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The Adventures of Darklighter - The Oxymoron Mithra

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  • #61
    Before I go to bed I hit lvl 7 so this is me in leather armor as a DRK.
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    • #62
      Hope to see more from you, great job and keep up the good work!


      I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

      If Practice Makes Perfect, And Nobody Is Perfect, Then Why Practice?


      • #63
        Sorry guys for the low updates. I keep forgetting to turn on Clipper so all I have are screenshots using the crappy FFXI initial one but I took some good ones and I don't want to waste them, so plz mind the quality .

        I really got mad at this one because this was my first airship ride after I got the Khazam pass and I took tons of screenshots not realizing my Clipper was not on . So this is the onyl shot I had menu off so the only shot I got with the initial FFXI screenshot taker. Non the less airships are one of the main reasons why this game blow all MMORPGs out of the water .
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        • #64
          A shot of the most useless 2 hour ever called "Blood Weapon" (man Dark Knights really got screwed with a cool looking 2 hour and AF armor but both of them useless).
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          • #65
            As a former BLM and now a DRK I didn't get to have many WS so I am happy to see the coolness of the Great Sword WS (I'll get scythe screenshots soon).

            First WS "Hard Slash" (BONK)
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            • #66
              Second WS "Power Slash" (the burning rings of death)
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              • #67
                I know I love the looks of all armors in the game so I'll update with a screenshot everytime I upgrade. Here it is my DRK now in Scale Mail and wearing my prized Fungus Cap (el pimpo cap).
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                • #68
                  Here is me and my Mithra opposite and the light to my darkness Sabre (this is because we're both mithras and she started out as a WHM and became a PLD and I started as a BLM and became a DRK, so we have always been opposites ).
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                  • #69
                    Last screenshot for this update which is me in my so far most recent armor my Lizard armor.

                    PS: I'm having billing information problems right now so no FFXI for me for a few days .
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                    • #70
                      Humbug well the Christmas season is starting out well for me. About 3 days after I settled the billing dispute my computer took a crapper and its worse then the last time it did it 2 months ago. Because of its age (2 years) it maybe the harddrive taking a nose dive. So I'm taking it in to see whats worh more either revamping my old PC or scrapping the whole thing and buying another. All it means at least though is no FFXI for me for at least a week (I had no FFXI for a 1 1/2 years and not one problem with my PC and now a month after I get it ).


                      • #71
                        YAAA COMPUTER IS UP AND BETTER THEN EVER. I got my computer fixed and upgraded to a Geforce4 FX5200. So time for an update.

                        First picture a friendly paladin named Zig in some kick ass armor (drool).
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                        • #72
                          Here is a cool shot of Jueno and its lively nature (well if sitting is lively ).
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                          • #73
                            I had to get enough fame so I could get Scroll of Drain quest (you would know why if you saw the price of that scroll) so I started doing quests. Here is one from Mrs. One Eye.
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                            • #74
                              I had to go to the top of Ghelsba so I smacked around any weak NM on the way (this jerk didn't drop anything ).
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                              • #75
                                Killing masses of orcs is always on the menu MUHAHAHA!!!! thats for picking me on when I was little .
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