Before I go to bed I hit lvl 7 so this is me in leather armor as a DRK.
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Sorry guys for the low updates. I keep forgetting to turn on Clipper so all I have are screenshots using the crappy FFXI initial one but I took some good ones and I don't want to waste them, so plz mind the quality.
I really got mad at this one because this was my first airship ride after I got the Khazam pass and I took tons of screenshots not realizing my Clipper was not on. So this is the onyl shot I had menu off so the only shot I got with the initial FFXI screenshot taker. Non the less airships are one of the main reasons why this game blow all MMORPGs out of the water
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Humbug well the Christmas season is starting out well for me. About 3 days after I settled the billing dispute my computer took a crapper and its worse then the last time it did it 2 months ago. Because of its age (2 years) it maybe the harddrive taking a nose dive. So I'm taking it in to see whats worh more either revamping my old PC or scrapping the whole thing and buying another. All it means at least though is no FFXI for me for at least a week(I had no FFXI for a 1 1/2 years and not one problem with my PC and now a month after I get it
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