be lying if i didn't use some of the visual humor from goldmember (foxy lady/evil clone). I thought that joke was hilarious. But i've heard it before in other jokes such as "Do you have any polish in you? Well, would you like to?" and jokes of that nature. Funniest of all is i said those same lines in the game once back in beta. I'm not sure if it's in the old journal or not. 1000 gil to whoever can find it.

                          Out like a fat kid in dodgeball (i have to see that movie)
                          Booya Grandma Booya


                          • #58
                            An update, woo!

                            I have a problem. I give false promises. Time after time, i said i would update and i didn't. I don't even know if it have fans anymore. So to say i'm sorry, i have added one page to the journal (there will be more) and an art section. This will feature sketches, full color pictures and hopefully comics.

                            Took me forever to figure out the layout to the art section but it's done. So with that i take my leave, see you soon, i promise.
                            Booya Grandma Booya


                            • #59
                              New Sketch

                              Well, i said i wasn't going away and i ment it. While i didn't added new pages yet (they're in the works and will be done soon), i have added a new sketch in celebration of Summerfest. Yeah, i'm kinda of sick of it too, but i'm sure this sketch will rekindle your love for some sick little way. ENJOY!
                              Booya Grandma Booya

